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Tuesday, March 31, 2015

March 1977

Ryan's Hope

Jack insisted he didn't want a baby, especially by the Leboyer technique, and begged Jumbo to testify that Jack had always wanted a childless marriage. Faith offered to raise Dee and Pat's child, but Dee insisted she would marry Pat. Seneca delivered Jill's premature baby in her beach house. She insisted on rushing the infant to the hospital and later started hemorrhaging. Dee's attempted suicide convinced Pat that he must stick by Dee's side and he refused Roger's offer to take care of Dee.  Pat wouldn't listen to Faith's argument that he was making a mistake by deciding to marry Dee. Jill recuperated and Frank visited her, claiming that he loved her and her baby. But Seneca insisted that he'll still be a part of the picture. Jill and Seneca named their baby Edmund Strong Coleridge. The baby developed a membrane disease. Mary fumed that Jack distorted their relationship while filing his annulment statement. Pat and Dee set a wedding date.  Roger successfully operated on Edmund, who became hydrocephalic. Dee secretly entered a hospital under an assumed name, met a paramedic, Alicia, and began to have a spontaneous abortion. Jack insisted on having the bypass operation since Father McShane refused to file the annulment disposition until after the operation.

All My Children

Anne went off the deep end when she discovered Beth died while Paul baby-sat. Joe suspected it was a crib death, and Clay suggested it might have been negligent murder. After catching Benny fooling around with the upstairs maid, Brooke agreed to go on a weekend trip with Danny.  Phil bristled at Chuck's idea that Donna be hired as little Phil's nanny. But the kid decided to live with Tara after fearing he'd die like Beth. Joe's autopsy confirmed that Beth died of natural causes, but Anne blamed Paul. Phoebe got strung out on booze. Chuck begged Donna to cancel a date with Benny for one with him. Dr. Polk concluded that Kitty's blind spells are physical, not psychological, possibly caused by a brain tumor. Anne considered suicide after Beth's funeral. Clay warned Phil to beware of keeping his gun within little Phil's reach. Brooke was delighted when she and Danny arrived at their vacation ski lodge and had to share a room. Phil and Tara had a tiff about punishing little Phil for playing with Phil's gun. Chuck gave Donna his mother's necklace for her birthday but their date was ruined when a former client confronted her. Kitty was diagnosed as having a rare neurological disease which may be terminal. Frank warned Chuck to take it slow with Donna since she's falling in love.

One Life to Live

Karen told Lana that she thinks she's pregnant.   Larry and Karen argued about her extravagant wedding plans.  Karen was alarmed when Marco Dane, her ex-boyfriend and an ex-convict, arrived in town. Dorian put Brad in touch with her rich friend, Peggy Filmore, as a possible tennis club investor, but Peggy had more intimate plans for Brad. Karen agreed to pay Marco his hush money not to reveal that they'd once been arrested (she got off with a light sentence after informing against Marco). Peggy gave Brad a $5,000 check and a lot of loving.  Karen tried everything, including a futile seduction, to get Marco to leave town. She married Larry despite Marco's threats. 

General Hospital

Steve begged Mark to defend his own past to the board of directors. Heather took an overdose of pills. After returning with Laura, Lesley asked for time to consider Rick's marriage proposal. Mary Ellen caught Mark and Terri in an embrace, then bribed her chauffeur to tamper with the brakes on Terri's car. Everyone thought Heather took an overdose of sleeping pills but she had faked it with vitamins to get sympathy from Jeff. She also plotted to get money from the Taylors, who offered to raise her baby. Monica learned of Rick's marriage proposal to Lesley. Mark was made chief of neurosurgery.  Mary Ellen was in a frenzy until Terri's car was found at the bottom of a cliff in flames. An unconscious Terri later was found near the wreckage. Jill decided to befriend Gina to find the best way to discredit her to Adam. Mike insisted to Diana that his parents aren't dead. Terri developed cerebral hematoma. Mark grew suspicious of what happened between her and Mary Ellen the day of Terri's accident. Steve was frustrated because he couldn't comfort Jeff as a father. Peter learned that Mike blamed himself for the fire that killed his parents. Dr. Mariner was called to operate on Terri, but Mary Ellen plotted with Lenny to force the doctor's car off the road to delay his arrival, and Mark operated instead. Heather rejected Jeff's offer to adopt her baby, but accepted his money. Monica grew suspicious but Heather insisted the father of her baby is a schoolmate.

Edge of Night

A disguised Darcy came to town intent on finishing off Nicole, who was told she needs complete bedrest until the baby is born. Johnny and Laurie returned from San Francisco to learn Nancy and Mike are considering divorce. dam and Luke caught Darcy before he could kill Nicole. Darcy had tried to smother Abby, who later confessed she's been one of Darcy's contacts. Adam decided to defend her after she pleaded that she had no intention of harming Nicole. On the eve of Saxon's trial, Draper suspected hanky-panky between Raven and Ansel. Kevin told Geraldine to stop trying to match him with Raven. Josephine arranged a telephone call between Timmy and Laurie, which didn't satisfy Laurie's suspicions. Spurred by Beau's intimations, Danny warned Chris not to mess around with Tracy. Adam hired a new housekeeper, Mrs. Zern, to care for Nicole during her pregnancy. Nancy confessed everything to MIke, who didn't believe she did it because of Timmy, who he believed had never been threatened. Tony convinced Deborah that Steve is a crook. Nicole was advised to stay in a nursing home until the baby is born. Nicole went to a nursing home, under the care of Dr. Miles Cavanaugh. Beau was punched by Mike after making a suggestive remark about Nancy, was rebuffed by Deborah, was put on the carpet for firing Danny, was threatened by Nancy after she realized she'd been tricked, and was found dead. Draper asked Raven to marry him. Danny was distressed when he assumed Tracy had taken up with Chris.

MARCH 1978

All My Children

Phoebe leads Chuck to believe the police think that Donna is dead. Donna turns up at Maggie’s apartment. Learning that Ray Gardner will recover from the knife wounds inflicted by Billy Clyde, Phil urges Ruth to prosecute for rape. Brooke tells Phoebe she is out to take Dan away from Devon. Livid because Mark lets Paul know he and Ellen have a thing going, Ellen refuses to see Mark. Having hinted to Linc he would kill Edna to gain full custody of Dottie, David considers poisoning her. The judge agrees to suspend Phoebe’s weekend sentence and she plans to use fake paralysis to re-snag Charles.

Accepting an out-of-town job, Nick tells Erica the wedding is off. Caroline is relieved when Nancy assures her she will marry Carl Blair and move to Chicago. David continues to plot Edna’s demise. Linc has second thoughts about letting Claudette redecorate his apartment. Mark fears Ellen is becoming too interested in Paul Martin. Dan helps plans Devon’s surprise birthday party, but dates Brooke. Billy Clyde discovers Donna at Maggie’s. Brooke learns Phoebe can walk.

Learning Donna is in Center City, Phoebe pays Billy Clyde not to tell Chuck. Edna is confusing ill effects from pills David is slipping her for morning sickness. Joe is furious when Ray Gardner calls to talk with Ruth. Brooke plots to spoil Devon’s surprise party. Erica refuses to accept the fact that Nick does not intend to marry her. Flying in from Chicago to marry Nancy, Carl’s plane crashed!

Marrying Nancy at his hospital bedside to give her unborn baby his name, Carl dies as result of the injuries he suffered in the plane crash. Learning Donna is in Center City, Chuck goes to her and she agrees to return with him to Pine Valley. Claudette is the new manager of the Chateau and Eddie does not liker her bossy methods. Learning Edna is not pregnant, David puts aside his plan to poison her – for the time being. Ruth decides to press rape charges against Ray Gardner. Phil catches Chuck and Tara in an innocent embrace. Caroline learns Nancy’s unborn child is Frank’s, not Carl’s.

Erica is humiliated when Nick leaves town after taking her to bed. Benny suggests to Donna that she and Chuck move out of Pine Valley. Phoebe talks Charles into being her physician. Getting a letter from Ray Gardner claiming to have information that can affect Tad’s future, Ruth visits him in jail. Phil fears Tara is wishing she were still married to Chuck. Benny has a thing for Estelle. Donna plans to have surgery to reverse tubal ligation.

One Life To Live

Karen finally succeeds in seducing Larry and hopes it will lead to pregnancy. Cathy decides to continue working at the clinic. Will is irritated when he catches Samantha on a date with Talbot Huddelston. Becky accepts Richard’s marriage proposal, but realizes her past will prevent marriage.

Larry succumbs to Karen’s bedroom charms. Marco learns that Becky Lee Hunt is merely a name she found on a guitar case. Marco’s police record comes to light. Paul is disturbed by Pat’s turning the house into a shrine for Brian. Aware that Dorian is interested in Peter, Melinda draws away from him. Dorian insists Melinda needs more psychiatric treatment. Brad plans to have a vasectomy without telling Jenny. Cathy admits she loves Larry but knows it is futile. Samantha is angry at Tony for treating her like a little sister. Carla decides to go back to school. Brad is impotent with Jenny but not with hookers.

Believing Dorian’s claims that she and Peter are lovers, Melinda starts seeing Marco. Melinda doesn’t want Dorian to buy her a  music school. Richard’s mother is coming for the wedding but Becky must call the whole thing off. Pat continues to crawl into the shell created when Brian died. Although sleeping with Karen, Larry loves Cathy. When Karen agrees to sleep with a stranger if he buys her a bracelet, Danny tells Cathy Karen is doing something wrong. Peter, enraged by Dorian’s lies to Melinda, says he is done with her. Jenny feels her marriage to Brad is coming apart.

Jenny gives Brad $2,500 but it is stolen by Aldo while he is in the bedroom with Rita. Brad turns in a false police report that the money was stolen from the health club even though Samantha refuses to corroborate the story. Becky’s prior marriage comes to light. Marco blackmails Karen over her seductive lifestyle. Top-notch cardiac surgeon Jack Scott is coming to Llanview. Dorian tells Peter Melinda lied when she said Dorian had intimated to her that she (Dorian) and Peter were having an affair.

Backed into a corner by the presence of Peter, Dorian tries to convince Melinda she never told her they had been lovers. Fearing she is losing her mind, Melinda agrees to see Will. Marco talks Ina Hopkins into letting him stay on as a boarder by becoming her theatrical agent. Ed’s old friend, Dr. Jack Scott joins Llanview hospital staff. Karen convinces Larry that the gifts she got in exchange for favors to various men friends were presents from Dorian. Brad roughs Rita up trying to get back the money Aldo stole. Karen turns to prostitution to pay off Marco's blackmail money. Before joining a tennis tournament, Brad hires Aldo to steal Lana’s ring from Cathy.

General Hospital

Barbara Vining, Laura’s adoptive mother, phones Lesley to come and get Laura. Realizing she opened old wounds for Barbara by returning, Laura apologizes and goes back to Port Charles. Bobbies makes Scotty believe Laura doesn’t love him anymore. Lesley tells Rick that David is like a member of the family. Shattered to learn Monica and her husband Greg had a long-standing affair, and unable to believe Monica when she says the relationship was forced on her, Gail spews out her hate for Monica. Against Lee’s advice, Gail decides to give royalties from Greg’s book to Maria. Mark tells Katie he loves her. Lamont suspects something is going on between them. Heather is unhappy about the arrival of her cousin, Susan Moore.

Fearing Lesley will tell Rick he made a pass at her, David figures to get even by getting Laura to pose for him. Laura is dating a young man called Darren. Lee notices Gail has built a wall between their relationship. Rick is in New York with Monica and Alan to get a cardiac grant. Heather gets a job in the hospital library. Heather’s mother becomes Lesley’s housekeeper. Lamont wants Katie at his hospital bedside around the clock. Gary’s brother, Howard arrives in Port Charles, and instantly charms Gina. Lamont plans to build a wing in Mark’s name. Jessie is having dizzy spells.

Rick tells Lesley he feels sorry for Monica because she is lost without Gail’s support. After her mother realizes P.J. is Steven Lars, Heather leaves Port Charles but Jeff finds her. Mark tells Katie they have to wait before letting Lamont know they love each other. Bobbie hopes an ailing Jessie will invite her to move into her home.

Gina and Gary wed. Heather’s mother feels she should stop seeing Jeff. Given two weeks notice by her landlady, Bobbie plans on moving in with Jessie. Katie warns Mark that Lamont is being extravagant to make them feel guilty about their love for each other. Rick feels sorry for Monica since her estrangement from Gail. Laura is falling for David.

Katie’s upset when Mark reveals to Lamont that he and Katie are in love. Lamont warns Katie that if she seeks divorce, Mark will be exposed as a seducer of patients’ wives. Bobbie helps Mr. Rooney spy on  Katie and Mark, and Lamont gives her an expensive watch. Laura is displeased when Lesley and Rick will allow her to attend an out-of-state baskeball game with Darren only if they come along. Scotty still desires Laura. David is trying to turn Laura’s modeling session into a bedroom session. Rick’s puzzled by the information leaked about land needed for the cardiac site. Alan thinks Monica has blabbed to David about the land deal. The Taylors are receiving P.J.’s final adoption papers.

The Edge Of Night

April realizes she could break up Miles and Denise’s marriage by informing him there was nothing wrong with the wiring at the Claremont Clinic the night Catherine Damon died. Unable to tell him, April then is shocked by the news that electrician Charlie died from drug overdose. Deborah wants to become policewoman despite father Tony’s objections. Mrs. Jackson assures Logan that Tony Saxon was responsible for her husband’s death.

Wishing to have a lasting relationship with Nicole, Miles asks Denise for divorce. Denise leads Nicole to believe that Winter  is the woman from Miles’s past. Kevin broods about his sterility. Logan and Raven continue their affair. Nicole does her first television broadcast.

Denise fixes a deadly cocktail and Nicole drinks it. Nicole learns that Winter is a woman whose father died as result of the medical incompetence of Miles’s father, and that Miles has supported her through they years. Deborah is becoming more involved with Raney.

Deborah joins the police academy. Thinking Raney was responsible for Morris Jackson’s death, Steve sets out to prove it. Chip talks his old girlfriend Winter into working for Tony and Raney.

Chip stalks Logan in Winter’s hallway. Denise has Miles and Nicole tailed. Kevin fears he is being pressured to do less than ethical jobs on the crime commission. Kevin broods over his sterility which puts damper on his marriage to Raven. April is released from the hospital.

MARCH 1979

All My Children

Both Chuck and Donna nix Phoebe’s suggestion that he recuperate at the Tyler mansion. Mark’s mother, Maureen, lets slip Erica’s plans for disco to Tom. Erica calls off the business deal but is still determined to break up Mark and Ellen. Mark and Ellen have a gigantic row, and nearly call off their engagement. Kate suggests that Joe and Ruth have a baby. With an unhappy Charlie in attendance, Tara and Philip renew wedding vows.

Christina is furious over losing the new home because she went with Jeff to Phil and Tara's rerun of a marriage ceremony. Donna tells Billy Clyde that Estelle doesn't love him; he recalls his childhood and vows not to let Estelle mistreat him like his mother did. With Benny's money and against Linc's advice Estelle is off to Haiti to get a quick divorce. Mark is upset over Ellen's discussing their May-September romance with Paul — even though Paul gave no opinion. Named assistant manager of the Chateau, Eddie now is after Claudette's job. Phil decides he cannot force Charlie to love him. With the baby unable to tolerate formula, Devon must now breast-feed her. When Myrtle shows symptoms of heart trouble, Kelly blames herself. Convinced that Devon will never change her mind about giving the baby up for adoption, a desperate Wally kidnaps the baby and heads for St. Louis.

Devon is fearful the baby may die if Wally, who has taken her from the hospital, uses formula which she is allergic to. Wally names the baby Bonnie. Ellen realizes Brooke doesn’t really love Dan. Receiving his first visit from Charlie since he learned Phil was his real father, Chuck asks him to accept Phil but assures him he will always consider Charlie his first-born. Eddie threatens to tell Myrtle about Kelly’s dependence on amphetamines; fearful the news would upset Myrtle, Kelly vows to get off the pills. Christina leaves for her job as head of pediatrics in San Francisco – without Jeff.

Phil is promoted to sergeant. Charlie and Tara attend the ceremony. Arriving in Rome, Phoebe discovers Mona in Charles’ suite – they insist nothing is happening. Estelle obtains a quickie divorce, unaware that if she marries Benny, she could be considered a bigamist. Chuck nixes Donna’s idea to reaffirm their marriage vows as Phil and Tara did. Kelly realizes that she needs help to overcome her pill addiction. Frantic when he learns about Estelle’s divorce, Billy Clyde holds Donna at gunpoint. Before he can do any harm, he is disarmed and arrested by Phil.

One Life To Live

On the stand, Karen admits to her life as a hooker and points the finger at Talbot Huddleston as her first John and names Marco as her pimp. In the courtroom Pat learns it was Talbot who ran down Brian. A shattered Greg sees his father, Talbot, arrested for  the murder of Marco Dane. Larry is confused by the revelation of Karen's past and present. Paul insists that Gretel be more than a business acquaintance. Viki is set free and goes home to Joe, Kevin and Tina. Sadie warns Ed he will lose Carla if he doesn't stop being defensive where Jack Scott is concerned.

Larry decides it's best if he and Karen separate for a while; she moves into Ina Hopkins' boarding house. Will and Tony are upset by Samantha's anti-Karen attitude. When Karen tries to explain why she withheld information about Brian's death. Pat walks away. Jenny finds racetrack stubs in Brad's coat pocket; Brad tries to claim he has to gamble for Adam. When Adam refuses to give Paul an interview, Paul decides to go ahead with the article anyway. Gretel is torn between loyalty to Adam and her interest in Paul. Pat’s producer Dick Grant doesn't like Adam and tells Pat. Following an argument with Jack, Carla slams the door, accidentally breaking his thumb and ruining his surgical career. Dorian wants Dr. Ivan Kipling to join Llanview Hospital staff. While kissing Adam, Pat notices someone looking in the window. Pat's show producer Dick is falling in love with Pat. Becoming noticeably irrational, Melinda accuses Jenny of being Peter's lover. Talbot is arrested after his son Greg turns him into police.

Melinda sows suspicion in Brad's mind concerning an affair between Jenny and Peter. Peter learns Melinda never was a student of Bruno Westheim. Melinda, realizing she is ill, signs herself back into the sanitarium. Dorian asks Gwen to move out of the house. Dr. Mario offers his services to Llanview Clinic. Anna keeps giving Karen the cold shoulder. Dorian wants Larry to lose his position as hospital chief of staff. Greg's mother decides to go on the wagon. Edwina advises Dorian to cool her jealousy of Paul and Gretel's relationship. Ed and Carla separate.

Ed moves into Ina Hopkins' boarding house. Karen is devastated by loneliness. Begged by Melinda, Peter signs commitment papers, but Dorian thinks Peter wanted Melinda out of the way so he could be with Jenny. Larry remains chief of staff. Ivan waits for his wife Faith to come to Llanview. Dick is obsessed with feelings for Pat and has a wall full of snapshots of her; when she drops her scarf he keeps it, claiming he never found it. Brad is in a $2800 gambling debt.

General Hospital

With the quarantine lifted, Monica gets hysterical when a nurse dies from lassa fever. Following Monica, Rick and Monica confess their passion for each other. Tired of waiting for Rick to come home, Lesley realizes he is with Monica and takes off. Laura fears Lesley's leaving will hurt her chance of getting off probation. Heather, unaware that Jeff has learned that Steve is his father, is only afraid that Cat Jamison will contact Jeff. Colleen (Lesley's old cellmate) hopes for a regular position at General Hospital. Dan asks Jessie for an answer to his marital question.

With Colleen's counseling, Lesley decides to make marriage to Rick work, and returns home. Figuring a rift between Lesley and Rick might hurt Laura's chances of getting off probation, Bobbie has Luke make an anonymous phone call to the judge, spilling the Webbers’ marital problems. With Steve on the road to recovery, Audrey feels he should know that Jeff is aware he is his father. Thinking Jeff no longer loves her, Heather decides not to tell him that becoming pregnant would endanger her life; Jeff decides not to tell her that Steve is his father. Cal is skulking around Diana and Peter's home. Lee is upset when Scotty and Laura decide they want to marry as soon as possible.

Feeling betrayed, Steve is unable to forgive Audrey for telling Jeff he was his father. Jeff heads for Hawaii to visit his sister Terri. Absent from the hospital without permission, Jeff faces suspension. With Peter out of town, Dr. Kincaid substitutes for him in counselling Laura. Bobbie is quite taken with the attractive Dr. Kincaid. Laura lets it be known she is going to stop her therapy sessions as soon as she and Scotty wed. While Scotty wants to hold off until they get Lee's approval, Laura wants to get married right away. Howard and Dorrie become lovers. Gary accuses Howard of being in love with Gina and every other woman Gary is involved with. Rick and Lesley are in separate bedrooms. Colleen gets a job in the free clinic with Lesley. Lesley tells Monica she'll work with her in the hospital but has no intention of accepting any of Alan's social invitations.

With a little behind-the-scenes push by Tracy, Laura's love letters to David are printed in the paper. Laura gets a call from a man who says he'll turn the letters over to her — a set-up engineered by Bobbie to get her to break probation. After a call from Luke, Mr. Higgins, Laura's probation officer, discovers Laura at a bar with a drink on the table in front of her. Although she insists it's a frame-up, Mr. Higgins says he must tell the judge and Laura fears she may wind up in reform school. Police think Diana's constant fears about a lurking stranger are a figment of her imagination. Heather decides to make Diana think she's losing her mind. Jeff returns from Hawaii. Jeremy is staying at Audrey and Steve's. Jeff says he needs Heather but she feels he's pulling away from her.

The Edge Of Night

Winter is the No. 1 suspect in Wade's murder. Mike and Nancy are thrilled at Miles and Nicole's wedding. Logan wants to see baby Jamie grow up but doesn't think he can bear close ties with Raven. Margo feels rejected by April.

Logan and Raven reconcile. Steve thinks Winter has the answer to Wade's murder. A drunken Elliot goes to Margo for money, then passes out; Margo lets him stay. Draper warns April against forming a relationship with Margo, even though she is her mother. Nancy is onto Diana's sweetness act, but Mike looks on her as a daughter — not the relationship Diana has in mind. April continues to visit Margo. Margo tells Elliot he can have a loan if he stays in town. Winter is arrested for murder, and her former lover Logan is the prosecuting attorney.

Winter admits to police she went to Wade's apartment the night he was killed to retrieve tapes of her porno flick "Lacy Lady." Elliot agrees to be Margo's paid escort. Feeling Mike doesn't deserve the sight he gained by receiving her father's eyes in transplant, Diana goes shopping for chemicals. Draper insists that April stop seeing Margo and refuse any invitations she extends.

Feeling too close to the case, Logan decides he cannot prosecute Winter and gives the assignment to aggressive assistant D.A., Cliff Nelson. Mike and Nancy decide Diana must move out but hope she will seek professional help. Out of the Karr house, Diana seeks revenge. Steve and Deborah save Mike from losing sight when Diana tries to blind him with liquid bleach. Margo is implicated in Wade's murder. Raven is displeased because Winter is no longer the only suspect.

MARCH 1980

All My Children

Paul and Ellen cancelled wedding plans when they learned that Anne will be released from the sanitarium. Chuck told Charlie that Phil's plane went down and Donna fears the end of her marriage since Tara and Charlie will once again need Chuck. Devon went to a New York play with Sean, letting Ellen think she's with a theater group. Sybil refused Palmer's request that she seduce Cliff. Anne told Paul that she knows he wasn't responsible for Beth's death and he agreed, reluctantly, to continue their marriage. Linc planned a party for the suspects in Eddie's death.

Daisy got chummy with Nina and Edna by using an assumed name: Monique Jonville. Ellen promised not to tell Wally that Devon snuck out with Sean. Linc winnowed down Eddie's murder suspects at a dinner with Phoebe, Langley, Claudette and Brooke. Benny dreamed of Estelle while Edna met secretly with Hank. There was a closed-casket funeral for Phil after his body was identified. Cliff confronted Palmer about Palmer's attempt to bribe Sybil but couldn't prove that Palmer tried to arrange a Honolulu job for Cliff. Mark's hopes were high for a rematch with him and Ellen after Anne moved home with Paul. Nancy started proceedings for Russ to adopt Carl.

Linc fingered Claudette as Eddie's killer after the dinner pary. She died in a car crash trying to escape. Before dying she explaned the truth: Eddie, being blackmailed by Claudette for skimming the Chateau books, decides to kill her and blame it on Kelly but when Eddie dropped his gun, Claudette went for it and shot him. Sean went ape over Sybil, and Devon tried to hide her jealousy. Frank told Paul he wants to fight for Carl's custody. Brooke confessed to Tom that Eddie had raped her and she had an abortion. Donna warned Edna to cool it with Hank or Edna would ruin her marriage. Paul had visions of Ellen while sleeping with Ann. Ellen leaned on Mark to get over her feelings for Paul. Nina assured Palmer that she and Cliff still want him to be a part of their lives. Carl told Frank about Russ's adoption plan.

Ellen realized that Devon slept with Sean, while telling Wally she was rehearsing. Wally was amazed by Devon’s acting talent – especially her love scene with Sean. Monique (Daisy) became chummy with Nina, who invited her to meet Cliff. Kelly was set free after Claudette's deathbed confession. Kelly and Linc talked about marriage. Phoebe forced Langley to agree to a wedding after learning that Charles and Mona plan a June marriage, as soon as Phoebe and Charles’ divorce is final. Hank offered to take Edna to his boudoir. Palmer, who hasn't met Monique, thinks she has evil plans for befriending Nina. To keep Palmer off the scent, Daisy pretended she's living in Europe where his checks are sent.

One Life to Live

Brad worked on a prison escape plan. Jenny agreed to postpone her annulment, but told Brad she won’t reconcile with him. Asa agreed to drop the libel suit against Richard if he got Becky to honor her recording contract but Richard refused. Edwina turned down Mario’s marriage proposal. Dorian plans to bring Lynn back to Llanview. Edwina learned from Lew Cardoza (an old friend of Brad’s) that Ivan keeps an apartment in the seedier section of Llanview. Kat’s prostitute friend, Bobo has been seeing Ivan, who got cozy with Mimi. Peter and Jenny admitted their love for each other. Gretel’s jealous that Dorian is after Herb. Karen was hurt to learn Larry was paying for Faith’s salary out of his own pocket. Dorian wanted to have Melinda released from the hospital.

Faith disappeared after witnessing Ivan acting weird with a pickup. Karen had tipped off Faith about Ivan's weirdo actions. Ivan swore revenge on Karen. Asa and Bo competed for Pat's attentions. Aldo menaced Brad and his cellmate Curt with a knife. Dorian got close to her new male secretary, Dexter, and helped Larry raise funds for the free clinic. Richard and Johnny came to blows over Becky. Peter wants to divorce Lynn. Mimi wanted to be psychoanalyzed after Ivan tried to pull a number on her. Edwina kept mum that Ivan is the anonymous witness to Richard's mugging.

Ivan lured Karen to a deserted building where she was  knocked unconscious but found before he could finish her off. Clint slept with Dorian but reminded her that he can't be dominated. Asa didn't approve of Bo dating Pat and finagled with Chuck to match Bo with Gretel. Karen was hospitalized and became paralyzed. Ed staked out Pat's house after she received an anonymous call that offered to trade information on Faith's whereabouts in return for cash. Jack rejected Carla's notions of starting a family. Tina plotted to throw Samantha together with reporter Hal Summerville, which would leave Mick free for Tina.

Ed found Faith before she could leave town. She told him Ivan has a vendetta against Karen. But Ivan performed successful surgery on Karen, telling Faith he couldn't kill her. Peter told Jenny that Lynn is considering a divorce since she married him for revenge against Dorian. Chuck and Bo hired a snooper to look into Ivan's past which was fraught with religious conflicts. Richard wants to start a family. Bo tipped off Johnny that Becky has a thing for Johnny. Viki returned and looked for a new house. Ivan asked Karen to give him a chance for a fresh start. Asa asked Jack to perform surgery on employee Sam in Texas. Tina acted chummy to Samantha's face while trying to snatch Mick for herself.

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