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Tuesday, November 30, 2021

November 1976

 Ryan's Hope

Dee rendezvoused with Roger at his house, while Pat and Faith were having fun in the kitchen. Dee threw a fit when she discovered Jill taking care of little John. Jill tripped over a tricycle during an argument with Dee and was rushed to the hospital. Mary was dismayed when Jack was not enthusiastic upon learning of her pregnancy. Pat, Frank, and Roger learned that Jill is pregnant and assumed Frank is the father.  The custody hearing proceeded in Franks' favor, then Dee discovered Jill's pregnant. Assuming the baby is Frank's, Seneca told Bucky he has given up. Dee's disclosure to the judge about Frank's infidelity led to a surprise decision with neither Dee nor Frank the complete victor in Little John's custody battle. Jill was released from the hospital but was stymied in her attempts to tell all to Seneca and Frank.

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All My Children

Dr. Jones informed Kitty that "mama" died in her sleep. Linc and Kitty insisted on attending the funeral. Anne freaked out and took drastic action when she realized the extent of Elizabeth's retardation. Kate was wary of Ruth's reconciliation with Joe. Phoebe decided to investigate Mrs. Lum's "death" by attending the funeral. Erica was suspicious, too. Little Phillip was distraught to learn Tara and Uncle Phil plan to wed.  Phoebe was stunned to encounter Myrtle's "ghost," who warned Phoebe that her number would be up if Linc ever discovered the truth. Myrtle then ran off to Hollywood with Fargate. Christina advised Ann not to overcompensate for her retarded daughter, Elizabeth, since it might affect her marriage.  Christina was haunted by the ghost of someone she "didn't mean to kill." Donna was refused a job because of her reputation. Believing that Nick is attracted to Christina, Erica resumed her modeling career. Kitty postponed her remarriage to Linc. Ruth moved back with Kate and Joe. Frank confessed his love for Caroline.

All My Children, Nov 1976 Part 4

One Life to Live

Naomi caught Brad cuddling Lana in his hospital bed. Dorian fantasized about Joe.  Karen hesitated marrying Larry immediately but schemed for him to buy an expensive diamond ring.  Pat felt guilty after making love to Tony. Jenny confessed to Karen her feelings for Brad, but admitted she's still a virgin.  Naomi insinuated that Will and Jenny were getting too close for Naomi's comfort. Pat rebuffed Tony and insisted she was leaving town.  Pat's plans to leave town were delayed when Brian became ill. Brad got to first base with Jenny. Tony told Lana to shape up or ship out.

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General Hospital

Rick flew to New York to be with Lesley, who changed her mind about the abortion at the last minute. Mark warned Monica to stop conning Rick. Terri told Mark she'd wait for him until Mary Ellen was well. Heather told her mother she plans to win Jeff.  Terri was put in the middle by befriending Mary Ellen, who swore to herself she wouldn't lose Mark. Prompted by premonitions about Tom, Audrey investigated Florence, the woman who has been spying on little Tommy. Rick was turned off from Monica and turned on to Lesley, while Jeff tried to escape Heather's clutches. Florence informed Tom about Steve and Audrey. The Taylors considered adopting a rebellious orphan, Mike. Monica told Lesley to lay off her man Rick.

General Hospital, Nov 1976 Part 1

General Hospital, Nov 1976 Part 4

Edge of Nig

Nancy gave Beau a list of Saxon's connections that she'd stolen from Mike. Ansel told Raven he intends to marry her mother, then embraced Raven passionately. Phoebe and Bill began investigating Clay's connection to Quentin's death. Clay poisoned Phoebe, then made it look like she was involved in a car accident while drinking. Nancy insisted she still loved Mike, even though she packed her bags. Raven objected when Geraldine suggested that Nadine and Ansel marry immediately. Ansel insulted Brandy about her stange bedfellow relationship with Draper.  On the run for suspicion of Phoebe's murder, Clay turned to Saxon for help. Deborah insisted that Danny be fired. Steve grew suspicious of Molly.

Part 1

November 1977



Joe returned with the news that Ray wants big bucks from the Martins to adopt Tad.  Frank was miffed when Carl, Nancy’s white boyfriend, arrived and asked her to marry him.  After a visit from Maureen, Mark’s mother, Ellen realized she loved Mark.  Phoebe started serving her weekend jail term for drunken driving.  Ruth didn’t agree with Joe’s refusal to pay Ray for the adoption rights to Tad.  Claudette assured Nick she wanted to keep her job after Erica told him Claudette still was on parole.  Benny kept Billy Clyde from telling Phoebe about Donna’s operation.  Chuck decided Donna actually may be pregnant.  Erica got her come-uppance for trying to plant drugs on Claudette when Nick switched the marijuana back to Erica’s purse.  She was caught by the cops and served a court summons.  Erica confessed to Nick her plot stemmed from her love for him.  Brooke seduced Danny to play house while Phoebe was having the DTs during her jail term.  Frank and Caroline became engaged.  Ellen admitted to Harlan that she loved Mark.  Phil was upset when Chuck spent time with Tara and little Phil. Ray decided to pump Ruth and Joe for all they are worth if they want to adopt Tad.  Erica was fined but smeared Nick in the process, then jumped to the mistaken assumption that she was unofficially engaged.  Frank and Carolyn made wedding plans but Nancy has second thoughts about squealing and revealing her one night with Frank.  Little Phil pulled his brat act at school and Linc tried to discourage David and Christina from taking Dottie out of the country.  Nancy admitted she’s pregnant.  Estelle and Benny worried that Phoebe planned to stick it to Donna via Billy Clyde’s information about Donna’s barren condition.  Edna conned David into a night out, then teased him saying Chris is looking for greener pastures with Jeff.  Kate urged Phoebe to keep a leash on Brooke where Danny is concerned.  Paul agreed to handle proceedings between the Martins and Ray.  Phil decided to punish little Phil for playing hooky on the same weekend Chuck had planned a trip.

Click:Part 1

Part 2


Lesley and Rick honeymooned while Laura and Scotty spooned.  No one realizes that Lana is the split-personality evil side of Lisa.  Adam returned but broke off with Gina, who succumbed to Gary’s sexual demands.  Unaware that it was Heather’s baby, the Taylors rejected lawyer Wallace’s adoption-selling offer.  Wallace and Mrs. Hadley plotted to find another buyer while keeping Heather in line.  After considering the adoption offer, Peter and Diana made plans to go to New York to negotiate for the baby.  Heather rejected her Hollywood offer and decided to keep the baby.  Lesley was upset to learn Laura didn’t stay with the Taylors while she and Rick honeymooned.  Scotty was angry when Laura showed an interest in George Allison, a patient at the hospital.  Dorrie accused David of taking the easy way out by accepting Rick’s hospitality.  Mrs. Hadley and her shyster lawyer convinced Heather to give up her baby.  The lawyer arranged for the unsuspecting Taylors to pay for an “abandoned” baby boy.  The Lisa half of Lana came to the surface briefly when she called Jeff to tell him she loved him but not of her whereabouts.  Lamont plotted to get Mark and Kate together.  Adam confessed he still loved Gina, although she’s resumed her affair with Gary.  Lesley barely stifled her uneasiness when David moved in with her and Rick.  Steve gave Jeff more money to locate Heather and Steven Lars.  Katie fretted about Lamont’s deteriorating condition while Mark called in specialists.  Lesley softened her regard for David, while Laura took a special interest in him.  Lana buttered up Jeff for a seduction and confessed she and Lisa played “twin” tricks on their boyfriends.  Monica was further attracted to Alan while working on their helicopter operation study for cardiac patients.  Peter and Diana returned home with their adopted son, little Peter.  Gina nixed moving in with Gary who asked for a job at the hospital to be near her.  Heather’s lawyer warned that she can never get her son back after she complained she was getting too little money out of the deal.  Jeff’s detectives located Heather.  Lesley fumed that Monica’s driving a wedge between her and Laura.  Mark called a former mentor before deciding whether to operate on Lamont.

Click:Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4


Bill and Steve realized that Mike had changed his plea to protect Laurie, who’s having nightmares about killing Beau.  Ray testified that he saw a young girl fitting Laurie’s description kill Beau. Geraldine assured Tony she didn’t think he was a hood, and he admitted he has fallen in love with her. While in a restaurant, Geraldine and Tony saw Raven kiss Logan.  Mike questioned Laurie about when she last saw Adam alive.  Miles offered his old college chum, Dr. David Roper, a job at the sanitarium.  Miles was miffed when he learned Nicole had considered changing hospitals and suspected Denise was behind it.  Miles told April to beware of Raven’s friendship.  Saxon advised Deborah not to ditch Raney too quickly, thinking perhaps she could make something of him.  Mike received a suspended sentence.  Laurie cut her wrist, but insisted it was an accident.  Kevin learned that he is sterile while Raven admitted to Geraldine she has doubts about the wedding.  Bill was reinstated as chief of police.  Deborah went behind Steve’s back and accepted a date with Raney. Tony was so grateful to Rainey for saving Deborah from Otto’s sexual attack that he offered Rainey a respectable job.  Geraldine advised Kevin not to tell Raven about his sterility since Raven doesn’t want children.  Bill was reluctant to investigate Adam’s death since everyone suspects Laurie.  Logan refused to give Raven the satisfaction of attending her wedding to Kevin which took place.  Miles’ former colleague, Dr. Roper, offered him a job at a clinic.  Laurie began psychiatric consultations after confessing to Draper she killed Beau.  Steven drowned his misery in booze after learning Deborah was dating Raney.  Raven learned the dope on April’s heart condition.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

November 1979


All My Children

Cliff suffered a concussion and blurred vision after being dragged while holding Palmer's car door handle in an effort to clear matters with Nina. The cops didn’t buy Myrtle's confession of killing Eddie and Kelly was arrested and booked. Nancy told Russ she's not ready for marriage after Carl showed a preference for "uncle" Frank. Palmer warned Sybil to keep quiet about Janice. But Sybil had the guilts and urged Cliff to sue Palmer. Nina learned Palmer lied to her about Cliff's condition which requires surgery. Devon was unhappy living with Wally's domineering mother.

Little Carl broke his neck when he fell from a park swing. Nancy accused Frank of not watching the child because Frank was with Betsy. Donna was insanely jealous when Chuck returned from Washington with Tara and Charlie. Chuck explained that Phil disappeared while on assignment. Linc was skeptical of defending Kelly since he doubts her innocence. Sybil interfered with Brooke's attempt to reunite Cliff and Nina. Tom ordered Erica to spend more time at home than at her disco.

Linc and Joe saved Kelly from cold turkey convulsions in prison. Cliff turned down Sybil's seduction offer saying be only loves Nina. Russ performed a spinal fusion and bone graft operation on Carl. Erica went bananas because another disco is opening but even worse, Tom suspected she's on the pill again! Paul was convinced that Ann won't recover, but she remembered marrying Paul. Ruth was warned to stay cool for her baby's sake after a shouting match with Phoebe over Phil and Ruth's menopausal pregnancy. Devon got fed up with Wally's mother's interference.

Tom ordered Erica to pack her bags after he found proof that she's been on the pill and lying about it. Cliff promised Nina he'd prove that Janice's baby isn't his. He learned the child's birthdate doesn't match his romancing period with Janice. But Palmer forced Nina to promise she wouldn't speak to Cliff again. Nancy's bone graft operation for Carl was postponed. Kelly was indicted for Eddie's murder. Langley asked Phoebe for a quickie wedding after realizing that Myrtle is close to remembering his past. Donna vowed she wouldn't allow Tara to get close to Chuck.

Nov 1979, Part 1

Nov 1979, Part 2

Nov 1979, Part 3

Nov 1979, Part 4

Nov 1979, Part 5

Nov 1979, Part 6

Nov 1979, Part 7

Nov 1979, Part 8

Nov 1979, Part 9

Nov 1979, Part 10

 One Life to Live

Maggie was thrilled that Clint and Pat didn't hit it off. but worried that Dorian is determined to snatch Clint. Katrina had a baby girl and signed adoption papers, just as Jenny underwent a caesarian. Fran blamed Samantha that Mick's legs had to be rebroken and his Olympic career is caput. Carla and Jack quarreled about her career. Peter and Vince threw Brad out of Jenny's hospital room.

Karen convinced Mario to switch Jenny's dead baby for Katrina’s just as Katrina had a sudden streak of mother-love. Karen’s racked with guilt. Pat told Viki her suspicions that Clint has a gangster past. Everyone attended Becky's opening at the Blue Ridge Club. Dorian learned that Clint's pa is a syndicate owner of a football team. Clint didn't fall for Dorian's batting eyelashes. Jenny told Brad he won't have custody rights to their baby. Ivan promised the moon to one of Brad's pickups, Cindy, if she drops Brad and becomes Ivan's lady.

Brad copped a plea of assault instead of rape so he wouldn't have to face a trial and would only have to serve a month in prison. Katrina didn't recognize Jenny's baby as her own. Jenny named the child Mary, the name Kat had planned for her "dead" baby. Ivan told Faith he's divorcing her for desertion and for withholding marital "services" and she won't get a penny. Cindy put Brad on hold while Ivan's courting her. Faith feared she's falling hard for Larry. Jamie asked Viki's approval to date Tina since he's reformed. Ed mooned after running into Carla.

Football cheerleader Mimi King arrived. Chuck Wilson, Clint's father, Asa Buchanan’s right-hand man, cautioned C & W singer Johnny Drummond that Johnny owes Asa favors for his career success. Becky was reluctant to perform with Johnny at the Blue Ridge. Maggie got hysterical when Clint gave her the brush-off. Fran tried to keep Samantha away from Mick. Jenny turned down Brad's reconciliation attempts. Brad refused to settle for a prison term. Tina dated Jamie. Larry offered to attend the Lamaze sessions with Viki. Dorian taunted Ivan's obsessions with Cindy. Ed and Karen stopped Katrina from hitting the streets for money again.

Nov 1979, Part 1

Nov 1979, Part 2

Nov 1979, Part 3

Nov 1979, Part 4

Nov 1979, Part 5

Nov 1979, Part 6

Nov 1979, Part 7

General Hospital

 Mitch acquired the stolen Kirkorian Deposition and refused to tell Tracy what it contained unless she destroys their prenuptial agreement. Tracy's son Ned arrived for the wedding. Joe returned with no news from Steven Lars but with information about Mitch’s crooked political connections. Alan warned Edward that Mitch could ruin the Quartermaine name. Luke went to assasinate Mitch at election headquarters but fouled things up. Jeff dined with Diana, while Howard got chummy with Zelda. Jessie held a wedding shower for Bobbie. Laura began therapy with Mrs. Theadore.

Tracy ordered Mitch to get dressed for their wedding after finding him in bed with Susan. Laura prevented Luke from assassinating Mitch. Roy went in Luke's place but was killed by bodyguards. Luke and Bobbie told the mob lies. Luke didn’t go to the assignment. Lesley learned that she can bear children but it would endanger her own life. Tracy left the wedding guests waiting while she eloped with Mitch after threatening to tell the press that he had set Ted up for the kill. The hospital board resented Bobbie’s bad publicity. Pregnant Monica had pains. Jeremy got a set of braces.

Luke realized that he's tied to the syndicate for life and vowed to make the best of it, including winning Laura one way or another. Anne was jealous that Jeff and Diana are spending time together. Laura complained to Luke that she's not a real wife to Scotty. Bobbie admitted she was a hooker after Steve defended her mobster moll reputation to the board. Mitch and Tracy returned from their honeymoon.

Laura admitted to Lesley that she may be pregnant by the rapist. An anonymous caller asked how much it would be worth to Monica to keep the stolen Kakorian deposition under wraps. Monica collapsed, was hospitalized and may lose her baby. Mitch suspected that Susan saw his copy of the deposition and that she is the anonymous blackmailer. Tracy denied knowing about the deposition and claimed to want only what's best for Monica and Alan. But, she'd give her right arm to know the content. Bobbie suspected that Luke raped Laura and Mitch gave Susan keys to a love nest apartment.

November 1980


 All My Children

Nancy agreed to marry Frank. Cliff couldn’t persuade Sybil to have an abortion, so he told Nina the truth. After a model tipped off Erica that Brandon’s a ladykiller, Brandon insisted to Erica that he never mixes business with pleasure. Ruth protested Tara’s growing attachment to Jim. Joe comforted Leora when Kurt refused to see a counselor as he had promised. Suzanne wasn’t impressed that Tad smokes dope. Jerry enticed Tad to sell drugs to classmates. Wally shunned Devon, claiming he has to cram for school. Brandon arranged for Erica to be interviewed by Dick Cavett. Mark and Ellen consummated their marriage. Myrtle saved Bonnie from downing a bottle of bleach while Devon was passed out from booze. Wally fumed and admitted he knows about Devon's affair with Sean. Palmer urged Nina to get an annulment and offered Sybil big bucks to carry her baby full term as marriage bait for Cliff. Anne insisted she's filing for divorce, now that Paul won the election, but he insisted he wanted to continue the marriage. Erica put down Pine Valley residents, including Mona, on the Dick Cavett show. Brandon made a play for Erica. Joe advised Ruth to seek professional therapy. Carrie learned Kurt lied about going to a counseling session. Chuck accused Donna of messing around with Palmer. Devon agreed Wally should seek a divorce, but Betsy advised him to stick to Devon.  Carrie was almost caught by cops during a drug run for Jerry, who refused to let her out of the gang. Kurt twisted his ankle while beating Leora for having dinner with Joe. Chuck was green that Tara is falling for Jim. Palmer convinced Donna to continue living at his mansion. Tad warned Charlie to keep his trap shut after Charlie found dope in Tad's room. Langley planned to use marked cards while gambling to get back Phoebe's money. Tara and Joe agreed that Ruth's behavior is getting psychotic. Leora leaned on Joe for comfort. Erica was frantic that she'll spend Thanksgiving alone because Brandon and Mona are otherwise occupied. Benny promised to stand by Estelle after she announced her pregnancy.  Erica invited herself to Frank and Nancy's Thanksgiving Day wedding. Wally and Devon reconciled, but Devon headed for the liquor store after Betsy was hired to babysit Bonnie. Langley returned Phoebe's money from his gambling winnings. Palmer snooped to learn the identity of Daisy's lover. Cliff refused to sign divorce papers. Kurt went after Leora with a poker after she learned he lied about his psychiatric consultations. Mona assured Sybil that she'd receive maternity leave benefits. Sean and Daisy arranged an "accidental" public rendezvous, although Myra warned Daisy that Palmer would use the affair to get Nina away from Daisy. Ruth objected to Jim escorting Tara to Frank's wedding.  Joe and Carrie kept Kurt away from Leora, who was hospitalized after his poker attack on her. Wally learned that Devon’s been hitting the bottle. Under hypnosis, Estelle remembered that Billy raped her during the kidnapping at the cemetery. Phoebe encouraged Brooke to go full speed ahead with Tom, who proposed marriage. Kurt spread rumours about Joe and Leora to Ruth. Daisy used Nina as an excuse to date Sean secretly so that Palmer won’t find out. Cliff attempted a reconciliation with Nina after he rejected Sybil’s urgings to throw in the towel. Anne tended a flu-stricken Paul. Carrie told Leora that Kurt probably killed Carrie’s mother.

Flashback: Erica & Sloane Sutton

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General Hospital

Alice and Diana were nervous when Heather asked Jeff to bring Steven Lars to the sanitarium. Heather plotted with her roommate Sara to make an escape.  Jeff insisted that a new doctor be put on Heather's case and that Tony Perelli be fired. Heather insisted to Jeff and Tony that she can't remember the past, but she confided to Sarah that she knows where Stephen Lars is.  Heather claimed that Tony made a pass at her in order to get him off her case. Heather was nervous that Tony was getting too close to learning that Sarah is helping Heather's escape. Howard offered to help Susan buy the disco from Frank. Monica and Alexandria mixed like oil and water. Hutch became friendly with Diana and insisted he must tell Luke he didn’t intend to kill him. The hospital board unanimously reinstated Steve after Edward matched the funds acquired through Frank’s syndicate dealings. Lesley and Rick got closer while dealing with Laura’s turmoils. Anne argued with Jeff when he dined with Diana. Heather rehearsed acting like her nurse lookalike and discovered where the nurse keeps an extra car key.  Monica fumed that Alan financed Susan's purchase of the disco. Edward promised Alexandria to keep mum about her secret crate that's hidden in the basement, if she won't tell Lila that his heart is acting up again. Another doctor took over Heather’s case from Tony.  Monica confided to Gail she'd approve of Susan and Alan as a love team so that Monica would have grist for the divorce mill. Luke had a steamy date with Alexandria, who also attracted Howard's attentions. Anne and Jeff exchanged their own marriage vows so they could consummate their love, but they haven't "done it" yet.   Lesley invited Rick to Thanksgiving dinner. Heather donned her disguise and headed for the nurse's car.  After one botched escape attempt, Heather tried another ploy so she can see what's going on in Jeff’s bedroom. Rick refused to let Monica get close to him at the clinic and instead invited Lesley to work with him. He was also jealous of Jim's attention to Lesley. Everyone trooped to Lesley's for Thanksgiving but Monica warned Lesley that Rick could never be her man again.  Heather managed to sneak in and out of the hospital to keep tabs on Jeff and P.J. The staff detected her absence and tipped off Anne and Jeff. Monica admitted she was out for blood after learning Rick dined with Rose. Joe confessed to Bobbie that he’s unsure of his feelings for Rose after he displayed a jealous streak over the same dining incident.  Diana got hysterical when she heard Heather had escaped. Howard cautioned Diana against seeking a husband merely to keep P.J.

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Sunday, November 7, 2021

November Videos

After Thanksgiving

Catch up on what you missed in October, go here:  October Review

Click the button in the center. Wait. Then click the center button again.

September was good too:  September Review

H       a     P       P     y               T    h     A    n      K    s  G  i     V    i     N        g



c   L       C    k 



All new,  for Thanksgiving 2021......

First watch:                      My special 40-min Introduction to DYNASTY

---and then:       Watch the Entire 3-hour Reunion !!!!!


H a P P y        h A n K s G i V i N g     ! ! ! ! ! 

ClickSeason 3 

click:  Season 4 

Click Season 5


Young and Restless, November 1987

November 1992

Young and Restless, November 1993

"Elizabeth had insisted on her dressing room being painted violet to match her eyes and that it have floor-to-ceiling fish tanks."  People Magazine, November 16 1981



General Hospital Nov 1981


Click:November Welcome Home (from Vegas)

                                                  November 8, 1965:  "A new Dramatic Serial"

                                     Watch the entire week of Nov 1965 FULL EPISODES:

                  Days of Our Lives Nov 1965 Premiere Week

 November 1973  

                                                                                               November 14, 1977 



Ryan's Hope Nov 1977

Ryan's Hope Nov 1978

Ryan's Hope Nov 1979

Ryan's Hope November 1980

Ryan's Hope November 1981

All My Children Nov 1973

AMC  1973 Refresher:

All My Children, November 1979

All My Children Nov 1979 transcripts, plus OLTL Baby Switch, click here:

Baby Switch:

One Life To Live, November 1979

                                                                                                               Listen to Lesley's 1978 theme:     
Get to know:



----with Daytime70s !!!


catch up on what you missed in October, go here:  October Review