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To Be Continued ........

Thursday, February 2, 2023

General Hospital Scene-by-Scene Transcript (February 1978)

General Hospital

Written by: Douglas Marland

Produced by: Gloria Monty

Dr. Jeff Webber arrived at Heather's apartment as Lana was holding Heather with a letter opener poised at her throat, trying to force her out through an open window. Jeff couldn’t reach Lana without risking Heather's life but he told her he knew all about her past and addressed the Lisa part of her character. As Lisa struggled to emerge, Lana passed out - the fugue state between periods of dominance of different personalities. - Heather saw the transformation as Lisa woke, terrified at what had nearly happened. Lisa was hospitalized at General and Peter made arrangements for long term therapy at Long Island Sanitarium with high hopes for Lisa's eventual recovery.

Lamont Corbin had come through the delicate surgery performed by Dr. Mark Dante, who noted in his diary that after Corbin regained consciousness and spoke to Katie, he put Corbin's chances for recovery at 98% positive. David Hamilton had been hanging around General Hospital all that day with a trumped-up story of wanting to see Mark about some pain he was experiencing and, noting the information in Mark's personal diary, prepared to pass it on to Cates.

The following day, Dr. Steve Hardy was beseiged by calls from members of the board of Corbin Limited, as rumors of Corbin's imminent death were published by newspapers and wire services. The stock syndicate David Hamilton was supplying information to was buying up stock in small batches, relying on Hamilton's information that Corbin's condition was stable, the opposite of the rumors they had planted. Laura Webber had seen Cates and believed he was David's new employer in an advertising firm. Later, as Cates paid off Hamilton and prepared to leave town, Lesley called at David's apartment and was told the same thing.

Lesley had learned from David that Monica was the doctor who prescribed birth control pills for Laura. She confronted Monica at Alan Quartermaine's apartment while Alan was out of the room and took her to task for interfering in the lives of the Webber family "out of jealousy." She warned Monica that if she didn’t stay completely out of Laura's life, she would go to Steve Hardy and report Monica's unprofessional conduct in prescribing the pills for a girl of Laura's age without a complete gynecological examination. In the light of Monica's past record this was an effective threat against Monica's ambitions concerning the expanded Cardiac section. When Lesley left, Alan asked who called and Monica told him the maid wanted to know if they wanted the beds turned down. Alan told her he had heard everything and believed she lied to him because Lesley's belief that she was not over Rick was correct. Monica accused Alan of playing games and trying to trap her and told him she intended to move out permanently.

Barbara « Bobbie » Spencer’s actions had made it clear that she was not interested in Darren, Scotty's roommate. She had learned that his personal ambitions did not include sharing in his father's lucrative business, When Darren realized this, he walked out on her. Barbara had helped Laura prepare for a date with Scotty by restyling her hair and make-up and lending her a dress. Scotty was taken aback at Laura's appearance and refused to take her out to a night club, so Laura went home saying only that she had quarreled with Scotty. The following morning she told Lesley she had decided that she should be seeing more of people her own age. She went to see Barbara after refusing to talk to Scotty that day and saw him in Bobbie's room, drinking wine with her. She turned and left. When she called Monica and asked to see her, Monica refused to talk with her. As a last resort she phoned David's apartment but Lesley was there to help David with some decorating ideas and he too dismissed her. Laura then phoned Barbara Vining.

Dr. Gail Adamson had met Maria Schuler who had flown in from Zurich with her attorney, claiming she worked with Gail's late husband Greg on a manuscript for his most successful book, "Always Spring," but never received credit or royalties. In Lee Baldwin's office, Gail acknowledged Greg's signature on some documents setting up a trust fund from which royalties were to be paid to the woman, but insisted on seeing proof which Miss Schuler claimed to have in the form of original notes, both hers and Greg's. Privately, Miss Schuler tried to convince Gail to accept the evidence she had presented so far, saying that she wished to spare Gail unwelcome revelations in the notes. Gail refused and both Lee and Miss Schuler's attorneys agreed to meet again the following day when the notes were available. Gail called Monica, who had made up her quarrel with Alan at his apartment in the same hotel in which Maria was staying, and told her what had happened. When Monica appeared at Miss Schuler's door some time later, she was told that she was expected and that she – Monica – was exactly as Greg described her.

Lamont Corbin had quickly gone from the solicitous husband who urged his wife Katie to get away for a time from the hospital atmosphere to insisting that nurse Jessie Brewer track Katie down and "bring her back here where she belongs." He sent for Steve Hardy and Mark to announce that he wished Steve to report in an upcoming meeting of the hospital board that he intended to donate $5,000,000 to General Hospital. Katie met with Mark and told him that the money wasn't a gift, that Lamont didn’t give away anything without a good reason. She said she was sure Lamont knew about them; he sensed what was going on. When Mark asked if she was frightened, she replied she was because she had seen Lamont in action. Mark answered that one thing wasn't going to change ... she was still Mrs. Corbin. He said he intended to make things as easy as he could to pick up his life after Katie and Corbin left. Katie told him she had no intention of leaving the hospital with Lamont. She said she did not intend to go on being Lamont's possession, even a prized one. She intended to divorce Corbin when he was well enough. Mark admitted he loved Katy but told her that Lamont's convalescence had a long way to go and warned her not to speak about their plans even to Gina.

Maria Schuler had made it clear to Monica that the notes she intended to produce to verify her claim would make it clear that Greg and Monica had an affair.

When Alan noticed Monica's nervousness and agitation she refused to tell him what was the matter, but said she needed $50,000 - the sum Maria Schuler had asked to turn the papers over to Monica and return to Zurich -. Alan told Monica he would get the money but there would be a delay and offered his personal check. When it was clear that only cash was acceptable to Miss Schuler, Monica stole the envelope containing the notes while Maria was at dinner. Miss Schuler assured her attorney Herbert Berman that she was not so foolish as to keep only one copy of the notes and that she had a second set in safekeeping at the hotel and one in Zurich.

Monica was confident that the problem had been solved and offers to attend the meeting with Gail, giving Rick very little notice to replace her as his assistant in some scheduled surgery. When Maria Schuler cooly produced the notes and Lee read them, he asked Gail to step into another office for a moment and glared at Monica as he passed. He told Gail that it was his recommendation that she honor Miss Schuler's claim as she could readily see that the handwriting was Greg's and to do so without reading them. Gail couldn’t accept this and stepped back into the room where the papers were handed to her and she began to read. As Monica got up to leave, Miss Schuler stopped her.

Laura had left Port Charles with some of her clothing and without leaving a note for Lesley. Finally Lesley got a call from Barbara Vining to tell her that Laura had phoned her and then appeared at her door in Buffalo. She said that Laura did not want her to get in touch with Les and recommended that Lesley wait for further word. Barbara and her husband Jason had been divorced and their daughter Amy was living with Jason - the man Laura believed to be her father, just as she believed Barbara Vining, who raised her, to be her mother -. Barbara was living with a musician and there was very little money to spare. She told Laura that if she stayed, even for a time, she would have to help out. After Barbara went to the store to put together a meal, Laura phoned Lesley and asked her to drive up and take her home. David drove Lesley up to Buffalo and while he and Laura were getting some things Laura had left with Barbara before going to live with Lesley into David's car, Barbara told Lesley that she responded to her maternal feelings for Laura instinctively but she wanted Les to tell Laura that her call had opened old wounds. When Lesley relayed the message to Laura at a roadside restaurant, Laura said she wouldn't take advantage of Barbara again. Lesley told Laura that when she was going through her room looking for clues to where Laura might have gone, she found her cigarettes and warned her of the danger of smoking for someone on the pill. Laura reassured Lesley, telling her she no longer smoked and as they got up to join David, who was getting the car gassed up, Laura concealed the elongated purse designed to hold cigarettes in her bag with a scarf.

Bobbie Spencer had made good time with Scotty in Laura's absence and they had been sleeping together with Bobbie already suggesting to Scotty that Lee would probably help out with the finances if Scotty were to get a place of his own without Darren as a roommate. When Darren asked about Scotty's break with Laura, he learned that Laura had left town and Scotty told him that from the evening Laura arrived overdressed and made-up, he felt he didn't really know her.

Bobbie had told Lesley when Laura was first missing that Laura had been spending quite some time visiting with David Hamilton at his apartment. Lesley took the information only as an indication of how little she knew about Laura's friends, David among them. On the way up to Buffalo in David's new sportscar - the first fruits of his Lamont Corbin deal -, Lesley remarked to David that she was grateful that Laura decided to come home and she felt she had to see to it that Laura never wanted to leave again ... no matter what it took.

Diana Taylor felt uncomfortable with Heather nursing  PJ as she noticed how attached she had become to her adopted son. Heather couldn’t conceal her pain when she was informed and stopped from continuing any contact with PJ.

Gina Dante finally told Gary Lansing she didn’t feel like marrying him. They reconciled on condition that he did not resort to ambitious career pranks.

Wednesday, February 1, 2023

February Videos

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Videos:Young and Restless Jan thru May 1990

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General Hospital: FEBRUARY 1979


General Hospital February 1980

All-new GH:

F  E  B R U  A R Y       1 9 8 1        ! ! ! !

Dynasty Season 5 (1984-85)

Dallas Season 8 (1984-85)

                       Knots Landing                        ---vs---                                                                                    Dynasty


February  1      9     7      8

Chart the rise in the ratings of General Hospital

and a year later, in February 1979, this  🠋


And then, Click:

General Hospital: FEBRUARY 1979

The Way We Were


Friday, February 15, 1980
Watch a FULL DAY of Soaps exactly as they aired
Monday, February 18, 1980
Watch Another Full Day of Soaps just as they were back then



General Hospital February 1980

F  E  B R U  A R Y       1 9 8 1        ! ! ! !


🠋 ðŸ ‹ ðŸ ‹ ðŸ ‹ ðŸ ‹

February 1984




on the way
