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Sunday, November 8, 2015

November 1976

Ryan's Hope

Dee rendezvoused with Roger at his house, while Pat and Faith were having fun in the kitchen. Dee threw a fit when she discovered Jill taking care of little John. Jill tripped over a tricycle during an argument with Dee and was rushed to the hospital. Mary was dismayed when Jack was not enthusiastic upon learning of her pregnancy. Pat, Frank, and Roger learned that Jill is pregnant and assumed Frank is the father.  The custody hearing proceeded in Franks' favor, then Dee discovered Jill's pregnant. Assuming the baby is Frank's, Seneca told Bucky he has given up. Dee's disclosure to the judge about Frank's infidelity led to a surprise decision with neither Dee nor Frank the complete victor in Little John's custody battle. Jill was released from the hospital but was stymied in her attempts to tell all to Seneca and Frank.

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All My Children

Dr. Jones informed Kitty that "mama" died in her sleep. Linc and Kitty insisted on attending the funeral. Anne freaked out and took drastic action when she realized the extent of Elizabeth's retardation. Kate was wary of Ruth's reconciliation with Joe. Phoebe decided to investigate Mrs. Lum's "death" by attending the funeral. Erica was suspicious, too. Little Phillip was distraught to learn Tara and Uncle Phil plan to wed.  Phoebe was stunned to encounter Myrtle's "ghost," who warned Phoebe that her number would be up if Linc ever discovered the truth. Myrtle then ran off to Hollywood with Fargate. Christina advised Ann not to overcompensate for her retarded daughter, Elizabeth, since it might affect her marriage.  Christina was haunted by the ghost of someone she "didn't mean to kill." Donna was refused a job because of her reputation. Believing that Nick is attracted to Christina, Erica resumed her modeling career. Kitty postponed her remarriage to Linc. Ruth moved back with Kate and Joe. Frank confessed his love for Caroline.

All My Children, Nov 1976 Part 1
All My Children, Nov 1976 Part 4

One Life to Live

Naomi caught Brad cuddling Lana in his hospital bed. Dorian fantasized about Joe.  Karen hesitated marrying Larry immediately but schemed for him to buy an expensive diamond ring.  Pat felt guilty after making love to Tony. Jenny confessed to Karen her feelings for Brad, but admitted she's still a virgin.  Naomi insinuated that Will and Jenny were getting too close for Naomi's comfort. Pat rebuffed Tony and insisted she was leaving town.  Pat's plans to leave town were delayed when Brian became ill. Brad got to first base with Jenny. Tony told Lana to shape up or ship out.

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General Hospital

Rick flew to New York to be with Lesley, who changed her mind about the abortion at the last minute. Mark warned Monica to stop conning Rick. Terri told Mark she'd wait for him until Mary Ellen was well. Heather told her mother she plans to win Jeff.  Terri was put in the middle by befriending Mary Ellen, who swore to herself she wouldn't lose Mark. Prompted by premonitions about Tom, Audrey investigated Florence, the woman who has been spying on little Tommy. Rick was turned off from Monica and turned on to Lesley, while Jeff tried to escape Heather's clutches. Florence informed Tom about Steve and Audrey. The Taylors considered adopting a rebellious orphan, Mike. Monica told Lesley to lay off her man Rick.

General Hospital, Nov 1976 Part 1
General Hospital, Nov 1976 Part 2
General Hospital, Nov 1976 Part 3
General Hospital, Nov 1976 Part 4

Edge of Night

Nancy gave Beau a list of Saxon's connections that she'd stolen from Mike. Ansel told Raven he intends to marry her mother, then embraced Raven passionately. Phoebe and Bill began investigating Clay's connection to Quentin's death. Clay poisoned Phoebe, then made it look like she was involved in a car accident while drinking. Nancy insisted she still loved Mike, even though she packed her bags. Raven objected when Geraldine suggested that Nadine and Ansel marry immediately. Ansel insulted Brandy about her stange bedfellow relationship with Draper.  On the run for suspicion of Phoebe's murder, Clay turned to Saxon for help. Deborah insisted that Danny be fired. Steve grew suspicious of Molly.

Edge of Night, Nov 1976 Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4

November 1977

All My Children, Nov 1977 Part 1
