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Saturday, May 31, 2014

June 1, 1979


Frank agreed to transfer Nancy to New York so she can be near Pat. Jill fumed that Seneca took romantic liberties while she was drunk and thereby risked conceiving another child. Faith hoped she was making progress with Tom, but now he's obsessed with Poppy's resemblance to Theresa and is investigating her background. Poppy decided to take advantage of the situation to snare Tom for herself. Dee reminded Johnny that she owns the bar when he objected to her shamrock and leprechaun motif.


Betsey's roommate Nurse Sybil Thorne set her cap for Dr. Cliff Warner. Chuck learned that Donna's baby will be stillborn after she complained that it wasn't kicking. Erica and Tom reconciled after she promised to attend a marriage encounter group, but she traded with Tom to do the commercial she already set up behind his back. Wealthy Palmer Cortlandt and his daughter Nina arrived. Langley gave Edna the cold shoulder and enticed Phoebe about checking into her genealogy. Russ catered to a recovering Nancy who learned that Frank and Caroline have called it quits. Dan got juiced and tried to beat up Mark who told Brooke to take a flying leap.


Dick recaptured Pat after she made a futile escape. Ed, Vinny, and Paul tracked down the location of Dick's loft and rescued Pat and Samantha, after Dick was shot. Tina worried about Greg who's turned to drugs now that his father's in jail and his mother ran off. Mario warned Greg if he wants to self-destruct, he won't allow Greg to take Tina along with him. Brad was so preoccupied with Sam's predicament that Karen had to inform him that Jenny is having pregnancy complications. Carla lectured Jack when he refused to use a wheelchair. Ivan laid into faith for spending time with Larry and Danny. Tina urged Karen not to give up hope on finding a job.


Rick successfully operated on Laura and the ordeal made him realize that he loves Lesley. Monica also reconciled with Alan after she realized that their "Hotel Night" was only a dream. Neither Rick nor Monica told their mates about that night but Mitch reported to Tracy that he spotted Monica at the Hotel. Scotty put Laura's engagement ring back on her after she regained consciousness. Bobbie had a case of the guilts for driving Laura crazy with suspicion in the first place. Alice realized that the only reason Heather's interested in adopting Jeremy is for his inheritance that she can use to pay off Cal. Susan found Heather's ticket for the ring she pawned for Cal's first payment. Gina complained to Howard that Gary is only interested in his own success, not hers. Spence consoled Lesley during Laura's surgery.


Winter failed to knock off Nicole with sleeping pills, so she began sending poison-pen letters. Margo introduced Owen Madison and his daughter Paige to Draper as potential clients. Deborah nixed Steve's marriage proposal because of her career. Deborah turned Joey Dials over to his brother Mickey after Joey was arrested for rowdy behavior. Calvin lamented that he can't get to first base with Starr.

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