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Thursday, December 1, 2016

December Videos


New Year's Eve

 After Christmas 

RH  1978 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLWiY0xQzL1qtpSti78sJ_FKoZo9DVzl0A
RH  1979 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLWiY0xQzL1qv-_8g3o6yMlXw9uhxwWxBs

OLTL 1977  https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLWiY0xQzL1qvVGbxV70R-1dLGSWQruCZY
OLTL 1978  https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLWiY0xQzL1qsK82f-IOnlH7-RD4TPG3aC

GH 1978   https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLWiY0xQzL1quMBNTBfWr3x9qzZK7hq2sF
GH 1979  https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLWiY0xQzL1qslLj81qvNNJNXQxTIbhT8Z
GH 1980  https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLWiY0xQzL1qvwlebTZCWRA2UNahc7IwUM
GH 1981    https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLWiY0xQzL1qtYgBoEGkPvIZkvzL43J_n_

EON  https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLWiY0xQzL1qvzqN5RCIqAhh53ouadvMbX

Knots Landing Season 1
Knots Landing  Season 2
Knots Landing Seasons 3-14


Christmas Day(full episodes)

Merry Christmas !

Young & Restless Christmas Eve 1990

Ryan's Hope Christmas 1975-76

All My Children Christmas

General Hospital:  Putting the special Star on top of the Tree

(Before Christmas  Dec 17-24)

Ryan's Hope








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Ryan's Hope, December 1977

Ryan's Hope, December 1978

Ryan's Hope, December 1979

Ryan's Hope, December 1980

One Life To Live December 1977

One Life to Live December 1978

General Hospital December 1977

General Hospital Dec 1978                      

General Hospital Dec 1979

General Hospital Dec 1980

General Hospital Dec 1981

Edge of Night, December

December 1976

"Christmas for the Webbers was a bummer. Jeff lay near death after he shot himself in the head. "


December 1977


Nancy admitted she’s pregnant.  Estelle and Benny worried that Phoebe planned to stick it to Donna via Billy Clyde’s information about Donna’s barren condition.  Edna conned David into a night out, then teased him saying Chris is looking for greener pastures with Jeff.  Kate urged Phoebe to keep a leash on Brooke where Danny is concerned.  Paul agreed to handle proceedings between the Martins and Ray.  Phil decided to punish little Phil for playing hooky on the same weekend Chuck had planned a trip.  Jeff helped con Edna so that David and Christina could vacation.  Phil and Chuck broke up Phoebe’s meeting with Billy Clyde, but Phil learned Donna’s secret, and he and Tara decided Chuck should know.  Ray pulled a switch on Paul by arriving unexpectedly in Pine Valley, where he struck up a friendship with Edna before confronting the Martins.  Danny broke off with Brooke.  Ellen and Mark spooned while Harlan fibbed to Devon that her mother was out with Paul.  Phil had to work and Chuck escorted Tara to Frank and Caroline’s wedding while Nancy held her tongue about her pregnancy.  Ray parked his carcass at Edna’s while putting the screws to Ruth and Joe.  Brooke slummed with Benny in the red-light district while Danny and Devon snuggled closer.  Phoebe took a drunken tumble down a flight of stairs.  Chris and David’s vacation was ruined when they leaned Edna left Dottie alone at night.  David and Christina returned when Dottie became ill.  Ray got a job as a dishwasher with Nick by using an alias.  Nancy refused an abortion.  Devon was devastated when her father remarried.  Phoebe played sick to gain sympathy from Charles.  Ray threatened that unless the Martins give in to Ray’s demands, Tad will go back with him.  Phil and Estelle told Chuck the sordid details about Donna’s barren condition.  Joe blew up at Ruth for promising Ray whatever amount he wants.  Benny slipped Phoebe a bottle in the hospital, while she played for sympathy from Mona.  Devon apologized to Ellen for trying to break up Ellen and Mark’s relationship.  Nick gave Erica a pearl necklace instead of an engagement ring.  Edna urged Ruth not to squeal about Ray staying with her while David was away.

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5


Gina nixed moving in with Gary who asked for a job at the hospital to be near her.  Heather’s lawyer warned that she can never get her son back after she complained she was getting too little money out of the deal.  Jeff’s detectives located Heather.  Lesley fumed that Monica’s driving a wedge between her and Laura.  Mark called a former mentor before deciding whether to operate on Lamont. Laura nixed making love with Scotty after Lesley expressed her trust in Laura’s actions.  Lana contracted pneumonia and was taken to emergency.  Monica chose to work with Alan rather than return to hospital duty.  Mark and Kate realized Lamont is pushing them together in the event of Lamont’s death.  Jeff found Heather who backed up Mrs. Hadley’s story that Stephen Lars had died of pneumonia.  Mark resisted Kate’s insistence that he perform surgery on Lamont.  Dorrie and Jessie realized Lana is acting like two different people.  Scotty was left out in the cold by Laura, who has taken an interest in David.  Rick chastised Monica for taking Lesley’s place with Laura.  Mark tried to stifle his growing attraction for Kate.  Heather refused Jeff’s offer to set her up in Port Charles, then skipped out on Mrs. Hadley.  Peter suspected that Lana and Lisa are one and the same.  Laura and Lesley fought over Laura’s friendships with David and Scotty, who moved into his own apartment. Les found birth control pills in Laura’s purse.  Monica agreed to spend Christmas with Alan and his family.  Heather returned to Port Charles and tried to hide her emotions for Peter Jr.  Lana sent Jeff a telegram saying Lisa died.  Laura and Scotty reconciled, and he has a new roommate, Darren.  Monica was impressed by Alan’s family wealth, but was in a panic because Lesley learned that Laura is taking the birth-control pills that Monica prescribed.  Rick persuaded David not to find a place of his own for a while.

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4


Logan refused to give Raven the satisfaction of attending her wedding to Kevin which took place. Miles’ former colleague, Dr. Roper, offered him a job at a clinic.  Laurie began psychiatric consultations after confessing to Draper she killed Beau.  Steven drowned his misery in booze after learning Deborah was dating Raney.  Raven learned the dope on April’s heart condition.  After a long labor, Nicole gave birth.  Logan attended Raven’s wedding at the last minute and later received a teasing call from her on her honeymoon night.  Mike nixed Nancy’s suggestion that they admit that it was Laurie who killed Beau.  Raney accepted Tony’s job offer.  Bill learned the truth about Laurie before she was taken to a sanitarium.  Denise fumed that Miles spent time caring for Nicole and Adam, Jr., rather than playing up to her Daddy and his clinic-doctor pals.  Miles told a sleeping Nicole that he loved her.  Raney won an edge over Steve in getting closer to Deborah.  Mike and Laurie were exonerated when Steve realized she only fired one bullet at Beau.  Ray Harper’s two additional bullets had killed Beau.  Tony proposed to Geraldine.  Draper spent Christmas with April.  Nicole left Claremont with Adam Jr. for the home that Geraldine found for them. Raven and Kevin returned from their honeymoon and she skipped over to Logan’s on the sly.  Raney fumed that Steve is back in Deborah’s good graces.  Miles pressured April to undergo heart surgery.  Geraldine accepted Tony’s proposal.

Part 1
Part 2
Part 4
Part 5

December 1978


All My Children
December 1978

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5

One Life to Live
December 1978

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5

General Hospital
December 1978

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7

Edge of Night
December 1978

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4

December 1979


All My Children  December 1979

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5

One Life to Live  December 1979

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5

December 1980

Ryan's Hope

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