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Monday, December 1, 2014

December 1979

All My Children

Palmer made payments to a man for keeping quiet about Daisy. Myra spotted them. Linc's hypnosis ploy for Kelly's defense was turned down since she's withdrawing from drug addiction. Phoebe told Charles he’ll pay through the nose for a divorce. Brooke consoled Tom who insisted he's getting an anullment from Erica. Nina didn't believe Cliff's birth certificate proof. Donna was jealous of the time Chuck spent with Charlie. Frank thanked Russ for operating on Carl. Edna refused Phoebe's offer to move with Benny into stable quarters.

Erica's life crumbled around her when Tom refused her sexual ploy to win him back. Cliff puzzled about Janice's disappearance after seeing Nina. Kelly's detoxification program seems to be working. Myra tailed a Mr. Rab, who has been meeting secretly with Palmer. Charles refused Phoebe's divorce agreement. Anne went bananas at the mention of Beth's name. Tad has a girlfriend.

Things looked bleak for Kelly when the prosecutor proved she had a motive, since Eddie had willed her all his money. Myra ordered Palmer to reunite Nina and Cliff or Myra would spill the beans that Palmer had used Mr. Rab to pay Janice to lie. Devon and Bonnie returned, leaving Wally in St. Louis. Ann's doctor told Phoebe that Ann could spend Christmas at home. Chuck got closer to Charlie and Tara while Donna fumed. Mona pointed out that Erica's putting on the pounds. Paul remembered telling Anne he'd always love her.

Ruth gave birth to Joe’s son on Christmas Eve. Mark sheltered Brooke after she had an abortion. The child would have been Eddie’s resulting from the night he raped her before he was murdered. Tara learned that government bosses have lost contact with Phil who was investigating drug smuggling in South America. He may be dead or in hiding. Edna encouraged Donna to fight for Chuck, who stood by Tara’s side. Sybil tried to score points with Mark. Wally joined Devon and Bonnie for the holidays. He tried to force Devon to have sex. She refused and he left for St. Louis. Cliff called Nina who wouldn’t even speak to him even though she fantasized about him. Palmer told Sybil he wanted her to help him with the story that Janice had Cliff’s illegitimate child.

One Life To Live

Mimi paraded around town and under Peter's nose. Clint's brother Bo reported that Asa is miffed at her for seeking publicity. Maggie told Pat she's returning for London, but privately imitated Pat's voice. Brad used the club as collateral for his bail, then planned to skip the country. Becky didn't get along well with Johnny. Cindy ditched Ivan who suggested he and Dorian could make a neat couple. Larry calmed Viki who had psychosomatic symptoms of Joe's illness. Viki noticed that Clint and Bo are on the outs. Ina convinced Katrina to help with a new healthfood restaurant.

Edwina got a new beau, Mario, after she revealed her past on Pat's TV show. Maggie impersonated Pat in order to buy a gun. Brad won money from Bo in a poker game then planned to jump bail and buy a fake passport. Will began seeing Gretel. Becky rehearsed her club act with Johnny. Bo warned Mimi to lay off seducing the local men.

Brad decided not to skip the country, turned himself in and was jailed. Maggie (disguised as Pat) got pointers from Bo at a pistol shooting gallery. Mick was in the dumps because he couldn't make love to Samantha. Tina was smitten by Ivan's attentions. Dorian warned Edwina that Mario could be as rotten to her as Marco was to Dorian. Bo told Mimi she'd never marry Asa. At Mary's christening Katrina commented that Jenny's baby looks like Kat's dead baby.

Maggie impersonated Pat while keeping Pat locked up in the basement. Mimi got her behing smacked by Bo for making eyes at members of the Cougar team, especailly “Big Bird”. Katrina dated Will to get her mind off her baby’s death. Faith accepted Larry’s job offer although she hoped he wouldn’t regret it. Bo and Chuck used Matt as a business go-between with Viki. Herb came on strong with Gretel, while Tina dated Jamie. Samantha took Mary to visit Brad in jail. Everyone noticed “Pat’s” strange behavior. Peter was angry when he learned Herb had told several people about Peter’s inquiry into the possibility of divorcing Melinda while she is in an institution. Edwina accused Mario of being Karen’s lover. Ivan saw Tina as his next woman to remodel.

December 1978

All My Children

When Caroline tells Jeff that Carl is Frank's child, he warns her not to let Frank know. Devon is having pregnancy problems. Estelle wonders if she was right to leave Billy Clyde. Tara backs out of Erica's dinner party. Erica, knowing a national magazine is sending photographers to cover her party, begs Phoebe to come. Phoebe says she will only if Erica tells the truth about Charlie's parentage, so Erica lets her have it: Chuck isn't Charlie's real father. Eddie and Kelly make wedding plans.

Donna, thinking she is pregnant – by Tyrone, her ex-pimp – seeks an abortion. Erica’s dinner party, covered by a national magazine, is destroyed when a drunken Phoebe blurts out that Erica told her Charlie was Phil’s child, not Chuck’s. Seeing how destructive Erica can be, Tom walks out on her. Dismayed by Ellen’s plans to adopt Wally and Devon’s child, Wally’s parents intend to stop her. When Devon almost suffers a miscarriage, Harlan tells Dan it might have been for the best.

Tom returns to Erica. Phoebe is unable to tell Charlie he isn’t Chuck’s son because she loves him. After Tad receives a Christmas card from his natural father Ray Gardner, Ruth fears he will return to bother the child, but Paul assures her Ray is in prison. Devon decides to give her child to the Winstons, a childless couple who have been unable to adopt. Edna gives Billy Clyde an anonymous tip as to Estelle’s whereabouts. Tests prove Donna is pregnant, but – at Chuck’s request – Dr. Clader withholds the information from her so she won’t seek an abortion.

Caroline fumes when Frank sends Nancy's baby a Christmas gift, signing both their names on the card. Returning from San Francisco, Jeff thinks Chris turned down job offer for his sake when she was actually rejected. Donna alternates between realization that she is Chuck's wife and thinking she is still a hooker. Breaking out of prison, Ray Gardner goes looking for Ruth. Kelly overhears Eddie discussing payment he received from Phoebe for marrying her. Learning Edna told Billy Clyde where Estelle was, Benny turns away from her. Tom reveals his sister had an illegitimate child which she gave up for adoption. Erica fumes over brief notice of her dinner party in "Tempo" magazine. Phil moves in with Joe and Ruth. Hearing that Donna is pregnant, Tara tells Chuck there's no hope they can get together.

One Life To Live

Scared because she continues to receive threatening calls and notes, Tina goes to Marco who suggests she go live with his brother the doctor. Tony truly believes he loves Sam and intends to woo her. Adam decides not to fire Brad, but Joe gives Edwina the ax. Although Bruno decided not to take Melinda on as a student, she tells everyone he has.

Pat asks Pine Valley's attorney, Paul Martin, to take care of some legal work. Tina discovers Marco made porno pictures out of innocent modeling photos. A shocked Tina is hit by car. Although sustaining only minor injuries, she fears Viki wants to hurt her. Marco and Ina learn Melinda was not accepted by Bruno as a student and has been lying to everyone about it. Viki is discovered over the lifeless body of Marco Dane. Paul and Dorian exchange house keys. Joe fires Edwina. Adam asks Brad to go to Vegas on a business trip. Tony wants Samantha to help him run his new disco. Ed is surprised when Carla says she wants to have a baby.

The list of people who may have killed Marco grows to include Greg, Karen, Viki, Brad, Jack and half a dozen others. Pat is concerned when Adam has attack but he convinces her it was just a migraine. Brad, Adam and Pat off to Las Vegas. Tina gets another threatening note from Viki / Niki. In hospital recuperating from injuries sustained when hit by car, Tina pleads with Viki to stay away. Dorian is worried because an antique pistol she bought for Peter is stolen from a party especially since the gun is workable.

At first police think Greg killed Marco but suspicion shifts to Viki. Joe asks Paul Martin (of Pine Valley) to be her attorney. In Las Vegas, Pat is aware she loves Adam. Adam tries to make Pat's first Christmas since her son Brian was killed a happy one. Melinda piles lie upon lie to keep everyone thinking she is Bruno's piano student. Gwen is leery about having her fingerprints taken, a procedure everyone attending Dorian's party must submit to, since the pistol taken at the party was used to kill Marco. Getting a job on the Chronicle, Edwina is assigned to cover Marco's murder. Marco's brother Mario wants the body cremated. Samantha undergoes plastic surgery.

Edge of Night

Deborah's reasons for joining Children of Earth are suddenly apparent to Steve when he realizes she is doing undercover police work. Prison inmates feel April is a witch and put her on trial. Everyone is stunned by the identification of the body in car crash as Draper. But they soon found out that Draper loaned his car to Kevin. And it was Kevin who died in the car crash.

Winter is sickened when Wade shows video tape of their bedroom activities and tells her that at the time it was made Logan had already agreed to let Wade keep his porno house open. Anguished by Raven's self-centeredness when it was discovered Kevin, not Draper, died in car crash, Geraldine tells Raven she is through with her. Wade is telling lies to Miles and Nicole in an attempt to break them up. Feeling she is alone, Raven asks Logan for help. April's cellmates try her for witchcraft. Before dying Mr. Selkirk tells Mike he will donate his corneas for his transplant if Mike undertakes to prove that the Children of the Earth movement is a fraud. Mike has corneal transplant surgery.

After Raven gives birth to son, Logan decides to go back to her. Winter blames losing Logan on her relationship with Wade. Margo continues to be a wedge between Miles and Nicole by making sure Nicole has to work long hours. Arthur, leader of the Children of the Earth cult, arrives in Monticello. After undergoing corneal transplant, Mike awaits to have bandages taken off to learn if he will see again.

Logan and Raven celebrate the birth of their son. Miles has Denise's body exhumed in order to redo the autopsy. Tank tells Diana Selkirk he believes Deborah joined Children of the Earth so she could case the group for police. Diana agrees to keep close watch on Deborah. Mike's corneal transplant is a success. Logan plans to marry Raven.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

November 1978

All My Children

When Tara turns down his request to spend the night, Phil heads for Claudette’s. Overhearing Chuck tell Frank he loves Tara, Caroline blows sky-high. Claudette is upset when Kelly plans to moonlight at another nightclub. Erica agrees to sell Myrtle her house. Receiving a San Francisco job offer, Christina plans to talk Jeff into moving with her. Following a compassionate talk with Brooke, Devon decides to marry Wally but once again changes her mind when she realizes her grandfather is aware she’s pregnant. Even though Devon says she intends to give up her baby, Wally plans to stay in Pine Valley.

Billy Clyde uses Letty Jean to try and lure Donna back on the streets. With Mel Jacobi having reconciled with his wife, Phil must find another place to stay and considers Claudette's. Christina does not plan to tell Jeff about her San Francisco job offer until they are there. Jeff discovers he cannot get away from Pine Valley until after the first of the year. Phoebe agrees to attend Erica's dinner party if she invites Charles, Chuck and Tara. Mark and Ellen consider marrying and adopting Devon's child.

Learning from Benny that his grandmother is paying Billy Clyde to get Donna back on the streets, Chuck tells Phoebe to stay out of his life. Erica lets Ruth know she saw Chuck's car at Tara's. Everyone but Devon's grandfather thinks Mark and Ellen's plan to wed and adopt Wally and Devon's baby is perfect. When Phil accuses Erica of pushing Chuck and Tara together at a dinner, Tom thinks he may be right and accuses Erica of being devious. Donna begins to realize she has lost her memory. Edna offers to let Donna stay with her instead of on Locust Street. Brooke asks Dan to marry her. Myrtle suggests Kelly move in with her, but Eddie, for the $50.000 promised him by Phoebe, is trying to talk Kelly into marriage.

Suspecting Mark only agreed to raise her child so Ellen would marry him, Devon has second thoughts about letting them adopt her child. Ruth learns that Chuck and Tara are in love again. Erica almost lets it slip to Phoebe that Charlie’s true father is Phil – not Chuck. Discovering Billy Clyde paid Letty Jean to get Donna back on stroll, Estelle heads for Chuck’s with Donna. Benny asks Estelle to run away with him. Chuck admits to Charles that he and Tara love each other. Jeff arranges to take vacation in San Francisco with Chris, not realizing that’s where she wants him to move anyway. Erica hopes to get national magazine to do a story on her and Tom.

One Life to Live

Ed and Carla bicker over her intention to attend a medical seminar in the Virgin Islands with Jack Scott. Brad plans to have Adam Brewster hire him, and then take his assistant, Gretel Cummings's job. Samantha is horrified to see herself without bandages. Larry is named chief of staff. At cocktail party in honor of Larry's appointment, Karen runs into a customer from call girl days. Gwen is interested in Jim. In St. Thomas, Jack comes on to Carla.

In St. Thomas, Jack comes on to Carla who almost succumbs but rebuffs him. Admitting she is interested in Jim, Gwen asks Dorian what her chances are. Dorian assures her Anna is a fighter. Realizing he cares about Tina, Marco drops plans to make it look like she posed for porno pictures but still plans to get even with Viki. Edwina fears personality clash between herself and Joe will cost her job at Banner. Overhearing Adam mention a good stock to buy, Brad decides to sink the $10.000 he gave Jenny for sale of health club into the securities. So she can keep her distance from Jack, Carla wants to go to work for Larry. Samantha is upset because she has to wait for skin graft.

Tina receives a necklace from Marco as well as two anonymous notes telling her to get out of Llanview. Viki fears handwriting on notes is same as used by her other self Niki when she was suffering from multiple personalities. Tony sees Samantha but refrains from proposing marriage. Gwen, Richard's mother, feigning illness, puts on seductive nightgown and asks Jim to make house call. Katrina returns to Marco's stable when she discovers her boyfriend Dennis O'Riordan took Edwina to Larry's chief of staff party instead of her. Adam and Pat start their relationship anew.

Vinnie and Joe fear Niki - Viki's dark personality - has reappeared. Upset when Tina tells him she can't keep the necklace, Marco silently vows to get even blaming Viki for the rejection. Pat turns down Adam's invitation to bed. Upset by menial assignment Joe gives her, Edwina asks Adam for a job. When Adam learns Brad invested and lost on stock tip he overheard in office, Adam considers firing him. Ed and Carla realize she is attracted to Jack. Melinda hopes renowned piano teacher Bruno Westheim will take her as a student and Dorian considers a scheme to make sure he will but Peter vetoes it.

Edge of Night

April's sentencing is postponed due to judge's illness. Logan is upset because he was able to convic April. Winter is sorry she didn't tell Logan about her porno days. Calvin and Steve are curious about the macrobiotic diet which Children of the Earth members seem to be on. Deborah gets angry when Steve refers to her as a worse crook than her father. Logan is named district attorney. Wade tells Logan that unless he allows his porno theater to stay open, he will publicize Winter's film.

April begins serving her prison term. Just as another body is fished from the river, Deborah joins Children of the Earth movement. Nicole begins to wonder if Margo is more interested in Miles than in her. Torn between his desire to protect Winter from her porno film past and his duty to his office, Logan ponders what to do about Wade.

Fearing Logan may lose his position as district attorney, Winter goes to bed with Wade. In prison, April dreams Draper is killed in car crash. At the same time, Draper considers holding a seance to conjure up Denise and learn what really happened night she died. Nicole is upset because Margo feigns interest in April in order to get closer to Miles. Soon after, Deborah returns to Children of Earth group, another member, a youth this time, is found drowned in Monticello.

Draper tells Logan he forgives him for prosecuting April. April's recurring nightmare that Draper will die in crash seems to come true when police drag a body identified as Draper from a wrecked car. Unaware that Logan has found a loophole to keep Wade's X-rated motion picture house open, Winter gives in to Wade's demands for sex in order to keep him from blackmailing Logan. Margo is doing a feature on Eliot Dorn and Children of the Earth movement.

November 1979

 All My Children

Cliff suffered a concussion and blurred vision after being dragged while holding Palmer's car door handle in an effort to clear matters with Nina. The cops didn’t buy Myrtle's confession of killing Eddie and Kelly was arrested and booked. Nancy told Russ she's not ready for marriage after Carl showed a preference for "uncle" Frank. Palmer warned Sybil to keep quiet about Janice. But Sybil had the guilts and urged Cliff to sue Palmer. Nina learned Palmer lied to her about Cliff's condition which requires surgery. Devon was unhappy living with Wally's domineering mother.

Little Carl broke his neck when he fell from a park swing. Nancy accused Frank of not watching the child because Frank was with Betsy. Donna was insanely jealous when Chuck returned from Washington with Tara and Charlie. Chuck explained that Phil disappeared while on assignment. Linc was skeptical of defending Kelly since he doubts her innocence. Sybil interfered with Brooke's attempt to reunite Cliff and Nina. Tom ordered Erica to spend more time at home than at her disco.

Linc and Joe saved Kelly from cold turkey convulsions in prison. Cliff turned down Sybil's seduction offer saying be only loves Nina. Russ performed a spinal fusion and bone graft operation on Carl. Erica went bananas because another disco is opening but even worse, Tom suspected she's on the pill again! Paul was convinced that Ann won't recover, but she remembered marrying Paul. Ruth was warned to stay cool for her baby's sake after a shouting match with Phoebe over Phil and Ruth's menopausal pregnancy. Devon got fed up with Wally's mother's interference.

Tom ordered Erica to pack her bags after he found proof that she's been on the pill and lying about it. Cliff promised Nina he'd prove that Janice's baby isn't his. He learned the child's birthdate doesn't match his romancing period with Janice. But Palmer forced Nina to promise she wouldn't speak to Cliff again. Nancy's bone graft operation for Carl was postponed. Kelly was indicted for Eddie's murder. Langley asked Phoebe for a quickie wedding after realizing that Myrtle is close to remembering his past. Donna vowed she wouldn't allow Tara to get close to Chuck.

 One Life to Live

Maggie was thrilled that Clint and Pat didn't hit it off. but worried that Dorian is determined to snatch Clint. Katrina had a baby girl and signed adoption papers, just as Jenny underwent a caesarian. Fran blamed Samantha that Mick's legs had to be rebroken and his Olympic career is caput. Carla and Jack quarreled about her career. Peter and Vince threw Brad out of Jenny's hospital room.

Karen convinced Mario to switch Jenny's dead baby for Katrina’s just as Katrina had a sudden streak of mother-love. Karen’s racked with guilt. Pat told Viki her suspicions that Clint has a gangster past. Everyone attended Becky's opening at the Blue Ridge Club. Dorian learned that Clint's pa is a syndicate owner of a football team. Clint didn't fall for Dorian's batting eyelashes. Jenny told Brad he won't have custody rights to their baby. Ivan promised the moon to one of Brad's pickups, Cindy, if she drops Brad and becomes Ivan's lady.

Brad copped a plea of assault instead of rape so he wouldn't have to face a trial and would only have to serve a month in prison. Katrina didn't recognize Jenny's baby as her own. Jenny named the child Mary, the name Kat had planned for her "dead" baby. Ivan told Faith he's divorcing her for desertion and for withholding marital "services" and she won't get a penny. Cindy put Brad on hold while Ivan's courting her. Faith feared she's falling hard for Larry. Jamie asked Viki's approval to date Tina since he's reformed. Ed mooned after running into Carla.

Football cheerleader Mimi King arrived. Chuck Wilson, Clint's father, Asa Buchanan’s right-hand man, cautioned C & W singer Johnny Drummond that Johnny owes Asa favors for his career success. Becky was reluctant to perform with Johnny at the Blue Ridge. Maggie got hysterical when Clint gave her the brush-off. Fran tried to keep Samantha away from Mick. Jenny turned down Brad's reconciliation attempts. Brad refused to settle for a prison term. Tina dated Jamie. Larry offered to attend the Lamaze sessions with Viki. Dorian taunted Ivan's obsessions with Cindy. Ed and Karen stopped Katrina from hitting the streets for money again.

General Hospital

 Mitch acquired the stolen Kirkorian Deposition and refused to tell Tracy what it contained unless she destroys their prenuptial agreement. Tracy's son Ned arrived for the wedding. Joe returned with no news from Steven Lars but with information about Mitch’s crooked political connections. Alan warned Edward that Mitch could ruin the Quartermaine name. Luke went to assasinate Mitch at election headquarters but fouled things up. Jeff dined with Diana, while Howard got chummy with Zelda. Jessie held a wedding shower for Bobbie. Laura began therapy with Mrs. Theadore.

Tracy ordered Mitch to get dressed for their wedding after finding him in bed with Susan. Laura prevented Luke from assassinating Mitch. Roy went in Luke's place but was killed by bodyguards. Luke and Bobbie told the mob lies. Luke didn’t go to the assignment. Lesley learned that she can bear children but it would endanger her own life. Tracy left the wedding guests waiting while she eloped with Mitch after threatening to tell the press that he had set Ted up for the kill. The hospital board resented Bobbie’s bad publicity. Pregnant Monica had pains. Jeremy got a set of braces.

Luke realized that he's tied to the syndicate for life and vowed to make the best of it, including winning Laura one way or another. Anne was jealous that Jeff and Diana are spending time together. Laura complained to Luke that she's not a real wife to Scotty. Bobbie admitted she was a hooker after Steve defended her mobster moll reputation to the board. Mitch and Tracy returned from their honeymoon.

Laura admitted to Lesley that she may be pregnant by the rapist. An anonymous caller asked how much it would be worth to Monica to keep the stolen Kakorian deposition under wraps. Monica collapsed, was hospitalized and may lose her baby. Mitch suspected that Susan saw his copy of the deposition and that she is the anonymous blackmailer. Tracy denied knowing about the deposition and claimed to want only what's best for Monica and Alan. But, she'd give her right arm to know the content. Bobbie suspected that Luke raped Laura and Mitch gave Susan keys to a love nest apartment.

Saturday, November 1, 2014

GH July to Nov 78

GH July 1978

Indicted for first-degree murder, Lesley continues to tell Laura she must never admit that her relationship with David Hamilton was more than friendship. Although police realize the statuette wasn’t the murder weapon, they feel it holds the key to David’s murder and intend to find out who purchased it. Laura recalls she forged Les’s name on the sales slip when she bought the statuette for David but doesn’t tell Lesley. Gina gets a medical grant that will take her out of town for a while. Heather’s mother receives a letter from a New York lawyer saying Heather’s former landlady has a package for her. Spotting the letter, Susan intends to learn about the package. Howard asks Lee to help him on Lesley’s case, but the first day on the job, Lee gets drunk and misses an appointment. Scotty is cooling toward Bobbie.

Police discover the sales slip for the statuette was signed by Lesley. Howard walks in on Lesley while she is destroying the evidence implicating Laura in David’s murder. Heather’s mother finds a love letter that passed between David Hamilton and Laura. Alan’s sister Tracy warns Monica that Alan bristles whenever Rick’s name is mentioned. A frantic Scotty continues to search for a missing Lee. When he sees Heather teasing Jeff in the hall, Steve fears having Heather as a wife is going to ruin Jeff’s medical career. Tracy has her eye on Rick.

Laura begins to remember what happened the night David Hamilton was killed. Rick is wondering why Laura didn’t hear the phone ring for almost two hours the night of the death. Lee phones Scotty, who traces the call to a sleazy motel. Diana warns Susan not to turn her therapy sessions with Peter into anything else. Newlyweds Mark and Katie arrive home, but Mark is off to Mexico to perform a delicate operation. Laura tells Lesley she feels Lesley welcomed David’s advances. Steve is concerned Heather will take Jeff away from medical studies. Diana is suffering blurred vision.

Heather fears Diana will have dizzy spells while taking care of P.J.. A mysterious Mr. Jameson calls Jeff claiming to have information about Steven Lars. Although she knows she’s not in good health, Diana plans to return to nursing in order to be near Peter. Laura begins to remember what happened the night that David was killed, and visualizes pushing him and his striking his head on the mantle. Bobbie is jealous when Laura tries to see Scotty. Lee, on the wagon, agrees to help out as Lesley's counsel but admits it's becoming harder and harder not to take a drink.

August 1978

Lesley discovers Laura purchased the statuette found in David's apartment but charged it to Lesley's account. Bobbie is angry at Scotty for trying to help Laura. Out to dinner, Jessie sees Lee having a drink. Jeff warns Heather to stay out of Peter and Diana's problems. Heather is beginning to resent the time Jeff spends studying with Steve for medical board. Although Howard is unattached, Tracy is interested in Gary, not Howard. A homesick Teri writes Jeff from Hawaii; Steve fears Teri's return because she is the only other person who knows he is really Jeff’s father. On the witness stand, Jeff admits David once had tried to seduce Lesley before he was murdered.

Searching David's apartment, police find bits of Laura's love letter in his chandelier; police match it up with characters on Lesley's typewriter. Laura begins to feel she must tell police it was her push that caused David's death. Gina returns from Denver, plans to set up research unit in Port Charles. Bobbie is displeased by Scotty's decision to room with young doctor Bryan Phillips, because of Bryan's alcoholic past.

On the witness stand, Lesley claims she was David’s lover. Rick realizes Lesley is protecting Laura and plans to stop her. After nightmares about prison, Laura resists hypnosis Peter wants to use to help her remember what happened the night David was killed. Lesley is convicted of manslaughter and is remanded without bail until sentencing. Alan is leery of Monica and Rick’s close relationship. Tracy is egging Alan’s jealousy on.

Fearing Rick knows she accidentally killed David, Laura runs away. Scotty believes she may be in New York trying to get lost in the East Village. Diana undergoes examination which uncovers a neurological disorder. Jeff feels he must tell Peter that Diana is ill. Bobbie flares up over Scotty's concern for Laura, although she's seeing Chris on the sly. Tracy is fanning Alan's jealousy of Rick. Katie prepares to join Mark in Mexico. Gary is not totally pleased that Gina may have to spend time out of town working on her research project. 

 September 1978

In New York looking for Laura, Bryan and Scotty infiltrate an unsavory East Village group and fear that Laura may have turned to prostitution. Rick is also in New York looking for Laura so he can clear Lesley of murder charges. Lesley feels her marriage to Rick is over because she lied to him about killing David when it was Laura who pushed him. Collapsing at home, Diana regains consciousness only to discover she is blind. Heather takes a leave from hospital in order to take care of P.J.. Steve fears Jeff will flunk his medical boards because of the pressure of his marriage and Les’s trial.

In New York, Scotty and Bryan get Laura away from an East Village pimp, and help police catch men who run a prostitution ring comprised of teenage runaways. Although Rick really thinks Laura cannot remember what happened the night David was killed, she thinks he's only trying to trick her into confessing. Diana decides to undergo risky exploratory surgery which may answer the question as to why she is blind. Fearful of dying, Diana tells Peter she wants to write a will that would make Jeff and Heather the legal guardians of P.J. if anything happens to her and Peter. Gary wants out of pediatrics so he can make money.

Admitting to Lesley she remembers everything, Laura fears what police will do. Hearing the true story of David's death, the judge agrees to find Lesley innocent and promises to go easy on Laura. Diana undergoes neurosurgery, and two benign tumors are found and removed. Doctors say it will be days before they know if she can see. Cal Jamison arrives in town and Jeff goes to see him. With Gina away, Tracy shows interest in Gary. Alan admits to Monica he is unable to curb his jealousy of Rick.

Jeff thinks Jamison has evidence proving Steven Lars didn't die; also thinks that Mrs. Hadley lied to Heather. Telling everything that happened the night David died, Laura awaits sentencing. With D.A. Richardson out of town, assistant D.A. feels Laura's trial will be important to his career. Believing the trial will be bad publicity for the hospital, Monica fears Rick may not be named as head of the cardiac unit, and implores Alan to talk to his boss Larry Forsythe. Alan agrees to go when he realizes she will go herself if he doesn't. Scotty tells Bobbie that if she can't understand his caring for Laura, they should end their relationship.

October 1978

Heather plans to stop Jeff from traveling to New York to look for Steven Lars' death certificate. Monica badgers Alan into trying to help Rick get appointment as head of cardiac unit which has been endangered by Lesley and Laura's involvement in David's murder. Remanded to the custody of Rick and Lesley, Laura feels she is in prison. Discovering Lesley is frigid, Rick says they don't have to rush things. Diana comes to accept possibility she may still be blind when her bandages are removed, decides not to let Heather take care of P.J. anymore and hires a nurse instead.

Heather is despondent when Diana has P .J. return home. Howard is worried that Gary is too interested in Tracy. Gina Dante returns from Dallas research project sooner than expected, and Gary voices fear that he will be known as Dr. Dante when she becomes famous. Dorrie and Howard are growing fond of each other. Susan stops seeing Peter for therapy and turns her attention to assistant D.A. Mitchell Williams. Although she tells Rick she thinks things will improve between them, Lesley feels their marriage has been ruined by her lies. In New York, Jeff and Steve find Steven Lars' death certificate but Steve is not convinced of its authenticity.

Diana regains her sight. Heather silently vows she will not be separated from her child P.J.. Tracy wants to break up Alan and Monica's marriage so she won't have to worry about any future children getting a share of the inheritance. Monica, warns Tracy she's better stop interfering. Lee tells Gail it's time he moved out of her place and back into his club. Scotty confesses he is torn by feelings for both Bobbie and Laura. Lesley talks Rick into attending New York cardiac meeting.

Wanting to keep Laura's name in the papers, Bobbie tells a reporter she can get him an exclusive interview with Laura. He comes to hospital, harasses Laura, snaps photo of Monica and Laura together. Although Mitchell Williams is having an affair with Susan, Tracy wants him for herself. Thinking it will further his career, Mitchell agrees to atttend Tracy's party. A pregnant Heather learns that Cal Jamison was involved in Steven Lars' adoption and wants more money. Gary cautions Howard about discussing their poverty-stricken childhood. Laura threatens Bobbie that unless she stops seeing Scotty, all her devious tricks will be exposed.

Rick is named head of cardiac unit. Prodded by Rick, Lesley returns to hospital to work in clinic while awaiting reinstatement of her medical license. Tracy hopes to have Alan's old flame Grace come to Port Charles. A classmate of Laura's, trying to apologize to her for making innuendoes about her past, only creates more trouble. Alan assures Monica he's no longer jealous of Rick. Diana prepares to leave the hospital. Laura is depending greatly on Scotty, while Bobbie tries to save her own relationship with him.

November 1 -- 18, 1978

Rick and Lesley are devastated when they forget their first anniversary. Revealing to Bobbie he loves Laura, Scotty promises to try and help Bobbie regain emotional balance. Jessie thinks Bobbie knows Cal Jamison. Jessie is not sure she would be good marriage material when Dan Rooney says he intends to be her husband one day. Jeff refuses to talk to Cal Jamison over the telephone. Returning to the hospital staff, Lesley is hurt when patients ask to see another doctor. Steve doubts board will ever grant her full reinstatment. Gail fears Lee will go back to drinking. Mitch's ego is bruised by the realization that it's Tracy's friendship and not his ability that impresses a senator. Alan reveals to Monica that his onetime fiancee Grace agreed to marry to him only to make her first husband jealous.

Jeff learns Steven Lars' death certificate is a fake. Mrs. Grant tells Heather to let Jeff think Mrs. Hadley lied about Steven Lars being dead and sold him. When Monica is unable to get pregnant, Alan seeks medical consultation to see if he is the cause. Bobbie is scheming to have Laura removed from the custody of her parents and placed in a reform school. Audrey's widowed niece, Annie Logan, comes to Port Charles.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

October 15, 1977


Phoebe blew her cool after being arrested for drunk and "unlicensed driving".  She told reporters that Charles' affair with Mona was responsible.  Nick dated both Ellen and Claudette, while Erica did a slow burn.  David accepted Dottie as his child after Christina saved her life during an epilepsy attack. Edna refused to give David and Christina custody. Phoebe fired Benny, who is attracted to Claudette, after he refused to perjure himself for Phoebe's court case.  Jeff warned David about involving Christina with the problems with Edna.


Edwina Lewis came to town looking for a job and former beau Richard Abbott. Karen seduced Gus the Plumber while Larry attended a convention. Cathy caught on to Karen's game. Pat and Tony spent a night togther.  Becky accepted Richard's job offer but had nightmares about being the prize in a gambling game. Sadie began working for the Vernons. Paul threatened Pat that if he goes, Brian goes with him. Lana cried on Cathy's shoulder about Brad, then went on a bender.


Lesley and Rick postponed their wedding at the last minute.  She's upset about Laura's involvement with Scotty and about Rick's offer to David to recover at the Webber house.  Mary Ellen was killed in a car crash.  Monica rebuffed Alan's rough-and-tumble advances but was jealous that he's dating Dorrie. Steve worried that Diana isn't really adjusting to Martha's death. David made an effort to walk, but Rick was reluctant to dash his hopes by telling him he may never golf professionally again.


Steve arrested Ray Harper (Col. Blood), who was put in a lineup with his look-alike, Mike Karr.  Inez identified Ray without seeing his face but couldn't say for sure when both men turned full front in the lineup.  Nadine returned for Raven's upcoming wedding  while Raven cheated on Kevin with Logan. Tony Saxon nearly choked when Deborah admitted she was playing policewoman. Tony denied any connection with Ray or Organized Crime.

One Life to Live, October 1977

Dorian has once again gotten her way. She likes nothing better than to needle Tony and in Paul Kendall she has found the perfect means for this end. She knows Tony would like nothing better than for Paul to leave town, so she makes sure Paul will be around for a long, long time. She offers Paul a job at The Banner. It’s a three-year contract for a job of manager of the Lord Press. Dorian smiles to herself as she hears Paul tell her he’ll accept her offer. Now, maybe, if she’s really lucky, Paul will succeed in winning back Pat’s love. It’s her ultimate revenge. Tony will not get what he most desires. He will not get Pat and their son Brian. 

Jenny tries to talk some sense into Sam. She tells this very confused eighteen-year-old that she doesn’t love her father; they’re just friends. What Sam observed in the restaurant was just an innocent encounter. Will may love her but she doesn’t love him. Sam doesn’t buy any of it. She tells Jenny she plotted to get Will. Her naïve innocence is just an act. She’s as calculating as any hustler on the street. She saw the look on Jenny’s face as she was talking to Will, and if that’s not love she doesn’t know what is! Sam’s conception of Jenny’s feelings is correct, but Jenny still refuses to confront her emotions. She will not yet admit to herself that she’s in love with Will, not his son Brad. 

Karen likes to be at the center of her man’s life, not at the periphery. She can’t adjust to the fact that Larry dedicates more time to his medical practice than he does to her. She’s glad she wasn’t found pregnant, but maybe if she was things would be different – but as it stands now she’s in desperate need of ego massage – and she knows just the man to quench her thirsting desires. It’s Gus the plumber. She sends out the necessary signals, Gus picks up on them and a day or so later (when Larry is out of town for the day) they wind up in her bed. Afterwards, Karen feels very dirty. She wishes she could control this other person living inside her. She doesn’t want to wreck her marriage. 

Llanview has a new resident. She’s a young woman named Edwina – and she seems to be an old flame of Richard Abbott’s – at least she glows a lot whenever she hears his name. Will she play havoc with Richard and Becky’s blossoming relationship? 

Meanwhile, Richard has gotten Becky a job at The Banner. Becky is ecstatic. It’s her first paying job. She’s thankful to Richard, but she’s still not too hepped up on going out with him. She appears to have a checkered past. One night she tells Richard she’s not as innocent as he thinks she is. Richard will not be put off. He’s very attracted to Becky’s naïve country ways. He likes protecting and sheltering her form the cruel world. 

Once again Brad has told Lana it’s over. She showed up drunk at the health club one night and almost broke things up between him and Jenny. 

Lana is shattered. She tells Brad he’s a cold, unfeeling monster. He told her he loved her. Were all his passionate words lies? Brad doesn’t reply and this non-verbal retort leaves Lana ice-cold. She seeks comfort and advice from her friend Cathy. Cathy consoles Lana and tells her to be strong. Brad is a louse. She’ll meet a better man – one more deserving of her sweet, sensitive nature. 

What about the cold, calculating cad? Well, Mr. Golden boy, (Mr. Wonderful) is very…very…happy. He’s gotten Jenny to agree to marry him. He’s won her away from his father. Lana cries for Jenny. She feels this kind of gentle woman will be getting the short end of the stick very, very soon. 

Learning about the engagement, Will begs Jenny to see him. In his heart he feels she’s making the wrong choice, but he doesn’t say so to her face. He tells Jenny he’s going to try and forget her. He’s not going to both her anymore. 

Lana prays her dizziness and nausea isn’t what she thinks it is…but the doctor confirms her worst fears. He tells her she’s pregnant. She’s into her second month. Lana’s world comes tumbling down around her. Cathy puts the pieces back together (Cathy well remembers being in the same situation) and sets Lana on the right course. Lana decides to keep her baby, but says she’s not going to tell either Brad or Jenny that she’s pregnant. It would be humiliating to tell Brad, and if she told Jenny, Jenny would break up with Brad and Brad would hate her (Lana) for being the cause of the breakup. She’d rather have Brad treat her coldly…than not treat her at all. 

Becky Lee Hunt is on her way to becoming a big country and western star. She auditions and lands a job at a local C&W joint, The Blue Ridge club. Her success is the result of her new image. It was two little items that made all the difference: A blond Dolly Parton-type wig and a flashy and glittering dress. She looked smashing and wowed the audience…except for one rumpled young reporter. Richard didn’t approve at all and he tells Becky so. Becky’s temper erupts in ferocious flames and she tells Richard what he can do with his comments. It now seems very clear to her that they don’t understand each other at all. It may be best that they don’t see each other any more. Richard doesn’t agree with Becky’s capsule description of their problems and her solution to same, but he can’t get her to change her mind. She’s determined that they’ll never be a twosome. 

Edwina has finagled herself a job with the Lord publishing empire. She’ll be working as Paul’s assistant at The Lord Press. Paul is immediately impressed with Edwina’s good looks and great intelligence. Will a new romance be blossoming in Llanview? Will Paul forsake Pat for Edwina? 

Sam tells Marco she’ll never go to bed with him. When she loses her virginity, she wants it to be with a man she admires – and he’s far from that man. She knows that now. She doesn’t want a cold, calculating hustler; she wants a conservative, kind, gentle, mature man. 

Is there such a man in Llanview? You bet there is! – and Sam has already picked him out. It’s Tony Lord. He’s perfect…but how is she going to get him? How is she going to make him think of her as a woman…not a little girl. 

Trying very hard to forget Jenny, Will asks Nurse Robin Crosley, a very attractive thirtyish divorcee, out to dinner. Robin felt she didn’t have Will’s full attention so she seeks advice and counsel from Jenny Siegel. Is Will in love with someone else, Robin asks? Robin’s probing questions leave Jenny…confused…frightened…and desperately needing an escape hatch, and that night she takes the necessary self-preserving step. Jenny tells Brad she’ll marry him. 

Brad’s joy pops out of him, like air from an exploding balloon. He has never been so deliriously happy. He has won the woman he loves! 

It’s a joyful moment that seems to last only seconds. The next day Brad gets a visit from Lana. She tells him she’s pregnant. It’s a kink in his life he can well do without, and hesitating not a second, Brad tells Lana he’ll take her to New York and she can have an abortion. Lana explodes. She tells Brad she’s keeping the baby and she doesn’t care that by doing so she’ll be destroying his perfect little world. She’s not going to hide the fact he’s the father. 

Lana leaves the health club half-hating Cathy for persuading her to tell Brad. Why didn’t she follow her instincts and remain quiet? She expected Brad to humiliate her and that’s exactly what he did. 

Dorian gives Paul a pretty meaty assignment for his first task as manager of The Lord Press. He is to come up with a new idea for a magazine. She is assigning Pat, Edwina and Richard to help him with this project. 

Paul calls a meeting and Richard goes into shock when he enters the office and sees Edwina sitting in the chair right next to Pat’s. Edwina coolly rises from her seat and sweetly tells all gathered that she and Richard new each other at Princeton. In fact, at one time they were both up for the same journalistic prize, which Richard ultimately won. Edwina’s voice hints that she wasn’t exactly happy that her old friend scored this win. Wonder what secret lurks in their past? 

Each passing day leaves Pat more and more…confused…torn…and troubled. She knows her loyalties lie with Tony, but she can’t deny she still feels something very strong for Paul. Their evenings together at home are so right; so perfect. It’s like he never left. She doesn’t want to hurt either Tony, Paul or Brian…but someone is bound to suffer great anguish. What is she to do? 
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Karen Wolek/Kathryn Breech, October 1977

Daily News: New York, New York
Sunday, October 2, 1977

"Soap Opera Notes"


Karen Wolek stumbled into the town of Llanview on "One Life to Live" a little more than a year ago. She had led a knock-about, run-around life that involved her in a run-in with the police and her then drug-dealing boyfriend, Marco Dane. Reunited with her "good" sister, the nun-like Jenny, Karen resolved to mend her ways by setting her hooks into her second cousin Dr. Larry Wolek.

She had visions of goading him into setting up a prestigious private practice that would provide the financial luxuries to which she wanted to become accustomed. Although Marco came back into Karen's life, she was able to give him the brushoff and strut down the wedding aisle to become Mrs. Karen Wolek Wolek.

Married life has not been a bed of roses for Karen, however. She's bored, and household duties are not her forte. To while away the daytime hours, she dreams up ways to taunt and tease the milkman, butcher, baker, bartender and most of all husky Gus, the plumber.

She calls Gus at the drop of a hairpin in the kitchen sink then distracts him from his work by parading around in a bikini.

One of these days Karen is going to go too far and get her comeuppance for being a naughty tease.

Actress Kathryn Breech revels in playing the sultry, manipulating wench Karen. She's grateful that the role offers her an escape from the Alice in Wonderland goodie goodie types she usually found herself playing. Karen's capers also provide a fantasy alternative to Kathy's own life.

She was born 23 years ago into a wealthy, socially prominent family in Bloomfield Hills, an exclusive Michigan suburb. She inherited the characteristic Breech independence and determination that moved her paternal grandfather from a job as a Missouri blackmith's apprentice into the stellar spot of Chairman of the Board of Ford Motor Company. The folks wanted her to go to law school but in the family tradition she too struck out on her own. She became interested in acting while attending a posh New England prep school where she was an honor student. During her college days at the Santa Cruz division of the University of California, she met and was romanced by a fellow student who directed her in several school productions. Coincidentally, that young man happened to be Gerald Anthony, who plays Karen's nemesis, Marco Dane on "One Life to Live". The couple are still an on-again off-again item in real life!

Monday, October 27, 2014

October 1978


Nick cancels his Pine Valley vacation because he is down with hepatitis, which causes Claudette to fear she may also have picked up the germ. Eddie hopes to use Freddie to get Claudette fired so he can gain position of Chateau manager for himself. Linc enlists Kelly's aid to talk Myrtle out of moving into her own place. Devon's father tries to pressure her into an abortion. Nancy returns with baby Carl to Pine Valley. Donna is still unable to remember the last three years of her life. Chris and Jeff look for a furnished apartment. Phil and Mel return from their police commando training. As their homeymoon comes to a close, Erica reveals to Tom her many self-doubts.

Phoebe tries to persuade Chuck to divorce Donna while she is suffering from amnesia. Donna, still thinking she is a hooker, pleads with Billy Clyde to let her join his stable. Phil confronts Chuck and Tara with his conviction that they are having an affair but gets neither confirmation nor denial. With Nancy’s return to Pine Valley, Caroline starts worrying about getting pregnant again. Linc is depressed when Myrtle announces she is moving out of his apartment. Devon decides to have an abortion.

Wally tries to dissuade Devon from having an abortion. Brooke realizes Devon is pregnant. Nearly caught by police trying to get non-prescription drugs, Eddie tells Kelly she has to find another connection. Kelly sets up appointment with Joe Martin in order to obtain pills. Chris and Jeff move into a furnished apartment. After Phil tries to force himself on her, Tara admits she no longer loves him as she once did. Aware that Chuck and Tara are in love, Joe keeps it from Ruth. Harlan and Myrtle are dating. Paul prepares to participate in marathon run. Tad talks Ruth and Joe into performing at parents' night. Tom blows a fuse when Erica suggests to Phoebe that Mona and Charles are having an affair. Estelle discusses Donna and Chuck's future with Tara. A lonely Claudette and Philip go to bed.

Jeff and Christina's new apartment is a disaster — rock musicians next door, leaky faucets, and roaches. Devon agrees to marry Wally, but reconsiders when she realizes Dan and Brooke know she is pregnant. Tom accuses Erica of still loving Nick. Erica loses interest in converting to Catholicism. At Joe's insistence, Tara tells Chuck she can't see him anymore except when he comes to visit Charlie. Still thinking she's a hooker, Donna is determined to live with Estelle an'd Billy Clyde on Locust Street. When Kelly tries to get "uppers" from Joe, he senses she is hooked. Nancy's Aunt Bessie moves in with her. Estelle concerned about Billy Clyde's gambling. Frank pays first visit to baby Carl unaware that he is his father.

With Donna about to be discharged from hospital, Billy Clyde plans to cash in on her plan to live with him and Estelle by getting money from Chuck and Phoebe. Phoebe agrees to pay Eddie well if he marries Kelly. Eddie informs Kelly he'll get her amphetamines if she agrees to be his wife. Fearing her marriage is in trouble, Christina tells Jeff he must choose between her and his family. After Frank visits baby Carl, Nancy breaks down and lets Aunt Bessie know that Frank - not the late Carl Blair – is the infant's father. Myrtle considers buying Erica's house. Tara agrees to go to a football game with Phil. Charlie makes certain that Tara, Phil and Chuck meet at his school's talent night. Devon mulls over giving her baby away for adoption.


Pam dies and Samantha fights for her life after a car crash. Brad and Jenny reconcile. Marco plans to use pictures of Tina for his own nefarious purposes. Dorian is upset with Paul for ignoring her self-effacing decision to give up trying to get post as hospital chief of staff. Richard's mother decides to bring former girl friend Daphne to town in an attempt to ruin his upcoming marriage to Becky. Becky is troubled over Richard's inability to get along with his mother.

Pat tries to make Tony stop blaming himself for Pam's death. Brad arranges for Pam's funeral. With only a vague memory of the accident, Samantha while convalescing thinks something is being hidden from her. Melinda is jealous of Peter's friendship with Jenny, even though Jenny and Brad have reconciled. When Gwen learns Becky is going to Caribbean for quickie divorce, she has Richard's ex-flame Daphne come to town. Though Richard weakens when Daphne shows up at his apartment wearing a bathrobe, he stays true to Becky. Ed resents Carla's friendship with Jack.

Pat is trying to fight her attraction for Adam Brewster. Tina is warned that Marco is only promising her a modeling job in order to use her. Viki tries to stop a guilt-ridden Tony from proposing to Samantha. Sam realizes Pam died in car crash. Blaming Tony for Sam's accident, Brad quits his job as maitre d'. Becky returns after obtaining divorce from Luke but discovers Daphne in Richard's bathrobe. Jack warns Adam he's got to take things easier or risk severe heart problem. Melinda resists the suggestion that she continue studying the piano.

Pat is beginnng to like Adam, but Adam is furious because he thinks Pat leaked the news of his hospitalization to the press. When merger falls through because of hospitalization story, Adam intends to get even by buying interest in Lord Enterprises to make sure Pat loses her job. Efforts to bring Richard and Becky together pay off when they get married. Paul tells Dorian he cares very much for her. Horrified by her facial disfigurement, Samantha refuses to see Tony.

Greg warns Marco to lay off Tina or he will kill him. Paul lets Adam know that Pat was not responsible for a news story disclosing that he had been hospitalized. Peter is displeased by Melinda's decision to practice piano at Dorian's because concert grand she wants to buy won't fit into their apartment. Gwen Abbott is going to stay on in Llanview. Brad seeks a job with Adam. Tony sees Samantha just before facial bandages are to be removed. Carla considers taking a business trip with
Jack. Jenny feels Brad uses their sex life to boost his ego.


Heather plans to stop Jeff from traveling to New York to look for Steven Lars' death certificate. Monica badgers Alan into trying to help Rick get an appointment as head of the Cardiac Unit which has been endangered by Lesley and Laura's involvement in David's murder. Remanded to the custody of Rick and Lesley, Laura feels she is in prison. Discovering Lesley is frigid, Rick says they don't have to rush things. Diana comes to accept possibility she may still be blind when her bandages are removed, decides not to let Heather take care of P.J. anymore and hires a nurse instead.

Heather is despondent when Diana has P.J. return home. Howard is worried that Gary is too interested in Tracy. Gina Dante returns from Dallas research project sooner than expected, and Gary voices fear that he will be known as Dr. Dante when she becomes famous. Dorrie and Howard are growing fond of each other. Susan stops seeing Peter for therapy and turns her attention to assistant D.A. Mitchell Williams. Although she tells Rick she thinks things will improve between them, Lesley feels their marriage has been ruined by her lies. In New York, Jeff and Steve find Steven Lars' death certificate but Steve is not convinced of its authenticity.

Diana regains her sight. Heather silently vows she will not be separated from her child P.J.. Tracy wants to break up Alan and Monica's marriage so she won't have to worry about any future children getting a share of the inheritance. Monica warns Tracy she better stop interfering. Lee tells Gail it's time he moved out of her place and back into his club. Scotty confesses he is torn by feelings for both Bobbie and Laura. Lesley talks Rick into attending a New York cardiac meeting.

Wanting to keep Laura's name in the papers, Bobbie tells a reporter she can get him an exclusive interview with Laura. He comes to hospital, harasses Laura, snaps photo of Monica and Laura together. Although Mitchell Williams is having an affair with Susan, Tracy wants him for herself. Thinking it will further his career, Mitchell agrees to atttend Tracy's party. A pregnant Heather learns that Cal Jamison was involved in Steven Lars' adoption and wants more money. Gary cautions Howard about discussing their poverty-stricken childhood. Laura threatens Bobbie that unless she stops seeing Scotty, all her devious tricks will be exposed.

Rick is named head of the Cardiac Unit. Prodded by Rick, Lesley returns to the hospital to work in the Clinic while awaiting reinstatement of her medical license. Tracy hopes to have Alan's old flame Grace Dobson come to Port Charles. A classmate of Laura's, trying to apologize to her for making innuendoes about her past, only creates more trouble. Alan assures Monica he's no longer jealous of Rick. Diana prepares to leave the hospital. Laura is depending greatly on Scotty, while Bobbie tries to save her own relationship with him.


Raven begs Logan to take the blame with Kevin for their intimate relationship. Mike is preparing April's case for murder trial. When Ira Paulsen resigns as district attorney, Logan is assigned to prosecute April. Steve and Calvin find a young female runaway with the cross-in-a-circle symbol of the Children of the Earth cult tattooed on her shoulder. Miles has hunch that Carol Barclay, a nurse whom Denise had got fired, might be involved in Denise's death. Bill Marceau wants to find Elliot Dorn, head of the Children of Earth cult. Her suspension from the police force over, Deborah decides to look for an apartment when Geraldine announces her plans to leave Whitney Mansion.

A young woman found dead is identified as a member of the Children of the Earth cult, but police do not believe she committed suicide and search for her murderer. April, still on trial, has another vision of a drowned girl. Wade Meacham, dropping hints of blackmail, informs Winter he has prints of her porno films.

Deborah, reinstated as a police officer, takes deep interest in Children of the Earth movement. Elliot Dorn, head of the cult, agrees to talk to police after they learn that a girl who is an apparent suicide was a cult member. Margo makes Nicole anchorperson for the nightly news. Winter is frightened to learn that Wade has purchased a movie theater and apparently is planning to run her porno film, "Lacy Lady," as a feature. Carol Barclay fears she may be blamed for Denise's murder.

April envisions a dead girl on her bed, then learns another young woman has been found drowned. Eliot takes a shine to Deborah. Stories that continue to appear about her late father Tony Saxon upset Deborah. April is aghast when Logan reveals her mother died insane. Despite Draper's urging, April refuses to plead insanity for the murder of Denise. Mike plans to undergo a risky corneal operation.

April gets a premonition that jury will find her guilty. Wade makes certain Logan sees Winter's porno film. Deborah's investigation of Children of the Earth movement clears suspicion from cult members. A former associate of Tony Saxon's forces Deborah to go for a ride with him.

October 1979


Langley was in a snit that Eddie cut himself in for 50 percent of whatever Langley filches from Phoebe. Linc realized that Myrtle has been covering up for Kelly's pillhabit. Ann was returned to the sanitarium, but Mark blamed Paul when Ann almost knifed Ellen. Brooke drank heavily and laughed in Eddie's face when he suggested she might get pregnant with his child. Eddie flashed a gun in front of Erica and said it was for protection. Palmer brought Janice to Pine Valley to lie to Nina about Cliff.Wally left Erica in the lurch for her disco opening when he went home for his father’s surgery.

Dick Cavett was the special guest at Erica's disco opening. Linc forgave Kelly, who accepted his engagement ring. After Mark gave Brooke the cold shoulder at the disco, she turned to Eddie. But when he realized Brooke was just using him again, Eddie gave her a black eye. Phoebe told Linc she's considering marriage to Langley. Eric taunted Betsy about dating Frank, whom Betsy insisted is just a pal. Palmer helped Nina write Cliff a Dear John letter after Janice lied that Cliff fathered Janice's child and then deserted her. Russ advised Nancy not to allow Frank to tell Little Carl that Frank is his father. Wally asked Devon to move to St. Louis.

Eddie was marked for murder after blackmailing Phoebe about Langley, threatening Mark's life in order to win Brooke, popping pills in Kelly's mouth after a bad nightclub review, double-crossing Langley and clashing with Claudette after she got proof of his club swindling and with Myrtle about bringing Kelly down to the gutter again. Cliff couldn't understand why Nina gave him the brush off. Palmer warned her not to tell Cliff she knows about Janice. Langley conned Phoebe out of $50.000 for a phony oil investment and Eddie wanted a cut or he'd tell that Kelly doesn't have the class to be Linc's wife. Brooke tried to steal Eddie's gun but Phoebe got it first.

Phoebe was the first suspect in Eddie’s murder since her earring was found near his body. Detectives also questioned Brooke, Langley, and especially, Kelly, who had freaked out on piils during a performance and was missing at the time of Eddie's death. Kelly has no memory of what happened between the time she ran off and when Linc found her cowering in the bushes outside Eddie's office. Devon and Wally moved to St. Louis during his father's illness. Nina confided to Myra that Nina's mother appeared to her in a dream saying that Cliff is not guilty of Janice's paternity claims. Donna was jealous when Chuck went to hold Tara's hand during Phil's illness. Ruth's tests finally checked out and her baby doesn't appear to be in jeopardy.

Brooke's fingerprints were found on Eddie's open office window. Kelly's fingerprints were found all over the gun that killed Eddie. Linc assured her he'd be her lawyer. Chuck fumed that Donna told Ruth that Phil has been missing for three weeks. Lt. Tolliver was interested to find that Langley and Eddie were pals. Langley told Tolliver that Claudette had a motive because she was scorned by Eddie. Ann called Phoebe to warn that Langley is in big trouble. Sybil reinforced Nina's doubts about Cliff ditching Janice and her baby.


Mario pleaded that Karen keep his secret about really being Marco. Joe passed away and Clint took over handling the Banner. Sadie's attitude toward Jack softened and she asked to sing at his and Carla's wedding. Samantha asked Mick to move in with her. Dorian’s suspicions about Mario increased when Ellen tipped her off that Mario always hated research. Becky returned to Europe to locate Richard because of Joe’s death. Jenny worried that Brad isn’t ready for fatherhood. Pat's sister Maggie set her sights on Clint, while Edwina and Gretel vied for Herb, who was interested that Viki’s a very rich widow.

Dorian set out to prove that Mario's actually Marco. Jenny unsucessfully tried to find out why Karen and Brad are at odds with each other. Thug Charlie Wilson told Clint that "the man" in Houston wants him back there. Matt told Maggie she could repay some of the favors she owes him by getting Clint to hire him. Ivan visited his favorite prostitute while Faith worked late for Larry. Ina isn't convinced Katrina wants to give up her baby. Mick is having knee trouble and Fran isn't happy he's so close to Sam.

Ed and Karen shared a movie and a milkshake during Jack and Carla's wedding. Mario burned his fingertips with acid after realizing Dorian wanted his fingerprints. Dorian hired detective Steve to check out Mario. Jenny doubted Brad when she caught him in several lies about gambling away their money. Larry hired Bridget Leander as his housekeeper. Bridget’s husband had died of a heart problem while working for Brad. Clint was fascinated by Pat and Maggie tried to keep them apart. Maggie conned Matt to help decorate Clint’s apartment in order to impress Clint.

Larry beat up Brad after Karen finally admitted she'd been raped by Brad. Jenny threw away her wedding ring. Peter comforted Jenny, who had labor pains. Fran opposed Mick taking Samantha to a skating competition. On the way Mick and Sam's private plane was downed. Ed urged Karen to press charges against Brad. Pat was confused that Maggie gave the impression she didn't like Clint, while Gretel told Pat that Maggie is awfully chummy with the guy. Everyone turned against Brad, who was saved from a suicide attempt by Will.

Clint saved Samantha and Mick from menacing hunters, but Mick was seriously injured in the plane crash. Faith moved out on Ivan and into Ina Hopkin's Boarding House. Ed arrested Brad after Karen pressed rape charges with Jenny's encouragment. Gretel told Jenny that Brad tried to rape her, too. Karen warned Mario about revealing any trace of Marco or the jig is up. Katrina recognized Ivan as one of her ex-johns. Matt told Pat that Maggie is afraid Clint will drop Maggie in favor of Pat.


The lawsuit was dropped after a closed session when Zelda forced Rick and Monica to admit they spent the night together after Mrs. Kirkorian's surgery. Lee and Lesley also proved Kirkorian's past health history. Bobbie tearfully returned Roy's ring after he learned from her ex-john and Ruby that Bobbie had once been a prostitute. The mob put the screws to Luke to prove his loyalty by knocking off Mitch. In a crazed state, Luke raped Laura. Richard, the dance exercise whiz, gave Claudia and the girls diet tips. Scotty blew up when he learned about Laura’s charge-card buying. Roy had also shown an interest in Laura to spite Bobbie.

Laura claimed she couldn't identify her rapist. The police suspected Roy whom they picked up drunk in the park where they identified Laura. Scotty asked Luke to help find the rapist so he could kill him. Mitch and Susan are sleeping together behind Tracy's back. Edward's attitude toward Mitch is softening. Amy blamed herself for Laura's troubles because she didn't relay to Laura that Scotty couldn't pick her up after work.

Luke realized Laura has blocked out the fact that it was he who raped her, not Roy, who is a prime suspect. Diana returned and avoided questions from Jeff about what Peter may have learned from Heather before Peter died. Tracy joined forces with Amy to get copies of the closed Kirkorian case depositions. Jeff visited Heather and she spilled the beans. Laura flinched at Scotty's every touch and rejected seeing a rape counselor. Steve noticed Anne's growing involvement with Jeff. Alan fell for Amy's sob act that everyone blames her for Laura's mishap.

Mitch and Tracy planned their wedding. Laura told the police that her attacker was tall and blond, which got Roy off the hook. Jeff couldn't get details out of Heather about Steven Lars because her mind is still unhinged. Steve interrupted Amy's search for Rick and Monica's depositions. Bobbie overhead Luke tell Roy that he'll be a marked man after his next mob job. That job involves knocking off Mitch. Jeff asked Joe to check into a New York adoption ring involving Mrs. Hadley and Frank Wallace.

Edward made Mitch sign a prenuptial agreement that Mitch won't try to get the Quartermaine money after he marries Tracy. Luke pleaded that Laura report him to the police but she refused because his life is already in jeopardy. Amy got her hands on a copy of the deposition and learned about Rick and Monica's night together. Amy refused to tell Tracy, who's hungry for confirmation. Alan warned Tracy to lay off him and Monica or he'd blow Mitch's campaign with tales of laundered money. Roy agreed that Bobbie could wear a white wedding dress, which is a joke and a half.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

General Hospital, Sept 1979

Sept 1979

Laura warned Amy not to get interested in Luke. Joe, Jeff and Steve headed for Mexico where Cal is hospitalized. Mitch told Tracy he couldn't live with her since the mob might hound him about Ted's death. Tracy spotted Mitch coming on to Susan. Amy blabbed to Scotty that Laura got a job at the disco. Alan found Amy admiring his house, then consoled her after learning her father had died. Monica and her unborn baby's condition improved. Dorrie told Howard it is over between them and packed her bags. Lesley investigated whether Mrs. Kakorian had a history of heart trouble.

Cal died but not before he told Jeff that Heather knows the truth about Steven Lars. Mrs. Grant realized the game was up and beat around the bush to Peter about knowing of an illegal adoption. It finally dawned on him that she was trying to explain that P.J. is actually Steven Lars. Anne won temporary custody of Jeremy who suggested she marry Jeff. She vetoed the idea although she's been drawn closer to Jeff. Luke comforted Laura about her stepfather's death. Laura and Scotty argued about her job schedule. Bobbie avoided one of her ex-johns who's a patient. Monica returned to Alan, although the baby may have heart problems.

Peter had a coronary after Mrs. Grant revealed the P.J. / Steven Lars story. Bobbie and Roy were upset when Barry Johnson recognized her in the hospital. Lesley’s reports on Mrs. Kirkorian’s previous ailment couldn’t be proved. Rick and Monica were forced to confide to Howard about their night together after Mrs. Kirkorian’s surgery. Luke and Roy worried they’d have to eliminate Mitch to prove their mob loyalty. Joe admitted his love for Anne, who asked they remained friends. Joe is jealous of Anne’s attentions to Jeff. Mitch and Tracy set their wedding date after the election. Peter called Jeff to Peter’s deathbed for the big confession.

Dorrie returned to England. Bobbie told Jessie she had once been a hooker. Peter died before he could tell Jeff about P.J / Steven Lars but he left Diana a mysterious letter. Kirkorian refused the hospital’s settlement so Rick and Monica prepared for a court battle. Monica returned to Alan upon her hospital release and accepted Amy’s offer to move in and help out during her recuperation. Mitch seduces Susan before she could give Joe any information on him. Laura bought Scotty a set of law books with the help of a charge card and Luke. Laura’s new friend, Claudia Johnson, warned Laura that Luke’s hung up on her while Luke fantasized that Laura loved him.

Alice blamed herself for Peter's death because she told him about P.J.-Stephen Lars. Diana made quick plans to take P.J. to visit her mother in Florida, keeping Peter’s note a secret. Bobbie is sure that Roy wouldn’t marry her if he knew she’d been a prostitute. Luke lent Laura money to pay for Scotty’s law books so Scotty wouldn’t know she used a credit card. Zelda Bernstein tried to get Monica to admit spending time with Rick after Mrs. Kirkorian’s first surgery. Amy decided some day she’d be rich like the Quartermaines.

Monday, September 8, 2014

Edge of Night: April--Sept 1977

April 1977

Nicole went to the Clairmont nursing home under the care of Dr. Miles Cavanaugh. Draper proposed marriage to Raven. Danny was distressed when he assumed that Tracy had taken up with Chris Neely. Mike punched Beau after he made a suggestive remark about Nancy. Beau fired Danny, which enraged Tony Saxon. Later, Beau made a sexual play for Deborah, who rebuffed his advances. After Nancy threatened to kill him, an unseen assailant shot Beau, who was alone at the Ace of Clubs. The police raided the Ace of Clubs and discovered Beau's dead body. Draper's assistant Logan Swift was attracted to Raven. Mike remembered having gone to the Ace of Clubs to confront Beau. Johnny offered Danny his old job back at the New Moon, but Danny rebuffed him. Following the murder, Deborah had difficulty sleeping and showed no remorse over Beau's death. Saxon decided to rehire Danny and offered him Beau's vacated job. Nadine informed a shocked Ansel that Raven is contemplating marriage to Draper. A specialist was called for an electronic sounding examination of Nicole's fetus. Nicole learned that Miles is estranged from his wife Denise. Josephine panicked when Nancy arrived to visit Timmy, and Nancy admitted that she knows Timmy was never actually kidnaped. Saxon warned Josephine to keep her mouth shut about how Timmy's faked plea tapes had been recorded. As the police began the Richardson murder investigation, Mike became a suspect. Draper caught Ansel and Raven kissing and realized that his father has been the "other man" all along. Danny assumed management at the Ace of Clubs. Josephine offered to let Nancy adopt Timmy if Nancy keeps quiet about Josie's involvement with Saxon. Nicole discovered that April, a fellow patient, is Miles' sister. Saxon leaked a story to the press suggesting that the police are covering up the identity of Beau's killer. Nancy raced back to Monticello after learning that Mike has been implicated in Beau's murder. Distracted by thoughts of his father and Raven's relationship, Draper blew Saxon's prosecution by introducing inadmissible evidence in court. The judge threw out the case, and Ansel was paid handsomely for winning's Saxon's exoneration. Chris confessed to Tracy that she's more than just a patient to him. An embittered Deborah admitted to Danny that she's glad Beau is dead. The tests on Nicole's fetus showed a normal pregnancy, but Miles warned her that she could experience problems in the future. Call girl Inez Johnson gave a statement to the police professing that she saw Mike standing over Beau's body with a smoking gun in his hand the night of the murder. Mike and Nancy reconciled. Tracy and Johnny learned that Danny is the new owner of the Ace of Clubs. Nadine recognized the hostility between Raven
and Draper.

MAY 1977

Mike was arrested for Beau's murder, but Nancy confessed that she was with Beau that night, too. Danny was questioned about Harold Nevin's death. Nicole refused to consider an abortion until all of the tests are in. April bad mouthed Miles' wife Denise to Nicole. Nadine confronted Raven about her affair with Ansel. Ira Paulson decided to present Mike's prosecution to the grand jury rather than allow Draper to do it. Tracy learned that she and Inez Johnson have a mutual friend in "the business". Draper visited Nicole at the Clairmont, where he and April were smitten with each other. Laurie went into a deep depression after the grand jury indicted Mike for Beau's murder. Adam left Monticello to follow a hot lead in the Richardson murder. Timmy returned to the Karrs. Tracy was frantic when she learned that Inez's madam Mrs. Yost tried to arrange a meeting with Tracy. Saxon used Danny to convince Deborah that Steve is bad news. To force the truth out of Inez, Laurie threatened her with a gun, but Inez stuck to her story about seeing Mike kill Beau. Nicole and Draper helped Miles convince April to undergo heart surgery. Danny refused to help Tracy, who's having financial problems. Deborah and Steve were reunited.

JUNE 1977

Tracy moved in with Johnny and Laurie after being evicted from her place. Nicole was depressed that Adam is spending all of his time working to prove Mike's innocence. Steve felt guilty about spying on Saxon while dating Deborah. Laurie continued to sulk and ignore John Victor. Miffed that Miles has no interest in her, Nurse Carol Barclay wrote to Miles' wife Denise, intimating that Miles is becoming involved romantically with Nicole. Mrs. Yost offered to take a penniless Tracy back into her prostitution ring. While playing up to Kevin, Raven was jealous of Draper's interest in April. Tracy moved in with Mrs. Yost but was assured she won't have to prostitute herself. Bill was conned into publicly stating that Mike's arrest was a mistake. As their relationship became closer, Deborah grew paranoid when she thought about sleeping with Steve. Denise arrived in Mayfield and accused Miles of carrying on with Nicole. Adam returned to Monticello and phoned Bill with news that he has information about Beau's murder, but before he could reveal the killer's identity, an unseen gunman shot him in the chest! Chief Bill Marceau and Mike discovered Adam's body and suspected he was killed because he uncovered Beau's killer. Miles broke the news of Adam's death to Nicole, who ran away from the Clairmont. Luke tried to convince Kevin not to print a story that would be damaging to Bill's police career. Denise brooded over Miles, who worried about Nicole's safety. Draper considered resigning as assistant district attorney rather than having to prosecute Mike. Deborah worried that Steve knows what really happened to her the night of Beau's murder. Raven attempted to seduce Kevin. Nicole stayed with the Karrs and befriended Timmy, who admitted that he was angry that Adam died.

JULY 1977

Steve learned that both Saxon and Deborah had a motive for killing Beau, since Beau raped Deborah the night he was murdered. Mike asked Draper to be his defense attorney, after Draper resigned from the district attorney's office. April insisted on following Nicole to the Karr's house to convince Nicole to return to the Clairmont. Laurie spaced out and left John Victor alone. April persuaded Draper to handle Mike's defense. Raven turned her attention to Mike's prosecutor Logan Swift. Steve and his new police partner Calvin Stoner were ordered to work on Adam's murder instead of Beau's. Steve reconciled with Deborah. Geraldine was attracted to Tony Saxon. Bill was suspended from the chief of police position. Johnny learned that Tracy is living with her former madam Mrs. Yost. During another bout of dementia, Laurie told Tracy she can have John Victor to raise as her own son. Nicole decided to go back to the Clairmont. Steve found a book of matches in Adam's belongings with the word "Packy" written on the cover. Danny learned that Tracy is staying with Mrs. Yost. Denise needled Miles about Nicole's return and told Carol she has plans for Nicole. Deborah helped Steve learn that Packy is the nickname of a man named Eddie Packard. Danny was convinced that Tracy has returned to the prostitution ring and started divorce proceedings. Draper helped April find an apartment in Monticello near his.


Bill told Danny that Tracy isn't a prostitute but has been working undercover to nail Inez. Tracy's cover was blown when Mrs. Yost overheard a conversation between Tracy and Laurie. Packard turned out to be a false lead, but Deborah found the real Packy. April had a relapse in her heart condition. Raven reassured Kevin that she loves him, but she secretly dated Logan. Draper learned about April's heart condition but insisted he wants to marry her anyway. Denise accused Miles of using April's illness to stay apart from their bed. Danny and Tracy were reunited. Deborah continued to pump Packy for information. Mrs. Yost tried to warn Saxon after learning that Tracy is working undercover. Laurie refused to see a psychiatrist about her periods of dementia. Denise predicted for Nicole that her unborn baby will be a boy. Inez admitted that it was Saxon who forced her to go to the police and make a statement about seeing Mike kill Beau. Packy's friend Raney Cooper lured Deborah after suspecting that she isn't who she pretends to be. Kevin asked Raven to marry him. Johnny considered divorcing Laurie. After Danny realized that Tracy was working undercover to bust the prostitution ring, he and Tracy reconciled. Inez agreed to take a lie-detector test, and Logan publicized the results which proved that Inez was being truthful when she said she saw Mike kill Beau. To spite Miles and Nicole, Denise returned as a nurse at the Clairmont. Laurie had another mental spell and left baby John Victor on Tracy and Danny's doorstep. Saxon insisted his money to Inez was a coax, not a bribe.


Upset that Laurie dumped the baby on Danny's doorstep, Johnny took John Victor and left Monticello in disgust. Deborah was nearly raped by Raney, but Packy interrupted him. Denise informed Carol that she's going to be Nicole's nurse. Kevin was upset that Raven hasn't answered his marriage proposal. Raven continued to see Logan on the sly. April agreed to have the pacemaker operation. Raven finally accepted Kevin's marriage proposal but continued to lead Logan on. Deborah learned that Raney and Packy are involved with a vicious crimelord known as Colonel Tom Blood. Denise and Carol came to blows over who would be Nicole's nurse, and Denise won. As Mike's trial began, Timmy revealed that his uncle Raymond Harper resembles Mike. Colonel Blood was revealed to be Ray Harper. April learned that she must make a decision about her open heart surgery. Saxon confessed to Steve about knowing of Beau's scheme to kidnap Timmy and contact Ray, but he denied having anything to do with it. Deborah accused Steve of trying to nail her father.