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January 1977

Please review December 1976, here:

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Ryan's Hope  

Seneca added up the months and realized that Frank can't possibly be the father of Jill's baby. Despite her promise to Maeve, Dee ran off with Roger and left a note asking that no one try to stop her. Jack, suspicious of Dee's motives, found the letter. He grew sour when Ryan sister Kathleen arrived with her brood for the holidays. At the last minute, Pat convinced Dee not to sail to Europe with Roger. Jill and Seneca made a pact not to reveal the paternity of her child until after it is born. Johnny let the cat out of the bag and told Jack that Mary is carrying the only child Jack may be capable of fathering. Pat returned with Dee from Boston but felt guilty for being intimate with her. New Year's Eve at Ryan's Bar was a singing and boozing affair.

While Pat and Faith spent a loving weekend at her beachhouse, Dee insisted to Father McShane and Bobby that she's pregnant. Seneca was furious that Jill had left for a date with Frank, only moments later Jill was rushed to the hospital with signs of having a possible miscarriage.  Against Seneca's wishes, Jill left the hospital, slipped on ice, and began miscarrying. Mary was furious that Jack consulted Roger about a bypass operation, even though Roger's opinion was the same as Alex and Clem's. Pat admitted his love to Faith. Bobby advised Dee to have an abortion. Jack accused Mary and Alex of having an affair in Alex's country house, where they were stranded during a storm. Dee went to pieces when she learned Pat and Faith were engaged. Jill was saved from a miscarriage once again but is confined to her hospital bed. Johnny suggested that Jack and Mary annul their marriage. Jack insisted he's seeking an annulment after consulting with Father McShane.  After learning that she is pregnant with Pat's child, Dee agreed to  divorce Frank.  Seeking a quickie divorce, Frank headed for the Dominican Republic.

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All My Children

Phoebe went overboard when she learned Kitty is showing her "mother's" picture to everyone and that Kate might see it and would blow the whistle.  Chuck convinced Donna to get a legitimate job rather than return to the streets. Erica decided not to resume modeling but discovered that Nick planned to replace her at the restaurant. Paul got testy with Ann for overcompensating for Beth. Little Phil isn't adjusting to Tara and Phil's upcoming wedding. Mona asked Nick to rehire Erica. Phoebe stole Kitty's picture of "mama." David suggested that Christina seek professional help after he heard her talking to herself. Little Phil was distraught when he found Tara and Phil kissing. Frank told Caroline that it's all over between him and Nancy.  Kate cooked up a Christmas storm as the Martins welcomed the return of Jeff who has been away from Pine Valley for over a year. Not too much to cheer about in Pine Valley as David left town. Phil and Tara were married despite a temporary setback while everyone searched for little Phil who had trouble adjusting. Erica perked up when she learned ex-husband Jeff had returned. Benny and Brooke resolved to continue seeing each other despite Phoebe's threats.

Linc persuaded Kitty to remarry. Drunken Phoebe and Little Phil were in an accident. Donna found a legitimate job. Christina and Jeff had a reunion. She was warned by "her ghost" to tell Jeff "what really happened"  and why she was forced to resign from Surgery to work in Pediatrics.  Mona confirmed Phoebe's revelation to Kitty about Mrs. Lum.  Dr. Christina concluded that Beth would never advance beyond her present stage, but Ann believed a psychic's horoscope saying that Beth would improve and made love to Paul for the first time since the baby's birth.  Donna dated Benny, who is now Phoebe's chauffeur, while Caroline admitted she loves Frank.  Christina's "ghost" followed her when she moved into Jeff's old apartment.  While Linc tried to locate Mrs. Lum, Kitty had eyesight problems, which Joe diagnosed as hysterical blindness.  Ann insisted she'd never allow Beth to be institutionalized.

After being released from the hospital, Little Phil insisted on moving in with Chuck, rather than with Phil and Tara. Phoebe reneged on her agreement to divorce Charles. Anne fired Christina as Beth's pediatrician. Donna felt cheap after fending off Benny.

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Brian was rushed to the hospital in serious condition. Jenny caught Brad in the act with Lana and later threw him out when he tried to explain. Will finished his book, but Naomi kept harping about Will neglecting his family. Pat became hysterical when she learned Brian has bacterial meningitis and is in a coma. Brad told Lana to ship out, then for the first time admitted his love for Jenny. When Brian's condition worsened, Pat was forced to consider telling Tony that he is Brian's father -- before it's too late for father and son to know each other.  Will grew jealous of Brad and Jenny. Dorian invested in Brad's proposed tennis club.

Larry and Karen split. She dated Dr. Alex Bennett to make Larry jealous. Matt complained to Dorian that Joe's been hitting the bottle and not doing his work. Jenny refused Brad's marriage proposal. He made the scene with Lana. Vicki got fed up with Joe's drunken accusations about her and Steve Burke and threw it in his face about his affair with Cathy. Matt told Dorian to lay off Joe or he'd reveal her past schemes. Peter told Pat that Brian must undergo a dangerous operation. Pat admitted to Tony that he's Brian's father. Dorian took advantage of Joe and Vicki's shattered relationship. Cathy agreed to keep a diary of her dreams and thoughts for Will. Lana grew determined to get Brad back. Brad and Jenny tried to dissuade Samantha from sneaking off at night with Marty. Pat asked Tony not to reveal he's Brian's father until Brian is well. Naomi was suspicious of Will's affection toward Jenny after he learned that his manuscript was accepted by a publisher.


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General Hospital 

Turned out by Jeff, Heather conned Larry Joe into spying on Monica to prove she's living with Rick. Jeff confronted Rick after receiving an anonymous tip about Rick and Monica. Jeff went off the deep end when he learned about Rick and Monica and stole a gun -- intent on killing them. He locked himself in a back room of a bar. Heather thinks she's pregnant. Mike joined the Taylors for the holidays. Christmas for the Webbers was a bummer. Jeff lay near death after he shot himself in the head. But little Mike added cheer to the Taylor household.  Everyone chastised Monica as Jeff made slow progress to recovery. Mary Ellen resolved that the coming year would be the best for her and Mark. Steve and Audrey's honeymoon was interrupted when they learned Tom was alive and back in Port Charles making claim to Tommy. Tom told Audrey that he asked brother Lee Baldwin, his lawyer, to arrange for a divorce, and that he's not yet ready to tell Tommy the truth. Mike and Martha planned a New Year's Eve party just like the grownups.

Monica refused to grant permission for Jeff's surgery to remove the bullet. Terri and Steve discovered a letter from Lars and Helene to be opened only in the event that something should happen to Jeff. The letter said that that Steve is Jeff's real father. Steve gave his permission for Jeff's surgery. Diana accidentally ran over Mike. Heather told Diana she's pregnant. Adam and Rick warned Lesley not to go to Chicago to see Mac, Cam's crony, who has news on Laura. Jeff's operation was successful. Rick turned Monica out. Mac agreed to give information on Laura to Lesley if she turned over money and the remaining criminal evidence against him. The adoption agency agreed to allow Mike to stay with the Taylors. Heather visited Jeff and almost told him she's pregnant, but Monica interrupted them. Mark arranged a job for sister Gina at the hospital. Steve gave Monica two month's notice and insisted she and Jeff can't stay in the same town. Adam's daughter, Jill, was jealous when he hired and dated Gina. Rick and Lesley left for Canada in search of Laura and Barbara Vining. Audrey began divorce proceedings.

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Edge of Night

Laurie and Johnny arranged a Christmas reunion for Mike and Nancy, even though Nancy was under pressure to cooperate with Beau and Saxon. Tracy and Danny decided to share Christmas dinner together. And as usual, Nicole's life was threatened.  Mike found Beau in Nancy's room and assumed the worst, so Laurie's reunion dinner went down the drain. Danny accused Tracy of finding another guy, Steve, who had his hands full with Deborah. On New Year's Eve, Nicole was reported to have been shot and killed.

Nicole wasn't killed. It was a plot to catch Darcy's secretary, who was arrested. Beau told Nancy she wouldn't have to work to get information on Mike but that Timmy's life is still in danger if she opens her mouth. Steve told Danny he intends to date Tracy.  Mike suspected that Nancy is an informer for Beau and Saxon. Revenent (Darcy) sent a tape saying there would be no more attempts on Nicole's life, since she can't remember the island location. Tracy sought psychiatric help from Chris. Mike supplied Nancy with false information, which she passed on to Beau and Saxon. Mike is convinced Nancy is working for them because she's in love with Beau. Beau and Saxon learned of the game and told Nancy that threats to Timmy would still be used to keep her in line. Nicole hesitated telling Adam she's pregnant and remembered that Billy had saved her life on the island. Nadine and Ansel returned from their honeymoon to learn that Raven had gone to Washington with Draper, who's investigating Saxon's income tax records.

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January 1978

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by Jon-Michael Reed

Erica tried to make Nick feel guilty when she took off. Chuck arranged for an unknowing Donna to have one last test to see if she really can’t become pregnant. Brooke set out to break up Danny and Devon. Ellen’s doubts about Mark resurfaced when Claudette taunted her about her own mother’s affair with a younger man. Carl urged Caroline to marry him and return to Chicago. Claudette grew closer to Linc.  Ray pulled another bummer on Ruth by demanding another $5,000.  Chuck learned that Donna’s pregnancy symptoms are psychosomatic.  Edna used a minor injury to prove that David had beaten her; he threatened to use her affair with Ray in a divorce suit.  Benny taunted Brooke about losing Danny to Devon.  Billy Clyde spilled the beans to Donna. Carolyn received a bill for a pregnancy test addressed to Mrs. Grant, but learned it was for Nancy.  Nick rushed to New York when he learned Erica was hospitalized with pneumonia.  Claudette scored points with Linc.  Donna was traumatized when Chuck told her she isn’t pregnant.  Carl returned to Chicago after Nancy turned down marriage.  Paul was convinced Ray skipped town.  Estelle helped out a lonely citizen, Maggie Flanagan, but Billy Clyde assumed she was cheating on him. Ray looted Harlan’s house, then planned to loot the Martins’ during a medical  dinner-dance.  Brooke and Ellen were at each other’s throats after Brooke called Ellen a cradle robber.  Devon defended Ellen.  Donna began therapy with Dr. Polk and admitted that her own father had tried to molest her.  Brooke played up to Tom after he hired her as Erica’s temporary replacement, then set another trap for Danny.  Nancy told Carolyn that the baby Nancy is carrying is Carl’s.  Chris was furious that David gave in to Edna’s demands.  Erica’s condition worsened.  Joe struggled with Ray after Ray mugged Ruth, knocked her unconscious, raped her, then beat a hasty retreat.  Benny persuaded Phoebe to leave the hospital even though she insisted she’d be wheelchair-bound.  After Nick’s proposal, Erica resolved to get well.  Ellen said she wouldn’t have a hasty wedding with Mark.  Chris went to the medical dance with Jeff, where Edna embarrassed David by acting like a floozy.  A search warrant was issued for Ray, but rape was kept out of the report.

by Nancy Reichardt

Nick frets when he finds a note from Erica which implies she’s contemplating suicide, although she’s actually on a vacation designed to make him pop the question. Wanting to find out if Donna can have children, Chuck persuades her to take a test which she thinks is being given only to verify her existing pregnancy. Billy Clyde beats Estelle after she visits an elderly lady who befriended her in church. Claudette makes a play for Linc. Phoebe continues to feign paralysis. Trying to keep Devon away from Dan, Brooke warns her Dan will expect her to go to bed with him. Jeff reveals to Christina that Ray spent several nights at Edna’s cabin. Flattered when Jeff says he loves her, Christina tells him she’ll always consider him a good friend.

Ray continues to up his adoption price to Ruth and Joe. David plans to use the fact that Ray spent several nights at Edna’s to win divorce from her. After Nancy tells Carl she’s expecting Frank’s child, he asks her to marry him. Tests having revealed Donna’s tubal ligation, Dr. Clayder tells Chuck she’s having a hysterical pregnancy. Phil fumes to hear Tara blaming Chuck’s woes on the fact that she divorced him. Chuck dreams of remarrying Tara. Mona and Nick continue to worry over Erica’s whereabouts. Dan tells Brooke he’s through with her.

Trying to renew a modeling career in New York, Erica contracts viral pneumonia. Flying to her hospital bedside, Nick admits he loves her. Nancy turns down Carl’s marriage proposal. Hoping to win Charles back, Phoebe claims if they went on a religious pilgrimage, she would be able to walk; he calls the idea nonsense. When David pushes her, Edna tells everyone he is a wife-beater. After Ray threatens Tad, Ruth withdraws all offers of money and says she will see him in court. Learning she cannot have children and is not pregnant, Donna considers running away. Nancy’s positive pregnancy test is accidentally sent to Caroline.

Nick proposes marriage to a critically ill Erica. Although everyone thinks he has taken a powder, Ray Gardner is still in Pine Valley and plans to take the Martins for a financial ride. Nancy tells Caroline she is expecting Carl’s child. Christina is growing tired of David’s demands and jealousy. With Erica ill in New York, Tom hires Brooke to be the Goalpost’s hostess. Linc is finding Claudette’s company very comforting. Benny tells Charles he will help Phoebe stay on the wagon. Not wanting to lose Dan to Devon, Brooke is out to get him. During session with Dr. Polk, Donna recalls her father had wanted to molest her. Poor Ruth ends up being raped by Ray.

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Part 3
Part 4
Part 5

General Hospital  

by Jon-Michael Reed

Monica taunted Rick when their helicopter was forced to make an emergency landing during a storm. Lesley rejoiced when Rick returned safe and sound, but was taunted by Monica.  Alan chewed out Monica for going against his orders to cancel the helicopter test run.  Lana pretended to be friendly with Heather, but privately plotted to get her out of the way regarding Jeff.  Mark decided the only alternative for Lamont is surgery. Scotty’s roommate, Darren Blythe, was attracted to Laura.  New student nurse Barbara Spencer was interested in Scotty’s inheritance. David privately mourned when Lesley left to sort out her jealousy of Rick and Monica.  


Lesley and Rick reconciled.  Monica apologized for causing friction, then set her sights on Alan. Mark returned and decided to operate on Lamont despite Steve’s arguments.  Laura hinted to Barbara that she has a clear field to Scotty but had better stay away from David.  Lana terrorized Heather by anonymously breaking into her apartment.  Lee learned that Gail is having trouble with her husband’s estate because of her former mother-in-law. Lesley caught Laura in a lie about spending the night with Scotty in Lee’s suite.  David dealt with a shyster to supply information on Lamont’s condition so they can manipulate Corbin Corp.’s stock.  Katie fantasized making love with Mark.  Barbara teased Darren.  Peter had Lana tailed so she wouldn’t harm Heather.  Monica corralled Alan.  Jeff learned the truth about Lana when he tried to locate Lana’s aunt. Jeff and Peter stopped Lana-Lisa from forcing Heather to jump out a window at knifepoint.  Lana was recommitted.  Gina realized Gary is not her type and told him they can’t get married.  Mark tried to cool his love for Katie by taking up with Dorrie. Rick fumed that he has been left out in the cold because of Lesley’s concern with Laura’s problems.

by Nancy Reichardt

When the helicopter makes emergency landing, Rick and Monica are forced to spend the night together in an isolated ranger outpost. Concern for Rick’s safety drives Lesley and David together. Laura informs Lesley her sex life is no one’s business but her own. Heather talks Diana into letting her babysit Peter Jr. on New Year’s Eve. Lana, making a prank call to Heather, is upset when Jeff picks up the phone. Gina asks Gary to wait for an answer on his marriage proposal. Mark feels lonesome when Katie goes to Boston.

Lesley moves out of the house. Rick asks David to find a place of his own and persuades Lesley to return. Gina agrees to marry Gary. Heather feels guilty because she knows Steven Lars is alive while Jeff does not. Lana pretends she is going to visit an aunt but Jeff discovers her suitcase is empty and also realizes there is no aunt. Monica learns Alan wants to leave town. Katie admits to her sister she loves both Mark and Lamont. Rick is angry when he finds out Monica was supposed to cancel the helicopter trip they took.

While Mark is out of town conferring about surgery for Lamont, Lamont suffers a stroke. Diana plans to return to work and have Heather watch P.J.. Laura is apprehensive because a new student nurse has eye for Scotty. Heather moves into the apartment Jeff found for her. Lana tells Peter her parents were killed by lightning. Rick informs Lesley that David took blame for getting co-ed pregnant and was expelled from college.

While in bed with Alan, Monica fantasizes that she is with Rick. With Lee out of town, Scotty and Laura spend a night at his apartment. Lesley learns of the tryst when Laura leaves her wallet behind despite being covered by young nurse in training, Bobbie Spencer. Gail travels with Lee to St. Louis, where her in-laws are contesting her late husband’s will. David decides to make easy money by informing stockholders about Lamont’s health. Unaware of Lamont’s declining condition, Mark agreed to perform surgery. Lana learns about Mrs. Hadley and pretends to be Heather’s friend. In Canton, Jeff finds no trace that Lana or her family ever lived there.


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Edge of Night 

by Jon-Michael Reed

Miles and Denise argued when she accused him of having one of her father’s friends donate money to Roper’s clinic instead of Claremont.  Miles resigned from Claremont.  April was hospitalized. Logan dated his secretary Maggie to spite Raven.  Mike assigned Draper to handle the case of a younger forger, Sarah Peterson.  Mike worried that Saxon would use Kevin to Saxon’s advantage on the crime commission. Tony and Geraldine were married.  Adam’s case was closed and Harper was indicted.  April agreed to the surgery and Draper’s marriage proposal.  Logan realized Raven doesn’t care for anyone except Draper.  The redhead murderer is loose.  Deborah went undercover to catch the butcher behind Calvin and Steve’s backs.  April learned from Charlie Redmond, an ex-janitor at Clairmont, that Denise deliberately allowed one of Miles’ patients to die several years ago.  Denise fumed that Miles is working at Roper’s clinic.  Kevin suspected the redhead murders are a cover-up for organized crime.  Steve thought Vinnie, a demented cop, was the “redhead murderer.”  Deborah was saved.  Denise vowed that Nicole would never get Miles.  Raven was jealous that Logan was dating other women.  April’s surgery was scheduled.  April’s surgery was scheduled for sooner than expected.  Logan warned Draper that Raven is chummy with April to keep tabs on Draper.  Nancy was offered a job on a local news show.

by Nancy Reichardt

Draper and April announce their engagement. Owen Crimmins decides to give money to Dan Roper’s clininc instead of the Claremont. Angry when Denise’s father suggests that Miles be a full-time fund raiser, Miles quits post as chief of staff at Claremont. Logan suggests all is not proper with the crime commission and holds reservations about Kevin’s position in it. Mike gives his new law partner Draper a criminal case.

Hospitalized, April tells Draper he doesn’t have to marry her out of pity. Denise informs Miles she will not release any joint funds for him to start a new practice. Four beautiful red-haired girls have been strangled in Monticello. Geraldine assures Raven that she and Kevin can live with her after Geraldine  marries Tony. Geraldine and Tony plan a simple ceremony.

Deborah agrees to serve as an undercover agent in order to track the killer of red-haired girls. Geraldine and Tony wed. Discovering Raven really wants Draper, Logan tells her to get lost. A former employee of the Claremont Clinic is an orderly at the hospital where April is confined. He reveals that the night Catherine Damon (a patient in Claremont) died, Denise lied about the call system being out of order.

April undergoes heart surgery. Opening a policeman’s locker by mistake, Steve discovers pictures of red-haired girls and wonders if the cop might be the killer. Leaving town for a while, Miles writes Denise assuring her their marriage will continue but reaffirms his intention to work at Dan Roper’s clinic.

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4

January 1979

Please review  December 1978:


January 1979

Ray Gardner !

All My Children  

by Nancy Reichardt

Returning to Pine Valley, Ray Gardner hides in David Thornton's old cabin and hatches a plan to abduct Tad. Kelly survives an accidental overdose of pills and booze, then tells Eddie that the marriage is off. Although Tom nixes plans to open a disco, Erica goes ahead on her own. Mark is devastated when Ellen admits Devon isn't going to give them the baby to adopt and raise as their own. Ellen then  postpones her wedding to Mark. Kelly plans to move in with Myrtle. Phoebe continues to pressure Chuck about divorcing Donna.

Erica goes to New York to get money from Mark’s mother, Maureen, to open her disco. Brooke and Mark become friends. Making sure she cannot balance the books, Eddie offers to help Claudette in the office and in bed. Ray Gardner abducts Edna. When Russ Anderson, a former medical school chum of Frank’s, comes to town, Caroline tries to match him with Nancy. Tom wants to start a family but Erica’s taking the pill on the sly.

While trying to get Donna and Edna from Ray Gardner’s clutches, Chuck is shot by Ray. Jeff explodes when he learns it wasn’t a case of Chris turning down a San Francisco job, but her seeking them out and then being turned down instead. Maureen, Mark’s mother, agrees to finance Erica’s disco if Erica breaks up Mark and Ellen’s relationship. When Tara says she can no longer manage Charlie without a man around the house, Kate suggests Tara tell Charlie that Phil – not Chuck – is his father. Mona discovers Tom wants children, but Erica is taking birth-control pills. After Devon gets a letter from an unwed mother’s home in New York, Wally insists on going with her when she has the baby. Myrtle is puzzled by the stranglehold Eddie seems to have on Kelly.

When she sees Ray Gardner shoot Chuck in Edna’s apartment, Donna regains her memory. Posing as a doctor, Phil manages to get into the apartment in hopes of rescuing Chuck, Donna, Edna and Dottie. Disco-ing in New York with Mark, Erica is certain she wants to open her own disco, there,  and sets about trying to break up Mark and Ellen, as per Mark’s mother. As luck would have it, Brooke is showing more than a friendly interest in Mark.

Overhearing Phoebe and Tara arguing, Charlie learns Chuck is not his real father. Posing as a doctor, Phil convinces Ray to let him treat Chuck. Unable to bear Chuck's suffering, Phil risks giving him a painkiller even though it may cost his life. Ray releases Chuck and Donna but keeps Phil as a hostage and intends to trade Dottie for Tad and $20.000. Donna realizes she is pregnant. Fearing she will lose Kelly, Myrtle decides not to interfere in her life. Linc is concerned about Kelly's overly good spirits. Wally insists that he and Devon see their baby after it is born. Erica gets Phoebe and Maureen to consider investing in her disco.

(by Jon-Michael Reed)

Kelly was hospitalized after overdosing on pills and booze.  She gave Eddie the heave-ho over his money deal with Phoebe, but he insisted she’d come crawling back for pills.  Edna admitted her love for Benny, who suggested friendship.  Mark became chummier with Brooke after Ellen postponed marriage again.  Phoebe blabbed to Ruth that Ray’s on the loose and he attempted to abduct Tad. Erica was miffed that Tom stole the Tempo Magazine article spotlight from her and she hatched a plan to start a discotheque.  Family hassles continued for Chris and Jeff.  Mark warned his mother, Maureen, that Erica wants Maureen to invest in a new disco.  Ray failed to snatch Tad but made his way to Edna’s to make up for lost “sex time.”  Chris had nightmares about Joe driving her and Jeff to the brink of marital disaster.  Eddie made passes at Claudette while secretly manipulating her club’s records to make her appear a lousy manager.  Carolyn smoldered about constant reminders of Frank and Nancy’s former marriage. Tom was miffed that Erica’s on the pill.  Ray held Edna and Donna hostage during a blizzard.  Claudette acted innocent to Linc after she slept with Eddie and encouraged him to force Kelly to work after Kelly was released from the hospital.  Jeff and Chris came to blows after Frank’s old pal, Dr. Russ Anderson, told Jeff that Chris’ San Francisco job offer had been rescinded.  Chris admitted she lied about turning down the job, afraid of being the Martin family joke.  Mona learned Erica’s on birth control pills while leading Tom on that she wants a family. Maureen offered to finance Erica’s disco if she helps break up Mark and Ellen.  Chuck went to rescue Donna. Chuck was shot by Ray while attempting to rescue Donna, Edna, and Dottie.  Donna’s memory returned while Chuck lay near death.  Erica and Mark disco-ed in New York, and Tom worried about Erica’s obsession to start at disco in Pine Valley.  Devon warned Wally that they won’t be able to see their baby if they use an adoption agency.  Billy Clyde wooed Estelle, urging her to consider returning to him.  Phil disguised himself as a doctor to rescue Chuck.  With Eddie’s pills, Kelly put in double duty at the Chateau and in Center City.


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One Life to Live

by Nancy Reichardt

Jenny takes a job as Larry's nurse. Greg is released by police and Ed discovers that the gun used to kill Marco was pawned in Niki Smith's name. Viki is horrified when Joe reveals that Niki Smith seems to have returned. About to be charged with Marco's murder, Viki retains Paul Martin as her attorney. Ed and Carla discuss divorce. Pat is confused by Adam's on-again, off again romantic behavior. Returning from Vegas, Brad continues to gamble.

Adam loves Pat but fears telling her about his medical problems. Paul Martin gets a message from Niki Smith. While kept under police guard in hospital, Viki is pleased that Niki has not surfaced. Hurt when Jenny balks at the idea of getting pregnant, Brad continues to bet heavily on the horses. Karen wonders if Jenny still loves Brad. Gwen and Brad spend day at the races. Dorian is tired of having Gwen as a house guest. In order to present a balanced view of Marco's murder, Paul Kendall decides not to take San Francisco job and agrees to stay on instead to cover story for the Banner.

Vicki is indicted for Marco's murder. Confessing his love to Carla, Jack says he's not going to give her up. Confused because Adam is always drawing back from her, Pat decides to give him some of his own medicine. Dorian's nasty remarks about Viki cause Paul Kendall to break off his relationship with her. Larry is puzzled over Karen's obsession with Viki's problems. Paul Martin is no longer sure that Niki is responsible for Marco's death but feels someone is trying to pin it on Viki.

Charged with Marco's murder, Viki fears she will have to spend time in jail. Her bandages removed, Samantha is overjoyed because her scars are gone. Melinda is fearful that she will have to testify at Viki's trial. When Jack fires his secretary, Carla warns him she won't even consider taking the job. Gwen and Brad continue to go to the races with Gwen winning and Brad losing.

Samantha accepts Tony's engagement ring and turns down an audition for TV weather girl. Dick Grant, Pat's station manager,  is enraged over Sam's engagement. When Edwina's coverage of Marco's murder continues to point to Viki, Pat decides to run a TV editorial. Sanity tests on Viki show no conclusive evidence that Niki Smith does or does not exist; Viki decides to take truth serum. Talbot Huddleston tells Karen he'll help Viki if Karen keeps her mouth shut about Brian Kendall's hit-and-run death when he was driving the car. Brad is losing money gambling and borrows more from Sam. Melinda flares when she spots Peter and Jenny at lunch together. Saying he is too tied up in business affairs, Adam tells Pat he never wants children. Tina receives a threatening phone call at Greg's house.

(by Jon-Michael Reed)

Ed tried to play the romantic for Carla after spotting her with Jack once too often.  Joe confronted Viki with the evidence that her alter-ego, Niki, has resurfaced and may have killed Marco.  Brad’s gambling bug bit him after Jenny got a better job.  Gwen became a hospital volunteer to be near Jim. Samantha underwent her first plastic surgery operation.  Peter realized Melinda hedged Ed’s interrogation of her involvement with Marco.  Talbot ordered Edwina not to implicate Greg in her scandal reporting.  Paul was incensed that Dorian pulled strings to get him a new job. Viki insisted she hasn’t lapsed into her Niki personality, but Paul Martin received another “Niki” letter.  Adam refused to split from Pat, even though he continued to hide the secret of his ill spells.  Gwen goaded Brad to gambling sprees after Jenny said no kids until there’s more money in the bank.  Edwina taunted Paul about being one of Dorian’s possessions.  A witness identified a photo of Viki as being the woman known as Niki Smith. Viki was indicted.  Carla told Sadie that it’s tough resisting Jack.  Karen ordered Talbot to find Katrina, who might clear Viki, or Karen would expose Talbot’s hit-and-run part in Brian’s death.  Pat and Adam admitted their love.  Karen and Tina panicked after learning that Ed and Vinnie discovered that Marco was involved in prostitution and pornography.  Paul Martin suspected someone is impersonating Niki Smith.  Samantha’s spirits improved.  Dorian blew it with Paul after badmouthing Viki for Edwina’s expose.  Karen coerced Beverly into helping find Marco’s real murderer.  Samantha looked swell after her bandages were removed.  Someone impersonated Niki, because Viki was with Paul Martin when landlady Myrtle reported that Niki had paid her rent money at the same time.  Tony and Paul Kendall reconciled their differences at Brian’s grave.  Brad lost big bucks at the racetrack with Gwen.  Lynn fretted about being called as a prosecution witness.

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Edge of Night

by Nancy Reichardt

Wade informs Miles he has a videotape of a night of love he and Nicole shared. Deborah figures out that Cody Patrick not Eliot Dorn is the head of Children of the Earth movement. Evidence provided by a new autopsy on Denise may prove April did not kill her. Her police cover uncovered by Cody, Deborah is read a suicide prayer. Wade gives Miles and Nicole the videotape made of a drunken night Nicole spent at the convention. Unaware that it's a lethal dose, young Joannie gives Deborah sleeping pills at Cody's command. Cody tells Joannie that Eliot has given him permission to marry her. Diana moves in with Mike and Nancy. An autopsy on Denise reveals there was a second injection — which Denise couldn't have given to herself. Steve arrives at the boathouse just as Arthur is about to duck Deborah in an icy lake. Elliot learns Cody ordered Arthur to kill all the so-called Children of the Earth suicides. Disillusioned, Elliot disbands the cult. Living with Mike and Nancy, Diana has more than a teen-age interest in Mike. Winter loses a job at the luggage store. Everyone is shocked by Logan's decision to marry Raven. Gus Norwood admits to Miles he gave his daughter Denise a lethal dose of painkiller to put her out of her misery and to prevent her from killing Miles. Unaware she has been vindicated, April breaks out of prison and goes to the haunted house she stayed in as a child. Winter lands a job at Margo's TV station. Nicole feels Margo has ruined her relationship with Miles. With Diana dropping into the office every day, Mike's secretary Annie wonders if Diana wants a job or Mike. Draper is upset by April's disappearance. In the haunted house of her childhood, April is terrified. Winter is not so sure she wants to bring it all to an end with Logan. Raven is worried Logan may be pining for Winter, so she pushes for an early wedding. Logan feels inadequate as a district attorney when he learns it was Norwood not April who killed Denise. Diana continues to scheme for Mike's affection. Nicole is upset to find Margo visiting Miles.

(by Jon-Michael Reed)

Cody caught Deborah snooping in Elliot’s files and convinced him that a “killing prayer” must be delivered to Deb.  Geraldine accepted Raven back in the fold after Logan and Raven agreed to marry. Wade blabbed to Miles that he had an indiscretion with Nicole and could prove it photographically.  Bill exhumed Denise’s body and Diana left the Children and moved in with the Karrs. Cody forced Joanie to slip Deborah a sleeping pill.  Cody and Albert abducted her and planned to dump her in the river. Denise’s second autopsy revealed she’d been given two injections.  April’s sessions with the prison psychiatrist revealed that her premonitions evolved from the influence of her mother and a house that April claims was haunted.  Diana developed a father fixation for Mike.  Miles and Nicole burned Wade’s video tape. Albert drowned Cody instead of Deborah when Steve and Elliot came to the rescue.  All of the Children murders had been taken over by Cody without Elliot’s knowledge.  Raven and Logan named their baby Jamey, but Logan put off an immediate wedding.  April’s cellmate, Hannah, convinced her they could pull a jailbreak.  Nancy fretted about Diana’s attentions to Mike. Gus made a deathbed confession that he had killed his own daughter, Denise, because she planned to kill Miles and commit suicide.  Before April heard that she had been cleared, she escaped prison.  Miles and Nicole argued when she admitted she had peeked at Wade’s videotape before destroying it.  Winter asked Margo for a job.  April made her way to the house that she considers the source of her psychic powers.

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