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Monday, December 1, 2014

December 1979

All My Children

Palmer made payments to a man for keeping quiet about Daisy. Myra spotted them. Linc's hypnosis ploy for Kelly's defense was turned down since she's withdrawing from drug addiction. Phoebe told Charles he’ll pay through the nose for a divorce. Brooke consoled Tom who insisted he's getting an anullment from Erica. Nina didn't believe Cliff's birth certificate proof. Donna was jealous of the time Chuck spent with Charlie. Frank thanked Russ for operating on Carl. Edna refused Phoebe's offer to move with Benny into stable quarters.

Erica's life crumbled around her when Tom refused her sexual ploy to win him back. Cliff puzzled about Janice's disappearance after seeing Nina. Kelly's detoxification program seems to be working. Myra tailed a Mr. Rab, who has been meeting secretly with Palmer. Charles refused Phoebe's divorce agreement. Anne went bananas at the mention of Beth's name. Tad has a girlfriend.

Things looked bleak for Kelly when the prosecutor proved she had a motive, since Eddie had willed her all his money. Myra ordered Palmer to reunite Nina and Cliff or Myra would spill the beans that Palmer had used Mr. Rab to pay Janice to lie. Devon and Bonnie returned, leaving Wally in St. Louis. Ann's doctor told Phoebe that Ann could spend Christmas at home. Chuck got closer to Charlie and Tara while Donna fumed. Mona pointed out that Erica's putting on the pounds. Paul remembered telling Anne he'd always love her.

Ruth gave birth to Joe’s son on Christmas Eve. Mark sheltered Brooke after she had an abortion. The child would have been Eddie’s resulting from the night he raped her before he was murdered. Tara learned that government bosses have lost contact with Phil who was investigating drug smuggling in South America. He may be dead or in hiding. Edna encouraged Donna to fight for Chuck, who stood by Tara’s side. Sybil tried to score points with Mark. Wally joined Devon and Bonnie for the holidays. He tried to force Devon to have sex. She refused and he left for St. Louis. Cliff called Nina who wouldn’t even speak to him even though she fantasized about him. Palmer told Sybil he wanted her to help him with the story that Janice had Cliff’s illegitimate child.

One Life To Live

Mimi paraded around town and under Peter's nose. Clint's brother Bo reported that Asa is miffed at her for seeking publicity. Maggie told Pat she's returning for London, but privately imitated Pat's voice. Brad used the club as collateral for his bail, then planned to skip the country. Becky didn't get along well with Johnny. Cindy ditched Ivan who suggested he and Dorian could make a neat couple. Larry calmed Viki who had psychosomatic symptoms of Joe's illness. Viki noticed that Clint and Bo are on the outs. Ina convinced Katrina to help with a new healthfood restaurant.

Edwina got a new beau, Mario, after she revealed her past on Pat's TV show. Maggie impersonated Pat in order to buy a gun. Brad won money from Bo in a poker game then planned to jump bail and buy a fake passport. Will began seeing Gretel. Becky rehearsed her club act with Johnny. Bo warned Mimi to lay off seducing the local men.

Brad decided not to skip the country, turned himself in and was jailed. Maggie (disguised as Pat) got pointers from Bo at a pistol shooting gallery. Mick was in the dumps because he couldn't make love to Samantha. Tina was smitten by Ivan's attentions. Dorian warned Edwina that Mario could be as rotten to her as Marco was to Dorian. Bo told Mimi she'd never marry Asa. At Mary's christening Katrina commented that Jenny's baby looks like Kat's dead baby.

Maggie impersonated Pat while keeping Pat locked up in the basement. Mimi got her behing smacked by Bo for making eyes at members of the Cougar team, especailly “Big Bird”. Katrina dated Will to get her mind off her baby’s death. Faith accepted Larry’s job offer although she hoped he wouldn’t regret it. Bo and Chuck used Matt as a business go-between with Viki. Herb came on strong with Gretel, while Tina dated Jamie. Samantha took Mary to visit Brad in jail. Everyone noticed “Pat’s” strange behavior. Peter was angry when he learned Herb had told several people about Peter’s inquiry into the possibility of divorcing Melinda while she is in an institution. Edwina accused Mario of being Karen’s lover. Ivan saw Tina as his next woman to remodel.

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