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May 1977

Ryan's Hope

Seneca learned Frank is Edmund's father but kept it under wraps when he learned Jill and Frank are on the outs. Tom used Maeve to butter up Jack. Roger researched Seneca's Canadian background.  Dee plotted a fake miscarriage after Mary slapped her during an argument. Tom chastized Pat for being Jack's source for the devastating column Jack wrote about the hospital. Jack was released from the hospital, wavered about Mary's loving attention, but rejected taking part in natural childbirth. Seneca gave in to Roger's threats. Clem hired Alicia. Pat and Maeve fell for Dee's miscarriage story. Jack was refused admittance to Mary's delivery room when he arrived drunk. She gave birth to a girl. The baby was named Ryan Maeve Fenelli. Bucky offered money to Alicia after her paycheck was stolen. Seneca ordered Bucky to stop pestering him to tell Jill the truth about Edmund's father. Pat told Faith he's sticking with Dee. Alicia was accused of theft. Money was found in her purse, but Bucky confessed he put it there to help her out. She accepted a date with Bobby. Dee learned Alicia's working at the hospital and told her never to mention the miscarriage to anyone. Jack fumed when he learned his baby was named Ryan.

All My Children

After David witnessed one of Christina's hallucinations, he told her that her father had bribed her former lover, Hadley, to leave her. Phil stabilized, and Tara decided to tell little Phil about her pregnancy. Anne tried to join Beth.  Anne was rushed to the hospital emergency room after taking an overdose of sleeping pills. Nick agreed with Mona to divert Erica from Mark. Kitty wants to adopt a child. Jeff told Christina that her ghostly visitations are a projection of her guilt feelings. Christina admitted to David that she had accidentally killed her father. Kitty realized that Linc and Myrtle tried to hide the fact that Kitty's terminally ill. Anne came out of a coma, but didn't acknowledge Paul. Brooke agreed not to see Benny after Danny admitted his love for her.  Ann was committed to a mental institution. Danny comforted Phoebe. Frank assured Carolyn that Nancy is gone for good. Kitty insisted to her doctor that no one learn that she knows she's going to die. Donna failed her high school equivalency test.  Mona blew the whistle on Erica and Mark, but Erica refused to face the possibility that she and Mark are brother and sister. Christina took a leave of absence and continued to have memory lapses.

One Life to Live

Marco blackmailed Karen into getting him a job with Tony. Dorian came out of seclusion and played up to Joe, who's having dizzy spells. Larry bought Karen's dream house. Samantha and Naomi argued about the birds and the bees. Marco came on strong to Lana and tried to get a job with Dorian.  Matt told Dorian he's the only one who loves her. Karen admitted to Jenny she's bored with being a mother, but Larry rejected hiring a nanny for Danny. Will was jealous of Brad flirting with Jenny.  Tony wrote Pat that it's best to avoid each other. Naomi had a fit over Samantha and Marco. Will assured Samantha that Naomi's problems are psychosomatic. Cathy asked Larry for his help with her marriage. Vicki feared Kevin had botulism.  Vicki and Kevin went to Dorian's country home for a rest, while Dorian convinced Joe to get tests for his dizzy spells. Will chastized Brad for borrowing money for his health club against Naomi's life insurance.

General Hospital

Laura realized she had taped Monica's threatening argument with Lesley, who resolved to fight back. Tom admitted to Lee that he's still in love with Audrey.  Diana forgave Heather who refused to reveal her baby's father. Jeff leveled with Monica about Heather. The adoption agency rejected the Taylors because of Diana's past.  Terri remembered everything and told Mary Ellen she intended to inform Mark. Rick failed to reconcile with Lesley, and she took a leave from the hospital. Tom planned to move away with Tommy. Martha helped Mike hide out in the Taylor basement.  Mary Ellen slashed her wrists and was put under Peter's care. Fearing that Mary Ellen would carry out her threats against Mark, Terri told him she doesn't love him. During Lesley's absences Monica wormed her way into Rick's life again. Diana found Mike. Monica wouldn't listen to Jeff's excuses for his affair with Heather. Diana agreed to buy Heather's baby but kept Peter uninformed. Gina discovered Heather may have toxemia of pregnancy. Terri joined Lesley in Venice. Monica told Jeff she wants a no-fault divorce.

Edge of Night

Mike was arrested, but Nancy confessed that she, too, was with Beau the day he was murdered. Danny was questioned about Niven's death. Nicole refused to consider an abortion until all the tests are in. April bad-mouthed Miles' wife to Nicole. Nadine confronted Raven about her affair with Ansel. Ira decided to present Mike's prosecution to the grand jury rather than allowing Draper to do it.  Draper and April were smitten with each other. Laurie was deep in depression after the grand jury indicted Mike for murder. Timmy returned to the Karrs. Tracy grew frantic when Inez's madam, Mrs. Yost, tried to set up a meeting. Laurie threatened Inez with a fake gun but Inez stuck to her story about witnessing Mike kill Beau. Nicole and Draper helped Miles try to convince April to have heart surgery. Danny refused to help Tracy, who's having financial problems. Deborah and Steve were reunited. Tracy moved in with Johnny and Laurie after she was evicted from her place. Nicole was depressed that Adam is spending all of his time on Mike's case.

May 1978

All My Children

Returning from vacation, Jeff discovers Christina is being held for the murder of David. Tara is upset because a romantic evening with Philip is spoiled by an emergency call. Linc is trying to determine if Kitty was Kelly’s twin sister. Phoebe discovers Brooke and Man making love in the beach house. Billy Clyde asks Estelle to marry him just before Benny tells Estelle he’s crazy about her. Phoebe’s plan to throw Brooke out of the house is thwarted when Brooke realizes Phoebe was never paralyzed. Tara is angry when Phil refuses to have dinner with Donna and Chuck – a dinner planned by Donna to keep an eye on Tara and Chuck’s friendship.

Christina is booked and held for psychiatric observation in the murder of David Thornton. Jeff discovers David was pilfering digitoxin from the hospital. Ruth tells Phil his jealousy of Chuck is unreasonable. Tara and Chuck both dream they are together again. Furious when Dan tells her they are through because he can’t concentrate on his school work, Brooke swears to get even. Kelly’s agent, Eddie wants her to return to Chicago for a nightclub gig, but she lands a singing job at the Chateau and finds out Kitty was her twin. Learning from Erica that Paul and Ellen saw each other in New York, Phoebe tells Paul his behavior is abominable. He tells her to mind her own business. Mark accuses Paul of trying to take Ellen away from him.

Nancy almost suffers a miscarriage, but Frank manages to save the baby. David’s funeral is held. Kelly, grateful to learn Kitty is her twin, tells Linc and Myrtle she isn’t and cannot be Kitty. When Eddie insists Kelly get more for performing at the Chateau, Linc secretly pays the difference. Rebuffed by Tom in favor of Erica, Brooks recalls her sad, unloved childhood. Devon spots Dan and Brooke cuddling in the library. Mark buys Ellen a diamond ring. Paul and Ellen’s friendship continues to grow.

Billy Clyde makes certain Benny and Estelle stay away from each other by intercepting their phone calls. When Billy Clyde promises she can quit streetwalking, Estelle agrees to marry him. Jeff sets out to prove that Dottie switched the glass containing poisoned wife, accidentally causing David’s death. Ellen tells Mark she cannot accept his engagement ring. Mel Jacobi’s wife, B.J., threatens to take their child and leave him unless he quits the police force. Devon continues to pretend she didn’t see Dan and Brooke cuddling in the library. Edna takes the apartment in Donna and Chuck’s building.

General Hospital

Fearing that Lamont will destroy Mark’s career, Katie tells a stunned Mark that she can’t give up all the material things that go with being Mrs. Lamont Corbin to marry him. What he doesn’t know is that privately she refuses to share Lamont’s bed. Laura tells Rick and Lesley she slept with Scotty, hoping they won’t find out about her relationship with David. Rick suspects her story is a cover for something more sordid. Mr. Rooney’s attracted to Jessie. Diana’s mother arrives in Port Charles; Due to drink and frustration over Gail’s attitude, Lee is neglecting his work.

Jeff asks Heather to marry him. Scotty sobers Lee up and takes him to dinner with Gail and Bobbie. When he starts drinking again the next day, Lee tells Scott to leave him alone. Spying on his meeting with the Hauser Corp., Monica realizes the mysterious Mr. Slattery is David. Learning of David’s scheming, Rick is determined to stop him any way he can. Although her mother is babysitting for her, Diana refuses to go to a party when the baby cries. When Susan’s former lover gives her a bad time, Peter steps in. At a party for the hospital, Lamont needles Mark. Although Katie goes to bed with Lamont, she doesn’t respond to his lovemaking. Lamont is concerned about the episodes of numbness in his hand.

Just as David is going to leave Port Charles, Laura arrives at his apartment. David tells her he never loves her and makes fun of the love letters she wrote him. Furious, Laura flails at him with his fists and is stunned to see him fall. Lesley finds Laura in a trance out in the hallway and David dead on the floor. Lesley tells the police she killed him when he tried to rape her. Scotty leaves Bobbie when he discovers Lee drunk. Unable to sober Lee up, Rick asks Howard to represent Lesley. Lamont is readmitted to the hospital.

Police are suspicious of Lee’s confession of having killed David, because tests reveal he was not drunk as she said he was. Nor was he killed by a blow from a statue. Mark learns Lamont deposited $15.000 in his bank account to make it look as though Mark had something to do with a land swindle. Everyone is aware that David was the mysterious Mr. Slattery who was tryng to sell land to the hospital for a new cardiac wing. Monica and Alan plan a June wedding. Alan’s jet-set sister Tracy will come to the event. Finally aware of Lee’s drinking problem, Gail promises Scotty she will help him.

Edge of Night

Learning Raven is pregnant, Kevin moves out of the house. Carol is fired after Denise makes it appear that she was negligent in an intensive care case. Logan is aware that he would be the father if Raven had a baby. Furious over Kevin’s response, Raven plots to get even.

The crime commission decides to reopen its investigation of Tony Saxon’s business dealings. In order to stop the investigation, Chip throws acid in Mike Karr’s face. Seeking revenge because Kevin left her, Raven lies to April that Draper is the father of her unborn child. Carol Barclay intends to fix Denise because she got her fired.

Mike’s eyesight endangered by the acid Chip throws in his face. Deborah graduates from police academy. Steve hopes he will be assigned as Deborah’s senior partner. With Miles out of town, Nicole is dating her boss. Feeling guilty because he never told Raven he was sterile and upset over her pregnancy, Kevin turns to drink.

Following a visit from Raven, April suffers severe stomach pains; her obstetrician puts her to bed. Hoping Draper will confess he is the father of Raven’s child as Raven claims, April tells him Raven is pregnant, but Draper only offers his congratulations. Although doctors refuse to give any kind of prognosis, Mike is certain his eyesight will return. Deborah and Steve are assigned to find out who threw acid at Mike’s face. Although Tony didn’t order Chip to throw the acid, he fears he’s under heavy suspicion. But Deborah comes across a clue that indicates Chip was responsible.

May 1979

All My Children

Tara is upset at the prospect of Phil taking an out-of-town government assignment. Phoebe is gladdened by the discovery that Charlie still considers her his grandmother. Myrtle helps Kelly plan how to overcome her pill addiction. Wally’s mother holds little hope his marriage to Devon will succeed. With Caroline in North Carolina, Frank dreams of one day being a full-time father to Carl. Mark’s latest attempt to reunite with Ellen is futile. Estelle agrees to stay with Donna and Chuck if she can help with the housework and the baby once it arrives. Russ tells a recuperating Nancy why he considers her more than a friend. Billy Clyde swears to Letty Jean that if he can’t have Estelle, nobody will.

Phil decides to accept the job as an undercover narcotics agent in Washington D.C.. Ruth is suffering early morning queasiness and dizzy spells. When Brooke answers Mark’s phone, Erica decides to break up what she figures is a budding romance by having Dan learn about it. Phoebe causes a deep rift in Benny and Estelle’s affair. Langley turns his attention from Edna to Phoebe when he sees bigger dollar signs. After Chuck collapses at the hospital, he and Donna plan a getaway vacation to Willow Lake. With Claudette still away, Eddie plans to remodel the Chateau.

Realizing Brooke and Mark are having an affair, Dan decides to leave Pine Valley, then changes his mind. Tom learns that Erica made sure Dan found Brooke and Mark together. Aware that Dottie doesn’t like him and that Phoebe has more money than Edna, Langley turns his attention to the Tyler mansion. Kelly, falling for Linc, fears he only cares for her because she reminds him of Kitty – an idea planted by Phoebe. When Tom turns down a cologne endorsement, Erica promises the company they can have both Mr. and Mrs. Tom Cudahy in the ad. To Myrtle’s disappointment, Kelly is going away for a couple of days with Eddie while the Chateau is being refurbished.

Phil, Tara and Charlie depart for Washington, D.C.. Medical exam shows Ruth is pregnant. Brooke tells a heartbroken Dan she wants to end relations with him because it’s Mark she loves. But Mark tells Brooke he considers her little more than a hooker whom he never wants to see again. Suffering from a strangulated hernia, Billy Clyde refuses surgery until Estelle agrees to return to him. Calling from Carolina, Caroline informs Frank she’s going to file for divorce.

When Dr. Clayton discovers that Donna’s unborn baby is dead, he informs Chuck who decides not to tell Donna since she must still deliver it or risk losing her life. At Father Tierney’s suggestion, Tom tries to persuade Erica to attend a marriage encounter clinic; she agrees providing he agrees to endorse cologne in a national advertising campaign. Ruth and Joe plan to wait a few months before announcing her pregnancy. Dan confronts Mark at a bar but is too drunk to fight effectively. In the hospital, Billy Clyde is having bad dreams of being left by his mother.

One Life to Live

Admitting he still loves her, Larry tells Karen he can’t take her back; they discuss divorce. Karen lands a job as a receptionist. Facing possibily of paralysis, Jack decides he wants Carla and Ed to reconcile. Stunned, Pat learns from Adam that he is an epileptic and they can no longer see each other. Samantha is having second thoughts about marrying Tony. Unable to stand pressure of his father being held for the murder of Marco, Greg prepared to leave Llanview.

At the altar, Samantha bolts from the church without saying “I do” to Tony. Taking refuge at Dick’s, Samantha discovers photos of Pat. Going off deep end by her discovery, Dick keeps her hostage. Adam and Pat are unable to reach a decision about their marriage. Carla and Ed discuss divorce. Edwina writes a newspaper column revealing Adam’s epilepsy. Faith Kipling moves to Llanview.

Ed turns down the offer to run for political office because of his impending divorce from Carla. Jack tries to walk. The discovery of Samantha’s blood-stained wedding dress makes everyone fear she is dead. Pat is beginning to realize that Dick is unbalanced. Karen is devastated when she’s fired from her job. Joe warns Tina to stay away from Mario but she considers he’s unfairly trying to pin Marco’s sins on Mario.

Following Dick, Pat discovers the warehouse where Samantha is being held prisoner by Dick, and is made a prisoner herself. Larry discovers that the woman Danny thinks is his mother is Faith Kipling. Adam and Dorian seek finalization of their business dealings.

Police capture Dick and take him into custody while Pat and Samantha are freed. An ailing Jenny is hospitalized and may miscarry. Tina is saddened when a stoned Greg returns to Llanview and comes on too strong. Greg refuses to take Mario's advice about getting off drugs; Mario warns him to keep away from Tina. Joe suggests that Tina not be allowed to see Mario but Viki disagrees. Jack admits to Jim he cannot help feeling sorry for himself. Larry is enchanted by Faith Kipling. Both Adam and Paul Kendall are interested in Pat.

General Hospital

When Tracy shows him sign-out sheets proving that Monica and Rick left the hospital together, Alan confronts Monica. Monica admits only to spending an innocent night with Rick; when Alan refuses to believe her, Monica moves out. Rick resumes surgery schedule but continues to shut out Lesley. Diana is driven closer to insanity thanks to Heather’s machinations. Tracy promises Mitch he will win bid for Senate nomination. Howard disapproves of Gary’s friendship with Tracy and Susan. Both Laura and Scotty are disappointed by Lee’s refusal to talk Rick into letting them marry in September. Luke fears he’s in trouble with the mob. Bobbie is curious about her boyfriend Roy’s job. Deciding he wants no part of Monica, Alan turns to Susan.

Anne feels certain she will lose Jeremy to Jeff and Heather. Heather makes Diana think Maggie is purposely hiding things to frustrate her. Susan persuades Jeff to place an ad in the newspaper seeking information about Steven Lars. Angry because Heather never sent him the money, Cal warns her he wants $5.000 immediately or he’ll contact Jeff. When Scotty agrees, it would be best to wait till September to marry. Laura says she’ll never trust him again. Discovering Scotty talking to Bobbie, Laura throws her engagement ring at him and says they are through. Alan is trying to make Rick incompetent to Edward.

Scotty is in a tailspin because Laura returned his engagement ring and he lets his bar exam studies slide. When Heather makes it look like Maggie falsified the babysitting schedule, Diana fires her. Now babysitting for P.J., Heather plots to adopt Jeremy, send him off to boarding school, and use his estate money to pay off Cal Jamison. With help from Susan, Jeff writes to Canadian officials in an attempt to find Cal, but Heather plans to intercept the letter. Gary and Gina are fighting over his book. Bobbie gets Roy to steal Laura’s engagement ring from Scotty, so she can wear it in front of Laura before it is returned. Learning that Alan is making it look as though Rick is incompetent, Monica tells him to stop. Alan throws her out of the apartment.

Laura is shocked when she goes to Scotty's apartment and discovers a scantilyclad Bobbie wearing Laura's engagement ring around her neck. Unaware that Bobbie drugged him, Scotty cannot understand what is going on. Rick is taken off the Hardwick cardiac project. Edward is furious when he realizes Tracy is willing to sell all her Quartermaine stock to finance Mitch's campaign. Gina's decision to stay in Port Charles and work while Gary goes to New York for a meeting with publishers further strains their marriage. Just as Alan is making up his mind to believe in Monica and to patch up their marriage, Rick and Monica rediscover their love for each other and take to bed.

In need of a spleen-ectomy following a car crash, Laura is taken into surgery. When the operating surgeon is accidentally cut by scalpel, Rick, who had been observing, takes over and saves her life. Alan begs Monica to take him back. Watching Rick comforting Lesley in the hospital corridor, Monica senses her hopes of getting back with Rick are impossible. Heather's mother realizes the only reason she wants to adopt Jeremy is to use his inheritance to pay off Cal Jameson. At a pawn shop, Susan learns Heather pawned her mother's wedding ring for money. Jeff is wondering why no Canadian papers have run his ad in search of Steven Lars.

Edge of Night

Studying the tape, Mike spots something unusual and thinks he may be able to get Winter off the hook for murder. April is surprised when she walks into Margo’s and discovers Elliot and Sara snuggling. Sara asks Elliot if she can have some of the jewelry he took in the burglary he staged of Margo’s apartment. Draper tells Mike he thinks Winter is guilty.

When it is realized that the coat Winter is wearing in the damning video tape is not the one witnesses have established her as wearing the night Wade was murdered, Drape convinces the jury that the tape was faked. Tank, now the leading suspect in Wade’s murder, plans to kidnap the exonerated Winter. Mike is suffering from headaches and blurred vision. Without telling Draper, Margo plans to buy a house for him and April. Police think maid Sara may have robbed Margo’s apartment.

Tank, in a rooftop shootout with the police, falls to his death when Winter pries his fingers loose from the ledge of the building. Logan and Raven are about to get married. Nicole discovers that Winter sent the phony tape to the D.A. making it look as if she were being framed. Everyone by now is realizing that Winter did murder Wade. Draper is not pleased that April wants a house, and would be less pleased if he knew Margo would be providing the down payment.

April and Draper are talking about buying a home. Elliot is upset to learn that Margo gives him only $3.000 extra for restaurant but shells out $35.000 for down payment on April's dream house. Draper is suspicious over low cost of the house unaware that Margo is helping with the financing. When Nicole lets drop a remark about the tape of Wade's murder that freed Winter, Winter realizes she may be on to something and decides to get rid of her. Raven weds Logan Swift.

Winter slips Nicole sleeping pills trying to make it look as if she accidentally took an overdose, but the plot fails because the pills were merely placebos. Still wanting to get rid of Nicole, Winter starts writing threatening letters in an attempt to frighten her. Deborah is involved with juvenile delinquent Joey Dangler and his bartender brother. When Steve proposes to Deborah in front of April and Draper, she turns him down.

May 1980

Ryan's Hope

Jack bugged Joe's office for information on Tizo's drug dealing. Barry came on to Dee and invited her to Boston. Rae and Seneca disapproved of Kim dating Michael, since he works for Tizo. Barry lined up Otto Preminger, Van Johnson and Betsy Palmer for Dee's restaurant opening. Siobhan was suspicious of Joe’s every move. Joe and Tizo got violent about Joe’s desire to get out of the mob.

Dee threatened to sue after drunken Faith prescribed the wrong medication for an ailing Little John. Kim continued to use Michael to make Seneca jealous. Frank and Jill argued over Jill’s work priorities. Dee introduced Rae to everyone as Roger's lover at the successful opening of the Crystal Palace. Jack shot Tizo in an argument.

Jack was wounded before he broke Tizo's neck. Siobhan refused to run off with Joe, who split after swearing he wasn't involved in Mary's murder. Siobhan retaliated that his drug business was the cause. Barry convinced Dee not to sue Faith. Frank talked Faith out of resigning since little John is mending. Joe was reported murdered. Kim lied to Michael that Seneca had led her down the garden path.

Jill was swept away by the attentions of Barry's singing client, Ken George Jones. Frank convinced Faith to seek AA help. Kim entertained Michael while Rae was away. Dee was afraid the Ryans would learn about her business deal with Tizo but he had deeded the Crystal Palace in her name. Jack and Siobhan were placed in protective custody.

All My Children

Ellen warned Devon to drop her affair with Sean before Wally found out. Ann was hurt that Ellen wouldn't be her friend. Palmer became concerned when Nina had vision problems. Phoebe blabbed to Benny that she'd seen Edna kissing Hank. Her movie career down the tubes, Erica returned to Pine Valley to find Brooke in Tom's embrace. Anne offered to stay in the background while Paul campaigns for public office. Kelly was refused a job at the Chateau. Russ boasted to Nancy that he is succeeding in taking Carl’s affections away from Frank.

Daisy accepted an invitation to attend Brooke’s engagement party for Nina after learning Palmer would be out of town. Erica tried to convince Tom to hire her as his restaurant hostess. Langley agreed to sign Phoebe's premarital agreement after learning he'd get a sizable inheritance should she die. Benny walked out on Edna who insisted she loved him. Betsy took Frank home from the hospital and arranged for Nancy to bring Carol to visit Frank. Sean made a date with Sybil while Devon reluctantly left on a belated honeymoon with Wally. Tom assured Brooke he wouldn't reconcile with Erica.

Devon had pregnancy symptoms and told Sean he's the father. Estelle hit the skids in Center City and has a viral infection. Edna failed to woo Benny back. Ann finally suspected that Paul was intimate with Ellen while Ann was institutionalized. Monique told Nina she can't meet Palmer since he'd once kicked her and her former husband out because of a business mess. Tom told Erica she could have her old job but he's continuing with divorce action. Donna and Chuck moved into their new home. Tom blew up at Sean for using Devon to get a job at Harlan's bank. Daisy cried when Cliff thanked her for filling a void in Nina's life.

Edna called Hank to her side after Benny rushed to hold Estelle's hand in the hospital. Charlie was jealous that Tad is goo-goo eyed over Suzanne. Erica tried every trick in the book to win back Tom. Myrtle remembered that Langley is a con-man who once tried to steal her purse in her carnival days. Nancy was upset that Betsy visits Frank in Carl's presence. Monique (Daisy) skipped out on Nina's party when she was almost spotted by Phoebe. Chuck and Donna consider adoption. Benny had forgiven Edna's first transgression with Hank, but he mooned over Estelle and called Chuck to doctor her.

One Life to Live

Tom stole Viki's purse and keys, searched her office, took a small photo of Tina and later was spotted by Tina as he lurked about Viki's house. Becky put off telling Richard that she was pregnant, fearing he'd nix her Nashville gig. Asa was upset to learn that Mimi has been seeing Will professionally and rushed to tell Will that his relationship with Sam is purely business. Bo tried to buy Bruce’s airline company to impress Pat. Mario warned Peter that Katrina would probably take Mary away from Jenny if she knew the truth. Dorian offered Melinda’s doctor a large ‘donation” to testify that Melinda is mentally incompetent.

Mario unsuccessfully tried to keep Peter from learning that Katrina had returned from her vacation. Tom stole Tina's diary and a letter from her mother after letting himself in Viki’s house. Tina noticed the missing items. Asa and Bo laid aside their feuding in an attempt to get to know each other better. Mario tried to get Pat to start seeing Bo again. Mick caught Tina and her boyfriend, Hal swimming at the health club late at night. Will sent to get Brad who was beat up before he was released from prison.
Brad was hospitalized with injuries suffered in the prison shower before he was released. Asa joined Samantha's vigil over Brad, who's on the mend. Jenny couldn't force herself to help Brad by admitting love. Tom returned Tina's diary, but not before she accused Becky of stealing it. Viki nixed further dates with her lawyer, Doug, then got a call from Tom saying he has news concerning Tina's past. Dorian didn't get custody of Melinda, who's not well enough to go through a divorce. Karen taunted Peter that he'd ruin many lives if he told Jenny the truth about Mary. Mick fumed at Samantha's dependence on Will and Brad.

Tom told Viki that he is Ted Clayton, Tina's father. Tina got Mick to her bed, but he wants no more to do with her. Pat visited Bo's Texas ranch. Karen and Ed grew closer after she was released from the hospital. Dorian learned about Ted, while Richard had Ed check out Ted's past. Johnny admitted he's hung up on Becky but won't go further since she's pregnant. Peter spotted Jenny praying for Brad, who survived another medical emergency. Tina turned her seductive attentions toward Johnny. Karen and Pat decided to put aside their past differences.