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Saturday, May 31, 2014

June 1, 1979


Frank agreed to transfer Nancy to New York so she can be near Pat. Jill fumed that Seneca took romantic liberties while she was drunk and thereby risked conceiving another child. Faith hoped she was making progress with Tom, but now he's obsessed with Poppy's resemblance to Theresa and is investigating her background. Poppy decided to take advantage of the situation to snare Tom for herself. Dee reminded Johnny that she owns the bar when he objected to her shamrock and leprechaun motif.


Betsey's roommate Nurse Sybil Thorne set her cap for Dr. Cliff Warner. Chuck learned that Donna's baby will be stillborn after she complained that it wasn't kicking. Erica and Tom reconciled after she promised to attend a marriage encounter group, but she traded with Tom to do the commercial she already set up behind his back. Wealthy Palmer Cortlandt and his daughter Nina arrived. Langley gave Edna the cold shoulder and enticed Phoebe about checking into her genealogy. Russ catered to a recovering Nancy who learned that Frank and Caroline have called it quits. Dan got juiced and tried to beat up Mark who told Brooke to take a flying leap.


Dick recaptured Pat after she made a futile escape. Ed, Vinny, and Paul tracked down the location of Dick's loft and rescued Pat and Samantha, after Dick was shot. Tina worried about Greg who's turned to drugs now that his father's in jail and his mother ran off. Mario warned Greg if he wants to self-destruct, he won't allow Greg to take Tina along with him. Brad was so preoccupied with Sam's predicament that Karen had to inform him that Jenny is having pregnancy complications. Carla lectured Jack when he refused to use a wheelchair. Ivan laid into faith for spending time with Larry and Danny. Tina urged Karen not to give up hope on finding a job.


Rick successfully operated on Laura and the ordeal made him realize that he loves Lesley. Monica also reconciled with Alan after she realized that their "Hotel Night" was only a dream. Neither Rick nor Monica told their mates about that night but Mitch reported to Tracy that he spotted Monica at the Hotel. Scotty put Laura's engagement ring back on her after she regained consciousness. Bobbie had a case of the guilts for driving Laura crazy with suspicion in the first place. Alice realized that the only reason Heather's interested in adopting Jeremy is for his inheritance that she can use to pay off Cal. Susan found Heather's ticket for the ring she pawned for Cal's first payment. Gina complained to Howard that Gary is only interested in his own success, not hers. Spence consoled Lesley during Laura's surgery.


Winter failed to knock off Nicole with sleeping pills, so she began sending poison-pen letters. Margo introduced Owen Madison and his daughter Paige to Draper as potential clients. Deborah nixed Steve's marriage proposal because of her career. Deborah turned Joey Dials over to his brother Mickey after Joey was arrested for rowdy behavior. Calvin lamented that he can't get to first base with Starr.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

May 29, 1978


Roger insisted that Dee undergo therapy with Dr. Pagano and her initial sessions went well. A former politician put doubts in Jill's mind about Washington life. Tom was jealous after noting the work rapport between Pat and Faith.


Mark found Paul at Ellen's just as Mark intended to give her an engagement ring. Nancy had a premature baby and Caroline secretly hoped that the child would die. Linc discovered that Kelly was born Constance Carpenter and is indeed Kitty’s twin. Eddie cuddled up to Kelly and tried to conduct her career according to his wishes. Devon found Brooke messing with Danny in the library. David was buried while Jeff tried to prove David had been pumping Edna secretly with digitalis.


While Paul was in critical condition, Harmer and Cantrell kidnapped Jim and Jenny as hostages. Jim had a heart attack while tending Harmer’s wound and the terrorists offered to trade Jim for Paul. Vicki's former college roommate, Irene Clayton, arrived and complained about raising her teen daughter, Tina. Melinda pretended to be chummy with Dorian but when they went horseback riding, Lynn was responsible when Dorian took a flying fall.


David's schemes were uncovered. Laura went bananas and struck David when he told her he’d been lying all along. Then, Lesley found David's dead body and took the rap herself claiming it was self-defense because he tried-to-rape her. Heather gave in and married Jeff. Lesley was released on her own recognizance.


A masked man threw acid and blinded Mike. Nurse Carol Barclay succumbed to Denise’s lies and quit her job. Steve offered to be assigned to the same beat as Deborah. Miles promised Denise he wouldn't see Nicole.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

May 1977

RYAN'S HOPE (11:30am to 12pm)

Seneca learned Frank is Edmund's father but kept it under wraps when he learned Jill and Frank are on the outs. Tom used Maeve to butter up Jack. Roger researched Seneca's Canadian background. Dee plotted a fake miscarriage after Mary slapped her during an argument. Tom chastized Pat for being Jack's source for the devastating column Jack wrote about the hospital. Jack was released from the hospital, wavered about Mary's loving attention, but rejected taking part in natural childbirth. Seneca gave in to Roger's threats. Clem hired Alicia. Pat and Maeve fell for Dee's miscarriage story. Jack was refused admittance to Mary's delivery room when he arrived drunk. She gave birth to a girl. The baby was named Ryan Maeve Fenelli. Bucky offered money to Alicia after her paycheck was stolen. Seneca ordered Bucky to stop pestering him to tell Jill the truth about Edmund's father. Pat told Faith he's sticking with Dee. Alicia was accused of theft. Money was found in her purse, but Bucky confessed he put it there to help her out. She accepted a date with Bobby. Dee learned Alicia's working at the hospital and told her never to mention the miscarriage to anyone. Jack fumed when he learned his baby was named Ryan.

ALL MY CHILDREN (New 60 minute format---12pm to 1pm)

After David witnessed one of Christina's hallucinations, he told her that her father had bribed her former lover, Hadley, to leave her. Phil stabilized, and Tara decided to tell little Phil about her pregnancy. Anne tried to join Beth. Anne was rushed to the hospital emergency room after taking an overdose of sleeping pills. Nick agreed with Mona to divert Erica from Mark. Kitty wants to adopt a child. Jeff told Christina that her ghostly visitations are a projection of her guilt feelings. Christina admitted to David that she had accidentally killed her father. Kitty realized that Linc and Myrtle tried to hide the fact that Kitty's terminally ill. Anne came out of a coma, but didn't acknowledge Paul. Brooke agreed not to see Benny after Danny admitted his love for her. Ann was committed to a mental institution. Danny comforted Phoebe. Frank assured Carolyn that Nancy is gone for good. Kitty insisted to her doctor that no one learn that she knows she's going to die. Donna failed her high school equivalency test. Mona blew the whistle on Erica and Mark, but Erica refused to face the possibility that she and Mark are brother and sister. Christina took a leave of absence and continued to have memory lapses.

ONE LIFE TO LIVE (1:30pm to 2:15pm)

Marco blackmailed Karen into getting him a job with Tony. Dorian came out of seclusion and played up to Joe, who's having dizzy spells. Larry bought Karen's dream house. Tony warned Cathy not to be threatening to Pat. Samantha and Naomi argued about the birds and the bees. Marco came on strong to Lana and tried to get a job with Dorian. Matt told Dorian he's the only one who loves her. Karen admitted to Jenny she's bored with being a mother, but Larry rejected hiring a nanny for Danny. Will was jealous of Brad flirting with Jenny. Tony wrote Pat that it's best to avoid each other. Naomi had a fit over Samantha and Marco. Will assured Samantha that Naomi's problems are psychosomatic. Cathy asked Larry for his help with her marriage. Vicki feared Kevin had botulism. Vicki and Kevin went to Dorian's country home for a rest, while Dorian convinced Joe to get tests for his dizzy spells. Will chastized Brad for borrowing money for his health club against Naomi's life insurance.

GENERAL HOSPITAL (2:15pm to 3pm)

Laura realized she had taped Monica's threatening argument with Lesley, who resolved to fight back. Tom admitted to Lee that he's still in love with Audrey. Diana forgave Heather who refused to reveal her baby's father. Jeff leveled with Monica about Heather. The adoption agency rejected the Taylors because of Diana's past. Terri remembered everything and told Mary Ellen she intended to inform Mark. Rick failed to reconcile with Lesley, and she took a leave from the hospital. Tom planned to move away with Tommy. Martha helped Mike hide out in the Taylor's basement. Mary Ellen slashed her wrists and was put under Peter's care. Fearing that Mary Ellen would carry out her threats against Mark, Terri told him she doesn't love him. During Lesley's absences Monica wormed her way into Rick's life again. Diana found Mike. Monica wouldn't listen to Jeff's excuses for his affair with Heather. Diana agreed to buy Heather's baby but kept Peter uninformed. Gina discovered Heather may have toxemia of pregnancy. Terri joined Lesley in Venice. Monica told Jeff she wants a no-fault divorce.

EDGE OF NIGHT (3pm to 3:30pm)

Mike was arrested, but Nancy confessed that she, too, was with Beau the day he was murdered. Danny was questioned about Niven's death. Nicole refused to consider an abortion until all the tests are in. April bad-mouthed Miles' wife to Nicole. Nadine confronted Raven about her affair with Ansel. Ira decided to present Mike's prosecution to the grand jury rather than allowing Draper to do it. Draper and April were smitten with each other. Laurie was deep in depression after the grand jury indicted Mike for murder. Timmy returned to the Karrs. Tracy grew frantic when Inez's madam, Mrs. Yost, tried to set up a meeting. Laurie threatened Inez with a fake gun but Inez stuck to her story about witnessing Mike kill Beau. Nicole and Draper helped Miles try to convince April to have heart surgery. Danny refused to help Tracy, who's having financial problems. Deborah and Steve were reunited. Tracy moved in with Johnny and Laurie after shew as evicted from her place. Nicole was depressed that Adam is spending all of his time on Mike's case.

Friday, May 23, 2014

May 13-19, 1978


Delia crawled to Roger’s doorstep after jumping from a hotel window to escape the advances of a pimp named Lloyd. Pat and Bucky double-dated nurses to relieve Pat’s anguish about Faith and Tom. Seneca chased after Jill while Rae kept Frank occupied with the campaign. The kids gave Maeve and Johnny a Caribbean cruise.


Linc twisted Claudette’s arm to give Kelly a singing job at the Chateau. Kelly’s former manager, Eddie Dorrance, arrived in town and searched for her. Ellen assured Mark that Paul is only a friend, while Phoebe accused Paul of abandoning Ann in favor of Ellen. Danny broke off with Brooke because she interferes with his studies. Erica arranged for a one-room situation during a steamy weekend with Tom. Jeff found medical evidence which would clear Christina in David Thornton's death.


Luke forced Becky to move to a motel with him and call Richard with the news that she's already married. Lynn didn't want Dorian to know that she and Peter were engaged for fear that Dorian would break them up. Samantha acted as Brad's watchdog while Jenny was on her religious retreat. Harmer and Cantrell shot Paul while he was at the airport making a getaway with Pat. Jack informed Jim that he needs an operation. Sam pursued Tony who dated Pam. Peter fretted that Lynn is preoccupied with competing against Dorian


Heather turned down Jeff's marriage proposal. Jessie had another dizzy spell. David was ordered to settle with the Hauser men after Monica spotted David closing the deal and then squealed to Rick. Peter stepped in when Susan's former paramour, Dr. Lyle Abbott, made a pass at her. Katy failed to respond to Lamont in a wifely fashion, then he was rushed back to the hospital after signs of his condition recurred. David arranged to show Laura's love letters to Rick.


April learned that she is pregnant, then was devastated when Raven claimed that she is also carrying a child fathered by Draper. Station Manager Ben kept Nicole company while Miles returned to Denise. Logan offered to marry Raven if she divorced Kevin but she declined. Kevin went on a drinking binge.