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Monday, January 26, 2015

January 1977

Ryan's Hope

Seneca added up the months and realized that Frank can't possibly be the father of Jill's baby. Despite her promise to Maeve, Dee ran off with Roger and left a note asking that no one try to stop her. Jack, suspicious of Dee's motives, found the letter. He grew sour when Ryan sister Kathleen arrived with her brood for the holidays. At the last minute, Pat convinced Dee not to sail to Europe with Roger. Jill and Seneca made a pact not to reveal the paternity of her child until after it is born. Johnny let the cat out of the bag and told Jack that Mary is carrying the only child Jack may be capable of fathering. Pat returned with Dee from Boston but felt guilty for being intimate with her. New Year's Eve at Ryan's Bar was a singing and boozing affair.

While Pat and Faith spent a loving weekend at her beachhouse, Dee insisted to Father McShane and Bobby that she's pregnant. Seneca was furious that Jill had left for a date with Frank, only moments later Jill was rushed to the hospital with signs of having a possible miscarriage.  Against Seneca's wishes, Jill left the hospital, slipped on ice, and began miscarrying. Mary was furious that Jack consulted Roger about a bypass operation, even though Roger's opinion was the same as Alex and Clem's. Pat admitted his love to Faith. Bobby advised Dee to have an abortion. Jack accused Mary and Alex of having an affair in Alex's country house, where they were stranded during a storm. Dee went to pieces when she learned Pat and Faith were engaged. Jill was saved from a miscarriage once again but is confined to her hospital bed. Johnny suggested that Jack and Mary annul their marriage. Jack insisted he's seeking an annulment after consulting with Father McShane.  After learning that she is pregnant with Pat's child, Dee agreed to  divorce Frank.  Seeking a quickie divorce, Frank headed for the Dominican Republic.

All My Children

Phoebe went overboard when she learned Kitty is showing her "mother's" picture to everyone and that Kate might see it and would blow the whistle.  Chuck convinced Donna to get a legitimate job rather than return to the streets. Erica decided not to resume modeling but discovered that Nick planned to replace her at the restaurant. Paul got testy with Ann for overcompensating for Beth. Little Phil isn't adjusting to Tara and Phil's upcoming wedding. Mona asked Nick to rehire Erica. Phoebe stole Kitty's picture of "mama." David suggested that Christina seek professional help after he heard her talking to herself. Little Phil was distraught when he found Tara and Phil kissing. Frank told Caroline that it's all over between him and Nancy.  Kate cooked up a Christmas storm as the Martins welcomed the return of Jeff who has been away from Pine Valley for over a year. Not too much to cheer about in Pine Valley as David left town. Phil and Tara were married despite a temporary setback while everyone searched for little Phil who had trouble adjusting. Erica perked up when she learned ex-husband Jeff had returned. Benny and Brooke resolved to continue seeing each other despite Phoebe's threats.

Linc persuaded Kitty to remarry. Drunken Phoebe and Little Phil were in an accident. Donna found a legitimate job. Christina and Jeff had a reunion. She was warned by "her ghost" to tell Jeff "what really happened"  and why she was forced to resign from Surgery to work in Pediatrics.  Mona confirmed Phoebe's revelation to Kitty about Mrs. Lum.  Dr. Christina concluded that Beth would never advance beyond her present stage, but Ann believed a psychic's horoscope saying that Beth would improve and made love to Paul for the first time since the baby's birth.  Donna dated Benny, who is now Phoebe's chauffeur, while Caroline admitted she loves Frank.  Christina's "ghost" followed her when she moved into Jeff's old apartment.  While Linc tried to locate Mrs. Lum, Kitty had eyesight problems, which Joe diagnosed as hysterical blindness.  Ann insisted she'd never allow Beth to be institutionalized. After being released from the hospital, Little Phil insisted on moving in with Chuck, rather than with Phil and Tara. Phoebe reneged on her agreement to divorce Charles. Anne fired Christina as Beth's pediatrician. Donna felt cheap after fending off Benny.

One Life to Live

Brian was rushed to the hospital in serious condition. Jenny caught Brad in the act with Lana and later threw him out when he tried to explain. Will finished his book, but Naomi kept harping about Will neglecting his family. Pat became hysterical when she learned Brian has bacterial meningitis and is in a coma. Brad told Lana to ship out, then for the first time admitted his love for Jenny. When Brian's condition worsened, Pat was forced to consider telling Tony that he is Brian's father -- before it's too late for father and son to know each other.  Will grew jealous of Brad and Jenny. Dorian invested in Brad's proposed tennis club.

Larry and Karen split. She dated Dr. Alex Bennett to make Larry jealous. Matt complained to Dorian that Joe's been hitting the bottle and not doing his work. Jenny refused Brad's marriage proposal. He made the scene with Lana. Vicki got fed up with Joe's drunken accusations about her and Steve Burke and threw it in his face about his affair with Cathy. Matt told Dorian to lay off Joe or he'd reveal her past schemes. Peter told Pat that Brian must undergo a dangerous operation. Pat admitted to Tony that he's Brian's father. Dorian took advantage of Joe and Vicki's shattered relationship. Cathy agreed to keep a diary of her dreams and thoughts for Will. Lana grew determined to get Brad back. Brad and Jenny tried to dissuade Samantha from sneaking off at night with Marty. Pat asked Tony not to reveal he's Brian's father until Brian is well. Naomi was suspicious of Will's affection toward Jenny after he learned that his manuscript was accepted by a publisher.

General Hospital 

Turned out by Jeff, Heather conned Larry Joe into spying on Monica to prove she's living with Rick. Jeff confronted Rick after receiving an anonymous tip about Rick and Monica. Jeff went off the deep end when he learned about Rick and Monica and stole a gun -- intent on killing them. He locked himself in a back room of a bar. Heather thinks she's pregnant. Mike joined the Taylors for the holidays. Christmas for the Webbers was a bummer. Jeff lay near death after he shot himself in the head. But little Mike added cheer to the Taylor household.  Everyone chastised Monica as Jeff made slow progress to recovery. Mary Ellen resolved that the coming year would be the best for her and Mark. Steve and Audrey's honeymoon was interrupted when they learned Tom was alive and back in Port Charles making claim to Tommy. Tom told Audrey that he asked brother Lee Baldwin, his lawyer, to arrange for a divorce, and that he's not yet ready to tell Tommy the truth. Mike and Martha planned a New Year's Eve party just like the grownups.

Monica refused to grant permission for Jeff's surgery to remove the bullet. Terri and Steve discovered a letter from Lars and Helene to be opened only in the event that something should happen to Jeff. The letter said that that Steve is Jeff's real father. Steve gave his permission for Jeff's surgery. Diana accidentally ran over Mike. Heather told Diana she's pregnant. Adam and Rick warned Lesley not to go to Chicago to see Mac, Cam's crony, who has news on Laura. Jeff's operation was successful. Rick turned Monica out. Mac agreed to give information on Laura to Lesley if she turned over money and the remaining criminal evidence against him. The adoption agency agreed to allow Mike to stay with the Taylors. Heather visited Jeff and almost told him she's pregnant, but Monica interrupted them. Mark arranged a job for sister Gina at the hospital. Steve gave Monica two month's notice and insisted she and Jeff can't stay in the same town. Adam's daughter, Jill, was jealous when he hired and dated Gina. Rick and Lesley left for Canada in search of Laura and Barbara Vining. Audrey began divorce proceedings.

Edge of Night

Laurie and Johnny arranged a Christmas reunion for Mike and Nancy, even though Nancy was under pressure to cooperate with Beau and Saxon. Tracy and Danny decided to share Christmas dinner together. And as usual, Nicole's life was threatened.  Mike found Beau in Nancy's room and assumed the worst, so Laurie's reunion dinner went down the drain. Danny accused Tracy of finding another guy, Steve, who had his hands full with Deborah. On New Year's Eve, Nicole was reported to have been shot and killed.

Nicole wasn't killed. It was a plot to catch Darcy's secretary, who was arrested. Beau told Nancy she wouldn't have to work to get information on Mike but that Timmy's life is still in danger if she opens her mouth. Steve told Danny he intends to date Tracy.  Mike suspected that Nancy is an informer for Beau and Saxon. Revenent (Darcy) sent a tape saying there would be no more attempts on Nicole's life, since she can't remember the island location. Tracy sought psychiatric help from Chris. Mike supplied Nancy with false information, which she passed on to Beau and Saxon. Mike is convinced Nancy is working for them because she's in love with Beau. Beau and Saxon learned of the game and told Nancy that threats to Timmy would still be used to keep her in line. Nicole hesitated telling Adam she's pregnant and remembered that Billy had saved her life on the island. Nadine and Ansel returned from their honeymoon to learn that Raven had gone to Washington with Draper, who's investigating Saxon's income tax records.

Sunday, January 11, 2015

One Life to Live 1968--1977


Click 1968 to 1977 here


1973 in more detail


 Read it all below:

One Life To Live
Storyline History

by Chris Vandergriff, Pat Wickham, Lorna Erickson


Victor Lord, a widower, was the owner of the local newspaper, the Banner and the proud father of two daughters, Victoria and Meredith. However, he had always wanted a son to carry on the Lord family name and the inheritance that went along with it. Because he had no son, he ultimately chose Victoria (Viki) to continue his legacy.

Nurturing and training her for many years, the impressionable young girl, eager to please her father, eventually became the strong young business executive he'd always hoped for. However, despite her strength at the conference table, Viki had acquired a false sense of stability in other areas. As she tried to manage a personal and professional balance in her life, she found that she was woefully ill-equipped for the latter.

Sparks flew when Viki went to work at the BANNER and met the tough-as-nails-reporter Joe Riley. Against her father's stern wishes, Viki fell in love with Joe, and the pressure induced her split personality, Niki Smith, to emerge. (Trying to be the ideal daughter took its toll on young Viki. To escape from her father, she developed an alter-ego, the brash and flirtatious Niki.) Hanging out at seedy waterfront bars, Niki met and became involved with garage mechanic Vince Wolek, who was Joe's best friend!

Carla Gray (Ellen Holly), a light-skinned black woman, tried to pass as white while romancing both Dr. Jim Craig and Dr. Price Trainor.

Meredith had always loved Vince's brother Larry Wolek, a doctor. But Victor opposed the match, favoring first Dr. Ted Hale, a physician at Llanview Hospital. In the end, however, Meredith told Ted that she could not remain engaged to him. The next day, after a fight with Dr. Larry Wolek, Ted tripped and fell to his death down a flight of stairs. Though Larry was initially charged with his murder, it was later proven to have been an accident.


Larry Wolek was having trouble in love. Working at the hospital, Karen Martin, a young nurse, took an unhealthy interest in Dr. Larry. They became briefly involved and Karen later shocked him by claiming to be pregnant with his child! Later, Karen saved Larry Wolek after he was severely burned in a fire. His face was wrapped in bandages, and when they were removed, he looked completely different! (and was played by Michael Storm) Though Larry's heart belonged to Meredith Lord, he eventually married Karen when she threatened to have an abortion. When she later miscarried the baby, Larry was free to be with Merri, his true love.

But Meredith was tied up in a relationship of her own at the time. Believing herself to be dying of a rare blood disease and upset that Larry had hidden the fact from her, Merri turned to young Tom Edwards. Tom had come to town claiming to have amnesia but was taken in by Victor, offered a job at the BANNER and named by young Merri after a cat of hers. Preying upon Victor's need to find his long-lost son, Tom pretended to be the Lord heir but when he fell in love with Merri, things became complicated. Tom proposed to Meredith, but she could not accept and instead turned at last to her true love, Larry.

Viki's bouts with Niki Smith prompted her to seek psychiatric help from Dr. Marcus Polk, who helped her to resolve her schizophrenic dilemma. Under Dr. Polk's supervision, Viki was able to recall the moment when her alter ego first emerged: after having witnessed her mother tumble down a flight of stairs following an argument with her father. The mystery solved, Niki seemed to vanish and Viki then married Joe, living happily with him until Joe was "killed" tragically when his car careened off a cliff.

Meredith Lord was also shaping her future. She had always been much more fragile than her sister. Their mother, Eugenia Randolph Lord, had died giving birth to her, after a serious fall down a flight of stairs. As a result, she suffered from a chronic blood disorder as a small child; but she seemed to have a good sense of who she was through it all and, like her sister, tended to put her feelings above material gain. It came as no surprise when she fell in love with Vince brother Larry, a Polish-American doctor. Larry Wolek was hardly ideal in Victor Lord's eyes. The Woleks lived in the very poorest section of town. But after he saw the depth of their feelings, he relented and invited Meredith and Larry to live in his mansion, Llanfair. Larry first refused, but later agreed to live in a garage apartment on the estate.

Vinnie got a job with a trucking company and met Millie Parks, who worked there. Unbeknownst to Vinnie, Millie was helping the mob by getting Vinnie to transport drugs across state lines without his knowing it. But soon Millie started to fall in love with Vinnie and found it impossible to hurt him. When Vinnie discovered the truth, he found he still loved her and asked her to marry him. Millie could not go through with the wedding and left town.

A mysterious young out-of-work actress named Carla Benari arrived in Llanview suffering with anxiety attacks. Eventually overcoming her problems, she found a job working as a secretary for the hospital's chief-of-staff, Dr. Jim Craig. Jim eventually asked Carla to marry him and she accepted, however she was simultaneously attracted to Price Trainor, a black intern. Viewers were stunned when Carla came face-to-face with Sadie Gray, a black woman working in the housekeeping unit of the hospital. Sadie referred to Carla as "Clara" and claimed she was her daughter!


Joe was promoted to editor-in-chief of the BANNER and became involved with a story that involved underground crime. He went to California to investigate further, but tragedy struck when his car careened over a cliff. Viki was devastated over the death of Joe and sought comfort in another colleage at the BANNER, Steven Burke, who took over the editorship of the newspaper.

Carla Benari was revealed to be in actuality Clara Gray, daughter of Sadie. Carla had been passing herself off as white for years, hoping to make it big as an actress, after having run away from home as a youth. Sadie eventually shamed her daughter into the realization that she couldn't be anyone other than who she was, and taught her to be proud of her heritage. Carla broke off her engagement with Jim and fell into a relationship with Price.

Cathy Craig the troubled teenage daughter of Llanview Hospital's beloved chief of staff, Jim Craig, horrified her family when she became hooked on drugs. To overcome her addiction, Jim had Cathy admitted to Odyssey House, a rehabilitation center in New York City. Scenes featuring real-life recovering drug users were incorporated into Cathy's chillingly authentic therapy sessions. Vince and Larry's sister Anna became a respected part of Llanview society when she married Jim and helped him to raise the troublesome Cathy.

Meredith and Larry Wolek were enjoying the relative simplicity of their married life for a time, but after awhile, they decided to start a family. Meredith's doctor strongly advised against it, considering her physical condition. Meredith and Larry, however, had other plans...


Victor encouraged Steve Burke to pursue Viki - he was exactly the type of man he'd envisioned his daughter marrying. They did indeed marry, but the excitement that was in Viki's marriage to Joe was not there. Meanwhile, at the BANNER, a jealous secretary, Marcy Wade, became obsessed with Steve, who was her boss. However, she could not win his affection because Steve was still deeply in love with Viki. So Marcy concocted a vicious scheme to drive them apart and drive Viki over the edge by donning a red wig and impersonating Niki Smith. When "Niki" began to appear, Viki nearly went insane. Dressed as Niki, Marcy pulled a gun on Steve, and in a struggle, it went off -- killing Marcy! Steve was indicted for murder and went on trial, defended by lawyer Dave Siegel.

Meredith Wolek became pregnant. She later delivered twins, but only one, Danny, survived. Depressed over the death of one of her babies, she became mentally unstable, forcing Larry to call upon Dr. Joyce Brothers to consult with his ailing wife.

Carla and Price's romance eventually failed because his mother was in opposition to the match. Eventually Price accepted a job overseas and left town.


Meredith recovered from her depression and she and Larry settled down to live a happy life with new son Danny.

A skid row bum found Marcy Wades's purse in the street -- which was just the evidence needed to prove Steve Burke innocent of Marcy's murder. The bum turned out to be Viki's "late" husband, Joe Riley! Suffering from amnesia and a potentially deadly aneurysm, Joe passed out in a diner, where he was befriended by kindly waitress Wanda Webb. Wanda fell in love with Joe, but the feeling was not mutual because Joe still loved Viki. Hiding her pain, Wanda was instrumental in convincing Joe to see Viki. After Joe had a life-saving operation, Viki was faced with an agonizing decision - which husband should she choose?

Wanda, initially upset over Joe's decision, later fell in love with Vince Wolek. They were married months later and lived happily together until his death many years later.

Julie Siegel, Cathy's best friend, and the daugther of Eileen Riley Siegel and Dave Siegel, knew what she wanted in a man. That man was Jack Lawson. She wanted the same kind of successful marraige her parents had and if it meant living with Jack to do it, she would. Her parents were shocked when Julie moved out to be with Jack, but they reluctantly stood by her decision. But Jack was not the marrying type and when Julie finally realized he never intended to marry her, she nearly had a nervous breakdown. On the rebound, she met Dr. Mark Toland (Tommy Lee Jones) and married him. But Julie had emotional scars left by Jack which resulted in sexual problems. Mark tried to be patient, but his patience began to wear thin.

Carla met politician Bert Skelly, who fell instantly in love with her. Though she didn't love Bert, she now knew what it was like to be totally loved by a man.

Lawyer Dave Siegel suddenly had a heart attack as he was walking up the steps to his house after work. His sudden death left his wife Eileen depressed and alone to raise their children Julie and Timmy.


Still married to Steve, Viki began working with Joe once again at the BANNER. On assignment, one night, they made love again and it appeared the couple was about to reunite. But Viki told Joe that she couldn't break her committment to Steve and fled in tears. An awful accident followed that left Viki comatose for months.

Tragedy struck Larry and Meredith. Home from the hospital with her baby, Meredith and Vince were trapped by burglars at Llanfair. When Vince tried to capture the two men, Merri slipped and hit her head. It caused cranial hemorrhaging and she died in the hospital, leaving Larry extremely depressed. Vince blamed himself for the death, while Larry decided to move in with his sister Anna and her husband Jim. Meredith's death also prompted changes for Viki who, after emerging from her coma, asked Steve for a divorce.

Bert proposed to Carla; she considered it, but then met police officer Ed Hall (Al Freeman, Jr.). Ed looked at Carla, told her she was much too stuffy and kissed her. They fell in love and married shortly thereafter.

Dr. Dorian Cramer (Nancy Pinkerton) and her neurotic sister Melinda (Patricia Pearcy) arrived in Llanview. Melinda, once a piano prodigy, saw her budding career end when a fall from a horse paralyzed her arm. The Cramer sisters had also lost their parents in a plane crash. Devoted to her sister's care and her job at Llanview Hospital, Dorian spurned romance -- until she entered into an affair with fellow doctor, Mark Toland. Dr. Toland warmed up to his fellow doctor when his own wife, Julie Siegel, became sexually frigid.

Julie's mother Eileen was having a difficult time dealing with her beloved Dave's death. Out of depression and loneliness she turned to Dorian, who prescribed her medication to ease her sorrow ... when the prescription ran out, however, Eileen turned to the street to find more drugs to feed her dangerous habit. She turned to a young street kid by the name of Joshua West (Laurence Fishburne) to supply her with drugs.

1973 in More Detail  by Byrna Laub & Mark Faulkner

Viki's need to choose a husband sends her to a coma (December 72 - March 73)
Viki realized that she couldn't choose between Joe and Steve if she was caught between them at The Banner every day. The tensions ran too high, and the men were constantly jockeying for position in her affections. Finally, a slanted drug interest story by Joe that made it appear policeman Ed Hall was railroading an innocent teen caused flaring tempers. Even Joe’s apology and retraction of the story barely appeased Ed and Steve. Also contributing to the difficulty was Steve’s admission that he was considering a job offer with a rival newspaper and might leave his position as editor of The Banner. Viki realized that she must go away to decide. When she was with Joe, she wanted him, and when she was with Steve, she wanted him, as well. Ironically, Wanda’s love for Joe was as obvious to Joe as Cathy Craig’s designs on Steve were to him.

Not knowing Victor has already assigned Viki to cover the Greenfield avalanche disaster for the Banner, Steve allowed Joe to cover the story, too. When he arrived at the hotel, Joe discovered Viki’s name in the register.

At the hotel, Joe decided to leave without seeing Viki, but they accidentally met one another in the hallway. Viki suggested that since their meeting was coincidental, they should just cover the disaster story together. They worked very well as team –as they did in the past- and celebrated over dinner when the assignment was completed. Carried away, they spent the night making love together. In the morning, Joe was crushed by Viki’s announcement that she had already chosen to remain with Steve. She informed Joe that the last night was her fault –a mistake. Her decision was based on the fact that Joe could survive without her, but Steve couldn’t. The conversation escalated into a bitter argument, ending with Viki fleeing the room. She drove off too fast, her car skidding on the icy roads and crashing into a tree.

Joe called Victor with the news of the accident. Victor and Jim flew to Mt. Jefferson hospital. Although she only has a hairline fracture, Viki suddenly slipped into a coma before Steve arrived. Meanwhile, Joe refused to tell anyone the circumstances of the accident. Steve was furious that he had not been told that Viki and Joe were together covering the story. Neurosurgeon Dr. Cardwell and Jim Craig felt that there wasn’t a physiological cause for Viki’s coma. They considered the possibility that it was a psychologically-induced, hysterical coma. Steve signed the consent for Viki to be transported back to Llanview. Joe’s quick-tempered outburst, triggered by his feelings of guilt, upset all of his friends, and they wonder about the cause. Larry and Victor considered Joe’s possible involvement in Viki’s car crash.

Viki awoke from her coma but suffered from selective amnesia. She couldn't remember the last eighteen months: declaring Joe dead, the murder of Marcie Wade, marrying Steve, the birth of Meredith’s baby, Dave Siegel’s death, or Joe’s return to Llanview and her inability to choose between her first and second husband. Everyone was careful to go along with her amnesia as Dr. Polk felt that suddenly learning the truth could cause Viki to retreat farther into the past. Joe admitted to Larry that he spent the night with Viki the night before the accident and that she had decided to return to Steve. Wanting desperately to see her, Joe was furious that she wasn’t being told he was really alive. Viki dreamt about Joe and Wanda, whom she didn’t remember knowing. The music from the carousel Joe bought for her kept haunting her, though she didn’t recall where she heard the tune.

Realizing Viki was growing more and more suspicious, as well as uneasy, Dr. Polk finally told her about her amnesia, and that she was actually married to Steve Burke. He refused to divulge any more as it was crucial that she'd try to remember for herself. She did suddenly recalled Julie and Mark’s wedding, the first step in regaining her memory.

Steve confronted Joe, pushing him until he finally admitted that he and Viki fought just before she drove off and crashed her car. Angrily, Joe revealed that yes, Viki had chosen Steve over him, but insisted she only did it because she felt Steve needed her more. He continued saying Viki really loved him, not Steve, and he loved her, too. Steve couldn't deny Joe’s words as carrying the conviction of truth. He was convinced more than ever that something else happened between the two while they were together at the hotel.

Physically recovered from the accident, Viki was sent home to Llanfair. She was impatient to recover her memory of the last eighteen months and confused about why she didn’t go home to Steve’s apartment. Looking through the archives of newspapers at The Banner, Viki recalled Marcie Wade’s death and Steve’s trial for the crime. Still unaware that Joe was alive, Viki moved back to Steve’s apartment. Joe, learning that Viki remembered the carousel tune from the music box he gave her the night before the accident, gave the box to Dr. Polk, who showed it to Viki. She suddenly remembered that Joe was alive and painfully recalled spending the night with him at the hotel in Mt. Jefferson. Viki asked to see both Steve and Joe.

Cathy Craig was falling for her married boss, Steve Burke (January - May)
During Viki’s absence for the Greenfield story, Cathy sought out Steve and cheered him up. When he accidentally injured his wrist, she prepared dinner for him and drove him to work. Steve was very grateful to her, though completely unaware of the depth of her feelings for him.

When she finally admitted her feelings for Steve to herself, Cathy became upset. She reminded herself that he was married to Viki and loved his wife deeply. She attempted to push her feelings for Steve aside by accepting a date with Jack Lawson.

Trying to block out strong feelings for Steve, Cathy continued to date Jack. Later, Steve refused an out-of-town assignment she requested, telling her that she was still needed in the office.

Unable to forget her love for Steve, Cathy confided her feelings to Julie. Meanwhile, Viki and Steve promoted Cathy to a full-time reporter.

Larry and Merrie: Love was stronger than ever right before the bitter end (January - June)
Larry, deeply upset about his wife Meredith’s reaction to Viki’s problems, felt her health would suffer unless she calms down. Despite a good medical checkup, an overwrought Meredith collapsed. Dr. Jim Craig theorized that an emotional strain caused the collapse, not her blood disorder. During Meredith’s hospital stay, son Danny was kept by Anna Craig, angering Victor.

Meredith recovered from her emotional collapse and was released from the hospital. However, she was disturbed by dreams in which she sees herself dying in the hospital.

Meanwhile, Larry and Meredith explored the possibility of adopting a little girl now that Meredith has recovered from her illness.

Meredith and Larry, disappointed at the probability of being unable to adopt a little girl, saw a television program about Vietnamese/American orphans in Saigon. They decided to try to adopt Sara, a little girl featured in the program or, if not her, another child from the orphanage.

Larry and Meredith were disappointed when they faced enormous difficulty in trying to adopt a Vietnamese/American child from Vietnam, especially a little girl.

Mark and Julie: Problems in newlyweds land (January - October)
Eileen, still depressed over Dave’s sudden death from a heart attack, was unaware that her daughter Julie was using her mother’s depression as an excuse to avoid being alone with her husband Mark. Julie couldn't face the fact that her marriage was suffering because she was unable to have a satisfactory physical relationship with her husband. He protested, but Julie insisted she had to put her mother’s needs first.

Julie decided to see a gynecologist about her frigidity, but Mark insisted the problem wasn’t physical, and they could work it out privately. When she accidentally ran into former boyfriend Jack Lawson, Julie forgot to mention it to Mark. Later, he inadvertently learned about the incident. Confronting Julie, Mark accused her of being dishonest. She became overly defensive, and they quarreled until he left to go to the hospital for rounds. They ultimately realized they were both wrong and made mutual apologies.

Mark continued to be upset when Julie used Eileen’s and Joe’s problems to avoid physical intimacy. Mark tried to explain that the two of them were as much a family as the others. He finally suggested that if she didn’t want to make love with him, she should just be honest about it rather than inventing excuses.

Julie still couldn't respond to Mark the way she felt a woman should and used any available excuse to avoid intimacy with him. Mark discussed his marital problems with Larry in confidence. Larry sympathetically suggested Julie see Dr. Polk. When Mark discussed the same concerns with Eileen, she agreed, but Julie resented his “intrusion” on her relationship with her mother. Later, Julie dreamt that Mark found her and Jack together in their apartment, and Mark left her. She woke up screaming, further angering Mark as she refused to tell him what the frightening nightmare was about. Eileen cautioned Julie not to let seeing Jack or hearing his name mentioned prey to heavily on her mind since it could ultimately hurt her marriage.

Eileen reacted hysterically to the news of Joe’s departure of Llanview and violently accused Viki of being responsible. Julie insisted on staying with Eileen so she won’t be so alone. She told Mark that she couldn't start her new youth project job until her mother was more stable. Mark angrily accused Julie of never wanting the job at all. When Julie secretly admitted Mark’s accusations were true, Eileen forced her to begin the job immediately, which pleased Mark very much.

Julie pretended fulfillment in bed with Mark, but he realized she was faking it and urged her to schedule an appointment with psychiatrist Dr. Polk. She resented his suggestion and avoided discussing it further. Jack Lawson told Eileen that Julie seemed to react traumatically every time they encounter one another. He was at a loss over the reason for her behavior. At the hospital, Larry informed Mark that his work was suffering from unresolved personal problems. When Eileen guessed Julie’s problem, she was relieved. Eileen attempted to cheer her daughter up.

Learning that Julie discussed their intimacy problems with Eileen, Mark felt angry that Julie didn’t speak about her problems to a professional like Dr. Polk, just as he had suggested.

Mark pressed Julie to stop worrying about feeling inadequate as a responsive lover. Instead, he encouraged her to have a baby to bring them even closer together as a couple. Julie seemed less than delighted at his idea.

When Mark admitted to Julie that he felt their inability to have a satisfying physical relationship was his fault, Julie finally submitted to therapy with Dr. Polk. In their sessions, he pointed out that she brought a great deal of unresolved guilt into her marriage, as she had attempted suicide when Jack Lawson walked out on her, and she felt they were “living in sin”. Julie was unsure she loved Mark enough to change herself, but agreed to daily therapy without informing Mark of her decision.

Julie continued to keep her psychoanalysis sessions with Dr. Polk a secret. She felt Mark’s insistence to know every detail of her day – where she’s been and what she did- demonstrated a lack of trust on his part. Mark’s nagging that they have a baby to draw closer as a couple forced her to tell him that she felt he was imposing his image of the person she should be on her. She insisted that he didn’t really know how she felt and must take her word for it that she’s not ready to have children. The situation worsened when Julie was fired from her job for taking too much time off work due to therapy sessions. Mark learned about Julie’s dismissal before she could explain the reason, which resulted in another bitter fight. After Joe helped Julie get a job at the Banner, Mark relented on the baby issue.

Ed and Carla: The beginning of a love affair (January - May)
Ed Hall told Carla that he loved her and offered her time to ponder their situation. Carla felt she still needed more time to decide about Ed, but she was increasingly becoming more protective of him and felt they were very close.

Carla was uncertain and afraid of committing herself to a future with a policeman like Ed because of fears and trauma from childhood. However, observing the compassion and patience Ed demonstrated with defiant teenager Josh, an underprivileged kid he was trying to save from delinquency and crime, she realized that he was just as patient and compassionate with her. She told Ed that she loved him and thought she could begin to be all of the things he wanted her to be. When Josh’s arm was injured, Ed surmised the injury came from strong-arming by a local street gang. He took Josh home to Carla for dinner.

Carla finally agreed to marry Ed. Jim offered to give the bride away, and the ceremony would be held in the Craig’s garden. Ed was very upset at his failure to get through to young, belligerent Josh West. Every friendly overture Ed made was met with resistance and distrust. Josh reminded him that he was “the man”, the “fuzz”. Ed became more disturbed and angry when he discovers that Josh was sniffing glue.

Young Josh West slowly warmed to Ed, getting over his deep mistrust of policemen. He began to establish a good relationship with Ed and Vinnie. However, Carla noted Josh’s antagonism towards her and asked Ed if he was planning to include Josh in their future. He answered that he had no plans for Josh, but he couldn't just abandon him.

What was going on with Vince Wolek? (January - April)
Vinnie graduated from the police academy, and Anna arranged a large celebration party for him. Newly graduated from the police academy, Vinnie was assigned to work undercover for the FBI, driving a truck on a hijacking investigation.

After he was removed from his undercover hijacking assignment due to a leak in security, Vinnie returned to street patrol duty. However, Victor hired him to keep an eye on Llanfair while Victor was away on an extended vacation.

The Cramer sisters arrive to Llanview (April - June)
Llanview Hospital welcomed its newest addition Dr. Dorian Cramer. Efficient and competent, Dorian looked for a house in town for herself and a sister whom she looked after.

Dr. Dorian Cramer’s younger sister Melinda arrived and moved into Dorian’s new house. Melinda’s left arm has been paralyzed since a childhood accident, causing her to be shy and withdrawn. Any mention of the past upset her greatly. Melinda was further disturbed to learn Dorian couldn't be with her boyfriend Peter in Europe due to her responsibility to Melinda. Meredith, stopping by for a visit, discovered Melinda unconscious from a gas leak caused by a misadjusted stove burner. Meredith summoned an ambulance, saving Melinda’s life. Meredith and Larry were confused when, following the hysteria, Dorian became very remote about the accident and effectively and persistently isolated Melinda from friendly contact with them. Later, Dorian was agitated when Melinda walked over to Meredith’s house just to thank her for saving her life.

Dorian confessed to Larry that Melinda’s arm was injured in serious accident when she was nine. Melinda languished in a coma for a month, and when she came out of it, she learned that their parents had tragically died in a plane crash while rushing to be with her. A child prodigy as a pianist, Melinda became withdrawn and emotionally damaged due to the traumas of her parents’ deaths and the loss of her left arm. Dorian feared that Melinda’s reaching out to Meredith for friendship would end with her getting hurt, as similar relationships with others have ended with Melinda suddenly never wanting to see the person again.

Viki's decision; Joe and Wanda leave for New York (April - June)
Her amnesia cured, Viki told Joe that she wanted his friendship, but she was staying with her husband Steve. Joe was thunderstruck and insisted she was doing it for the wrong reasons, but he couldn't change her mind. Viki assured Steve that she loved him and wanted to spend her life with him. Steve was thrilled but harbored a nagging doubt that she did not choose him for love. When Viki wasn’t eager to rush off on a second-honeymoon, Steve’s doubts grew stronger.

Joe, bitter and empty over Viki’s decision to go back to Steve, wrote goodbye letters to everyone and packed to leave town. Wanda accidentally learned of his impending departure, and as he got in his car to leave, he found her there, also packed and ready to go with him. Incredulous, he pressed her for her reason, and she finally admitted it was because she was in love with him. She explained that loving someone means wanting to make them happy, so she prayed Viki would choose him. But, now that he’s lonely and miserable, she wanted to make him happy because she loves him, and it didn’t matter that he didn’t share her feelings. Despite Joe’s assertion that he’d always love Viki and didn’t deserve Wanda’s love and concern, Wanda insisted that if he goes…she goes, too. And that’s that!

Vinnie was upset about the departure of Joe and Wanda, though Anna suspected he missed Wanda more than Joe. In New York, Wanda and Joe took apartments in the same building, and he looked for reporting jobs, insisting she'd take it easy for a while. Realizing he hasn’t let Eileen know he’s all right, Wanda started a letter to her.

Viki tried to convince Steve her only reason for avoiding a vacation in New York wasn’t because she feared running into Joe, but because she’d rather avoid all reminders of the past. However, her second honeymoon plans for Rome with Steve were somewhat dampened by her thoughts of Joe and Wanda together in New York.

Depressed over being unable to find a job, Joe became very distraught after learning about Steve and Viki’s trip. Wanda’s patience was strained, and she finally advised him to stop feeling sorry for himself and acting so childish. When he angrily stormed out and stayed away, Wanda returned to Llanview and sought consolation from Vinnie. Vinnie went to New York to visit Joe, telling him that he had to face the fact that he has lost Viki for good. Vinnie angrily insisted that Joe didn’t appreciate how wonderful and loyal Wanda was, and he should give her a chance to make him happy. Joe explained that he cared about Wanda, so he didn’t want to hurt her by “giving her a chance” because he just didn’t love her. Anna realized Vinnie’s anger over the situation stemmed from the fact that he had feelings for Wanda that he didn’t even realize.

Joe admitted to Wanda that he had treated her badly and promised to be more considerate and appreciative in the future. Soon, he landed a job as a reporter for a New York newspaper.

The break into Llanfair and Meredith's death (June - August)
Vinnie has been moonlighting as security guard at Llanfair in Victor’s absence. One night, two ex-cons broke into the mansion, but inadvertently triggered the alarm system, alerting the police. As they prepared to flee, Vinnie surprised them, and they fired shots, wounding him in the arm. With the police surrounding the estate, they broke into the carriage house and held Meredith at gunpoint. When Vinnie hurried over to warn her of the impending danger, he was also captured and held hostage. Realizing that they had Victor Lord’s daughter and baby grandson Danny as hostages, Ben and Earl, the convicts, demanded safe passage to the airport as well as a chartered plane flight to South America, where they claimed they would release the hostages. They gave Ed twenty four hours to comply with their demands, or they would kill Vinnie.

Larry blamed himself for Meredith and Danny’s danger as Meredith had a premonition of danger, and thinking it was Melinda who was in trouble, had planned to go to the Cramer’s, but Larry had insisted Meredith stay home. Ironically, Larry learned that Melinda also had a feeling of foreboding but felt it was Meredith who was in danger.

As Vinnie’s wound was infected, the crooks allowed Jim to treat him but forced him to leave immediately afterward. Victor arrived home unexpectedly and wanted to comply with the ransom demands, but Ed convinced him it would endanger the hostages even more. Meanwhile, Victor and Larry found the architect’s plans for the carriage house and learned there was a trap door leading outside from behind what was now Meredith’s bedroom closet.

Earl and Ben allowed Jim to return and treat Vinnie’s shoulder wound, giving Jim the opportunity to slip him some sedatives. However, Meredith was later caught attempting to spike the convicts’ soup with the pills, and they refused to allow any more medication for Vinnie. Informed by Jim of the trap door behind Meredith’s bedroom closet, Vinnie managed to get into the bedroom alone, but his attempt to open the escape route was also discovered and foiled by Earl and Ben.

Victor privately called the thieves and offered them $200,000 for the safe release of the hostages. Ben, the more logical and rational of the two, demands $300,000, a helicopter to the airport, and a plane to South America. Over Ed’s objections, Victor agreed. Realizing the police wouldn’t withdraw to let them through, Ben considered refusing the ransom, but Earl –irrational and gun-happy- demanded they accept. They bickered, and provoked by Vinnie, finally fought over it. In the confusion, Vinnie locked Meredith, Danny, and himself in Danny’s room. The police quickly raised a ladder, but they only had time to pass Danny to safety before Ben and Earl broke down the door and recaptured them. Seeing how unnerved the two were, Vinnie encouraged dissent between them until an enraged Earl finally shot and killed Ben.

A frantic Victor called about the gunshots he heard, but Earl refused to tell him what happened. When Meredith screamed into the phone against his orders to let her father know that they were all right, Earl stroke her violently, causing her to fall and hit her head on a table. She was temporarily unconscious, but came to, drifting in and out of consciousness. Earl would not allow anyone in to see her and finally announced that he was taking her to the airport as protection. Larry, fearing a concussion, tried unsuccessfully to convince Earl to let him examine her. Earl eventually agreed to release Meredith only if Viki took her place as a hostage. Over Victor’s objections, Viki immediately allowed herself to become a hostage.

The exchange of Viki for an injured Meredith was thwarted by Earl’s attempt to shoot Vinnie, only he realized that he was out of bullets. They struggled, and then Earl flew the carriage house. The police opened fire, killing him instantly. Rushed to the hospital, Meredith didn’t appear to have a significant head injury, and doctors felt she would recover completely from the ordeal. However, Meredith called Viki to her side, telling her sister that she had only a little time left and asked that Viki promise to tell Larry how completely happy she was in their life together. This deeply upset Viki who feared it was a premonition of tragedy. A few moments later, Meredith suffered a massive cerebral hemorrhage and died before they could get her to the operating room. Larry’s inconsolable grief was compounded by his guilt in insisting Meredith not visit Melinda Cramer the night she was ultimately taken hostage. Hearing Merrie’s words from Viki helped him somewhat, while Melinda’s quiet compassion and understanding of his loss helped him begin to accept the fact that Meredith was gone.

In the solemn days that followed, both Viki and Victor offered Larry and Danny a home, but he decided to let Anna assist him in raising Danny. Larry began to realize that he must go on living, and for his son’s sake, pass through the shadow of despair.

Steve's jealousy and Cathy's new love interest (July - December)
Steve was upset by the presence of Joe at Llanfair during the Lords family crisis. Steve suffered great anxiety every time he saw his wife and her ex-husband together and was deeply disturbed to find the music box with a Mt. Jefferson label in Viki’s old room at Llanfair. He realized it must be the same music box that figured so prominently in her recent recovery from amnesia. Joe’s very presence made Steve unsure of Viki’s love for him.

Cathy realized her one-sided love affair with Steve was hopeless and resigned from The Banner. Victor suggested hiring Joe to replace her. Steve swallowed his insecurity and fears about Joe’s presence and agreed that Joe should be approached. Stunned by Steve and Viki’s apparent lack of emotion over the possibility of his working with them, Joe went out and got roaring drunk. He then called Viki late at night to accept the position. Joe, who still deeply loved Viki, added sarcastically that they’d all be good friends, and he had the rules memorized just as she had. Steve was furious at Joe’s calling Viki, and they had a terrible argument in which all of his resentment for Joe poured out. Meanwhile, a drunken Joe resisted Wanda’s concern for him, and while quarreling, he fell over a table and cut his head. Badly frightened, Wanda called Larry. Joe was conscious but groggy by the time Larry arrived. Larry insisted he went to the hospital the next day for x-rays and cautioned him about drinking.

Joe began working at The Banner, writing a daily column. Joe’s cool formality, prompted by Viki’s remark about proper office behavior, infuriated Viki. She angrily suggested that he’d carried correctness to a point where she couldn’t even talk to him. Joe told Cathy he was very impressed with her short story about a married man dealing with a young girl’s love for him and encouraged her to expand it into a novel. He offered advice and encouragement as she began her work.

Viki tried hard to forget her marriage to Joe and concentrate on her present marriage to Steve, but the reminders were always there. Joe wondered about her true feelings when he saw that she had kept an old love letter he sent her, but was later enraged upon learning she gave his music box to charity. He bought it back and presented it to her saying her behavior was contradictory. Viki insisted he didn’t know her thoughts. Badly shaken by ambivalent feelings for Joe, Viki asked Steve to cut short his business trip as she needed him. Joe visited Cathy for comfort, but when he drew away after kissing her, she angrily questioned his denial of their attraction to one another. He replied that if he continued, he’d be using her, while she argued this withdrawal was using her more.

Viki was increasingly disturbed by Joe’s cool formality toward her. She magnified the situation until she was finally compelled to confront Joe, arguing that the tense artificiality of their relationship was making them both miserably unhappy, and they must talk it out. Joe, however, insisted he was happy with his life, and if there was a problem, it’s Viki’s…not his. Angry at her preoccupation with Joe, Steve said Joe was playing a role to deliberately unsettle Viki and warned that it was damaging their marriage. Viki vehemently denied this by admitting that Joe was simply hurt and lonely. Steve went to Joe and angrily accused him of manipulating Viki’s emotions, but Joe retorted that Steve could only judge him based on his journalistic abilities, and if that was not good enough, he could fire him!

Cathy was overwhelmed when Joe managed to secure an option on her first novel from a publisher, though she was hurt that he didn’t reciprocate her growing feelings for him. He later admitted there is chemistry between them but cautioned her about emotional involvement. Wanda too dreamt of marrying Joe even though she knew the odds were one in a million.

While awaiting the publisher’s decision about her novel, Cathy asked Joe to accompany her on a short vacation to Mt. Jefferson. He begged off, using her family as the reason, she maintained that the real reason was Viki, that Viki dominated his life even without being a part of it anymore. She told Joe that this was wrong, and he must do something about it. Steve still bristled at Joe’s presence, feeling that Joe’s uber-formal behavior is a deliberate attempt to unnerve Viki. Finally, Viki informed Joe that if he wanted to treat her like “the boss”, that was just what she’d be. Steve was pleased to hear Viki’s comments, but later, Viki was disturbed when she dreamt of Joe again. Depressed about the scene with Viki, Joe followed Cathy to Mt. Jefferson and realized that Cathy ironically had the same hotel room he shared with Viki last winter.

Eileen's addiction to painkillers (August - November)
Recently widowed herself, Eileen was devastated by Meredith’s tragic death. Her depression became so deep that Mark prescribed her Debutol, a strong tranquilizer. The medication proved so effective that Eileen began taking them at the slightest bad news or upsetting situation. When Mark cut back her prescription, cautioning her about overuse, Eileen’s mood swings caused her to tell Julie that Mark never liked her and resents her relationship with Julie. Another pill, however, put it all back in perspective.

Mark realized the Debutol he gave Eileen was producing a paranoid behavior reaction and warned her that he would not write her another prescription. Jim offered her a milder tranquilizer; however, Eileen became very depressed and panicky without the stronger medication. She persuaded a very reluctant Wanda to get the pills from a drug salesman friend. Wanda initially refused but went along with it when Eileen promised it would be the last time she asks. Their conversation was overheard by Josh and his friend Hubcap.

Eileen took the last of the tranquilizers Wanda got for her, but the emotional strain of day-to-day life was too much for her, and she began to fall apart. Recognizing her need, Josh’s delinquent friend Hubcap slipped her a few pills along with a telephone number. Unable to stand the pressure, Eileen called and ordered pills from a pusher.

Still unable to get pills from a legitimate source, Eileen turned to Hubcap again for more tranquilizers. Realizing she had became totally addicted, he exploited the situation by increasing the dosage and planned to take her for every dime he could get.

Dorian forbids Melinda from becoming a friend to new widower, Larry (August - December)
Having experienced so much tragedy in her own life, Merrie’s death was an enormous blow to fragile Melinda. She took comfort in sharing her grief with Larry, but Dorian feared Melinda was headed for another mental depression and asked their former housekeeper Hattie to come back. Dorian tried to conceal a gift Meredith purchased before her death for Melinda, but she found it and angrily accused Dorian of taking too much upon herself by deciding what Melinda could or couldn't handle emotionally.

Larry continued grieving for Meredith, though he received comfort from Melinda’s compassion. He was unable to return to the hospital as he couldn't face passing Merrie’s hospital room. Dorian temporarily assumed Larry’s job as Chief Resident. She told Mark that she’d help preserve the position until Larry was capable of returning. Meanwhile, Melinda tried unsuccessfully to find a job to prove to Dorian that she was capable of managing her own life. Wanda reminded her that she could always teach piano.

Dorian bristled at Melinda’s suggestion that Dorian had always chosen men who were not free for a permanent relationship. Dorian denied it, and then wounded Melinda with the truth that Melinda got hurt every time she established a relationship. Dorian forbade Melinda from seeing Larry again, prompting Larry to chastise her for being overly protective of her sister. He wanted Melinda to babysit for Danny, but Dorian warned him that Melinda fell hopelessly in love with any man who showed her kindness, implying this could happen to Larry, too. When Melinda threatened to reveal Dorian’s behavior, Dorian remarked that no one would believe her and kept her a virtual prisoner in their house. Melinda finally submitted and took the tranquilizers Dorian pressed on her. Larry noticed Melinda’s cold, detached behavior and pressed the Cramer maid Hattie for an explanation. Under Dorian’s strict orders, Hattie nervously refused to speak with him. Larry confronted Dorian directly, but she told him that Melinda was none of his business and ordered him to stay away from their home. Meanwhile, Melinda begged Hattie to tell her why Dorian isolated her from everyone.

Dorian was stunned to learn that blind writer John Douglas, the one man she ever really loved, was The Banner’s new Washington bureau chief. In Llanview for an orientation, he sought her out, but she firmly implied what’s past is past, and she tried to avoid him. Melinda overheard John reminding Dorian she refused to marry him because of her obsession with her sister and begged Dorian to explain it. Dorian insisted it was nothing, and when Melinda questioned John, he lamented that he didn’t understand it either. Melinda and Dorian were both invited to a reception at Llanfair for John. Melinda declared that she could handle a big party and even bought a dress for the occasion; however, at the last minute, she declined to go. Later, Dorian was infuriated when Melinda arrived at Llanfair alone, after Dorian had spent the evening making excuses for her. Melinda had a delightful time at the party, and afterward, Dorian told her that she seemed to have gained self-confidence and maturity in the last year; now she could do whatever she wants. Melinda was overjoyed, but Dorian quietly questioned herself, “What can I do? It’s so dangerous.” John confronted Dorian with the knowledge that unless she faced the truth about Melinda, her life would be affair after affair with younger, unattainable men who couldn't provide commitment, and one day she’d be too old for that. He then reminded her that he still loved her and would be there for her.

Larry was amazed to hear a recording of Melinda playing a concert quality piano recital at age nine, before her arm was paralyzed. When Melinda vehemently declared she wanted nothing to do with music, Larry questioned if she had seen a psychiatrist about her emotional adjustment since the accident. She replied that she saw one briefly and unsuccessfully years ago, but would like to see one again. She was certain, however, that Dorian would never allow it. Larry asked Dorian for permission and was stunned by her violent refusal. Neither Larry nor Melinda could make her reconsider. Privately, Dorian expressed to Hattie her terrible fear that while Melinda appeared to have gotten better, she might still be just the same as she ever was, and the terrible troubles of the past could re-occur at any time.

Ed and Carla finally tied the knot (August - October)
Ed felt guilty about Meredith’s death when, in retrospect, he decided that he was too personally involved with the hostages to perform at his professional best. Carla helped him to resolve his feelings, but in deference to Larry’s mourning, they agreed to postpone their wedding until September

Anna and Cathy both received anonymous phone threats, warning them that Ed and Carla’s wedding day would never arrive. Josh informed Vinnie that he heard a word on the street that someone wanted revenge on Ed for the death of Earl Brock in the Llanfair hostage crisis. Later, while driving, Carla’s brakes failed, and she crashed her car. Vinnie discovered that the brakes were deliberately tampered. He and Ed ordered plainclothes guards for Carla, but kept it all from her so as not to spoil their wedding plans. Vinnie learned that Lester Brock, Earl’s brother, was an expert mechanic and recently released from a mental hospital. Joe recognized Brock’s picture as a patron at the diner where Wanda worked. He and Vinnie rushed there only to find Wanda had just thrown Brock out at knifepoint after he made crazy, threatening passes at her. Posing as a policeman, Brock phoned Carla, telling her to meet Ed at the jeweler’s in half an hour. She agreed to go, unaware that Brock was waiting for her with a rifle.

Carla arrived at the jeweler’s shop, but Joe, warned of her destination by Anna, pulled her out of range just as Lester Brock fired his rifle at her. Ed and his officers discovered Brock babbling incoherently to his dead brother. Brock believed that he had killed Carla, revenging Earl’s death, and was transported to an insane asylum. The ordeal over, Ed and Carla’s beautiful wedding was held as planned in the Craig garden. Hazel Scott, Carla’s aunt, performed a special song she wrote for the occasion. The wedding was perfect except for the absence of Meredith, whose presence was missed by all.

Julie and Mark's marriage: The beginning of the end (November - December)
Julie continued to hide her therapy sessions from Mark, who grew suspicious of her unexplained absences. He concluded she was getting help from an unqualified source. Dorian inadvertently overheard Julie talking about her marital problems with Mark, and she began to seek him out whenever she could. When Mark admonished Dorian as being cold and dispassionate even with her patients, she suddenly kissed him passionately, saying “this is the real Dorian.” Mark was left confounded and intrigued. Following an after-work cocktail with Dorian, Mark used Julie’s tactic of not saying where he had been. Julie replied that if it was really important, he’d tell her without her even having to ask.

Aware that Mark and Julie were having serious marital issues, Dorian made it very clear to Mark that she was available for whatever diversion he’d like. Julie, realizing that her secret therapy sessions were creating irreparable damage in her marriage, decided to tell Mark the truth. She arranged to meet with him after work. Meanwhile, Eileen was trapped by Hubcap. He has been steadily increasing the dosage of her pills until she was physically dependent, and now charged exorbitant rates to satisfy her craving. When she tried to stop, he threatened to tell her family and friends that she was a drug addict unless she continues to pay what he asked and bought everything he delivered. Before meeting Mark, Julie stopped by for a visit and uncovers Eileen’s stash of bootleg pills. Julie confronted her mother who promised to never take another pill if Julie would keep it a secret.

The confrontation with Eileen delayed Julie from meeting with Mark. Furious that she stood him up, Mark left the hospital with Dorian, just minutes before Julie arrived. Mark went to Dorian’s house where they winded up in bed making love. Afterward, Mark went home, his manner so cool and accusatory that Julie decided not to tell him about her sessions with Dr. Polk. Later, Mark confided his guilty feelings about their infidelity to Dorian, but she assured him that it would pass, and they both deserve those moments of happiness. The next day, when Julie said she couldn’t spend her day off with him, Mark took Dorian to bed again.

Melinda warned Dorian that she was demonstrating her usual behavior of getting involved with a younger, unavailable man, thus avoiding a permanent relationship. Melinda demanded to know if she was the reason. Dorian maintained that she liked her life just the way it was, and no…Melinda had nothing to do with it. Dorian added that if Melinda wanted to be treated as an adult she must accord Dorian her own privacy.

Loose Ends (December 1973)
The beginning of Vinnie and Wanda
With Cathy now in Joe’s life, Wanda was miserable as she was hopelessly in love with him herself. To console her, Vinnie took her out, and they discussed their respective pasts, deciding that they were both losers in love. Vinnie quietly recalled that Joe once suggested that Vinnie was falling in love with Wanda.

Eileen takes an overdose
Although intending to keep her promise to Julie, Eileen tried drinking to soothe her nerves, but Hubcap forced another delivery of drugs on her. Eileen took so many pills that she hallucinates seeing her late husband Dave, whose vision warned her he disapproved of what she was doing. Eileen passed out behind the sofa. Steve told Joe that Eileen was dangerously depressed and drinking too much. Joe stopped by to see to her, but didn’t notice her passed out. He assumed she was out and decided that Steve was just interfering. Later, she awakened and popped more pills, downing them with liquor. She attempted to call Joe, but talked to Steve instead. Terribly concerned something was wrong, Steve started out to her house. Meanwhile, Ed warned Josh that a big drug bust was in the works and cautioned him not to be involved. Josh maintained he had nothing to do with the drug scene. He later went to Eileen’s to drop off Hubcap’s latest delivery. Having overdosed on pills and alcohol, Eileen collapsed at his feet.


Larry fell in love with Rachel Wilson, one of his patients who was dying a painful death from Hodgkin's disease. Rachel finally decided that she wanted to end her own life and she wanted Larry to be the administering physician.

Neurotic Melinda, who had developed an intense attraction to Mark, schemed to kill Mark and Dorian when she learned of their affair. But Melinda was overcome by Mark before she could stab him and went into a catatonic state. She was soonafter institutionalized. In trying to cover up their affair, Dorian and Mark inadvertantly gave Rachel Wilson too much medication and she died.

While Viki was still married to Steve, Joe began a brief affair with Cathy Craig. He didn't think much of it, but when he announced joyfully that he was going to remarry Viki Burke, Cathy came out with the stunning revelation that she was pregnant. Feeling obligated, Joe offered to marry Cathy, who stoically refused, claiming she loved him too much to trap him into a loveless marriage. Viki divorced Steve Burke, and finally free to marry the man of her dreams, became Mrs. Joe Riley for the second time.

Unfortunately, Cathy had changed her mind and wanted Joe back. After his remarriage to Viki, she gave birth to a beautiful baby girl, Megan Craig Riley. She was initially a healthy baby, but after a short time, she began to grow frail. The doctors later determined that she had a congenital heart defect and did not have long to live...

Victor Lord began his own mission of self-discovery - it seemed that he had fathered an illegitimate son years before. Upon coming across this new information, he began to scour the country to find his long-lost son.

After Carla's wedding to Ed, the woman who had once tried to pass for white soon became proud about being black and the couple adopted young ghetto youth, Joshua West. Together, Ed, Carla and Joshua became a happy family.


She was a single, independent, decidedly blue-collar waitress. He was a tough talking former trucker-turned-policeman. After a long, poignant and often hilarious courtship, Vinnie Wolek married his sweetheart, Wanda Webb.

The courts unjustly convicted Larry for patient Rachel Wilson's mercy-killing murder after nurse Susan Barry told them of Rachel's wish for Larry to end her life. But Larry was set free when Dorian finally confessed that she was partially responsible. Dorian had given Rachel an injection, but forgot to record it on her chart. Later that night, Mark Toland unknowingly administered a second dose, killing the patient. Dorian lost her medical license for her negligence and Mark fled town in disgrace. Dorian chose to blame Viki Riley, who sat on the hospital board, for the decision.

Victor befriended newly arrived Tony Harris unaware that Tony was actually his vengeful illegitimate son. But, it turned out, at least two people knew about his existence before Victor did. They were Mark and Dorian. While Mark was hiding out in San Francisco following Rachel's death, he found out that Victor had been searching for his son. Quite by accident, Mark met a woman named Dorothy Randolph, who claimed to be the mother of Victor's son, Tony. Mark was murdered by Susan Barry before he could sell the information to Victor, however.

Dorian knew about Tony's parentage via Mark, and he tried to blackmail her with the information before his death. But Dorian was not anxious to acknowledge Tony's existence, for reasons of her own. After suffering a heart attack in the search for his missing son, Victor was hospitalized. Dorian, conspiring with Dr. Matt McAllister, plotted to make Victor dependent on her for his health ... and ultimately, to marry her. Eventually, Dorian succeeded in becoming Victor's private nurse and indeed, his wife. But when Tony eventually came to town of his own accord, the situation got even more complicated.

Around that time, Viki and Joe hired Pat Kendall (Jacqueline Courtney) to work as an editor at the BANNER. Pat arrived in Llanview with her young son, Brian, who believed that Paul Kendall, a former radical believed to be dead, was his father. But Pat was keeping a secret -- years earlier, she had an affair with Tony Lord and he was Brian's father!

The romantic story of Llanview's youngest lovers, Tim Siegel and Jenny Wolek, cousin of Vince, Larry and Anna, captivated viewers. Jenny, a novice nun, fell deeply in love with Tim, the son of Joe Riley's sister Eileen, and her late lawyer husband, Dave Siegel. The young couple's romance sent tremors through Llanview. Eileen was vehemently opposed to his relationship with Jenny because she felt it had been the reason Tim decided to drop out of law school. The Woleks were equally upset, feelings that Jenny should not have swayed from her committment to God. Eventually, Jenny decided to cling to her commitment by honoring a promise to aid earthquake victims in the third-world country of San Carlos and left town hoping to return soon.

Elsewhere, Joe began spending long hours with Cathy and their ailing daughter Megan and began to neglect his relationship with Viki. Tony, confused as to his ex-lover Pat Kendall's frigid response to him, turned to Cathy for support. Later, he married her. But Cathy was quickly descending into depression, mood swings and deep anxiety as her daughter Megan's health worsened. One night, Megan began suffering from a severe respiratory infection and Viki Riley, concerned for her welfare, decided to drive the little girl to Llanview Hospital. On the way, she had a car accidnet which killed Megan and put Viki into a deep coma. Despite the fact that no one else blamed Viki for the crash, Cathy never forgave her and her mental state deteriorated.

Viki came out of her coma months later and discovered that she was pregnant with Joe's baby. What would have been viewed as joyous news, was marred for Viki by the knowledge that Megan's heart problem had been traced genetically to Joe. She had to make the tough decision whether or not to abort a potentially unhealthy baby or keeping the precious child no matter what its fate. Ultimately, Viki decided to have the baby.


Her marriage to Mark a disaster, Julie returned home to her mother Eileen and began to exhibit emotional problems. When Eileen became involved with Ben Farmer (former husband of Rachel, the woman Mark and Dorian inadvertantly killed), Julie was appalled. She did not want her mother to ever forget the memory of her father Dave and, without realizing it, did not want her mother to find the happiness she, herself, could not have. Because of her interference, Eileen's romance with Ben was destroyed.

Jenny returned from San Carlos with malaria, attended by physician Peter Janssen (Jeffrey Pomerantz). After her recovery, she and Tim planned to be married at last. Jenny's decision to leave the sisterhood infuriated her cousin, Vince. In a hospital stairwell, Vince and Tim were involved in a vehement argument when, suddenly, Tim lost his balance and tumbled down the steps. Critically injured in the fall, Tim held on to life just long enough to exchange deathbed wedding vows with his beloved Jenny.

Joe was overjoyed when Viki gave birth to their first child, frail little Kevin. However, joy turned to panic when a psychotic Cathy kidnapped the baby boy from the hospital. Cathy, whose mind had become unbalanced after the death of her own daughter, took Kevin away and fantasized that he was her baby. Agonizing weeks passed before Kevin was safely returned, and Cathy was captured and hospitalized. Treated by Dr. Will Vernon (Farley Granger), she later recovered, divorced Tony and moved out west.

Bedridden by heart problems, Victor was cared for by his new wife, Dorian, whose plan to marry him had worked, and who loved Victor's family fortune more than she loved her husband. Thrilled to be the new lady of the manor, she chose to replace the portrait of Eugenia Lord that had hung above the fireplace of Llanfair for many years, with a portrait of herself. After Dorian got Victor to change his will, she became extremely apprehensive over Tony's presence in town. Fearing that a Tony/Victor reunion would end her chances at inheriting Victor's money, Dorian set about to fill Tony's head with lies about his father. As it turned out, Dorian's quick thinking made her a wealthy widow; by the time Tony and Victor were able to iron out their differences, Victor had suffered a massive stroke and was unable to alter his will to acknowledge Tony. His first stroke left him unable to speak and unable to tell Viki of Dorian's treachery. A second stroke left him barely clinging to life. One night, he died in his hospital room with Dorian by his bedside, refusing to administer the medicine that could prolong his life. Dorian paid the price for her scheme, however. For the next twenty years, rumors would run rampant that she had murdered her husband.

After her beloved Timmy's death, Jenny turned for comfort to Llanview newcomer Brad Vernon (Jameson Parker). Brad, who dreamed of being a tennis pro, had a bad knee that prevented it. He romanced Jenny, while at the same time, he was sleeping with Lana McClain (Jacklyn Zeman), a waitress in town.

Pat and Tony began an affair, and Pat eventually confessed that he was her son Brian's father, not Paul Kendall. They planned to be married, but Brian was dead-set against having Tony as a step father


Larry discovered love again when he met his distant cousin, Karen Wolek (Judith Light). They began dating and before long, they married. Karen settled into life as Larry's wife, but found the life boring and unsettling. She searched for something to satisfy her thirst for luxury and excitement, which she rarely had since her husband spent long hours at the hospital. Things would take a tragic turn when Marco Dane came to town.

Planning to be wed, things came crashing down suddenly around Jenny Siegel and Brad Vernon. Lana McClain was found dead just hours before their wedding. Brad went to trial for the crime and the shocking revelation came out that Lana had been pregnant with his child! Brad was eventually cleared of the murder, but went to jail for several months, convicted of perjury in lying to the grand jury. Though Jenny tried to have their marriage annulled, Brad managed to convince her that he'd reformed.

Naomi Vernon, wife of Dr. Will and mother of Brad and Samantha, inadvertantly committed suicide, unable to forgive her husband for a past affair, and believing that he was currently carrying on with his daughter-in-law Jenny. She’d taken an overdose of drugs, hoping to scare Will back into her arms, but her plan failed when she died in the process. Naomi’s death tore the Vernon family apart.

Joe and Viki's marriage endured another serious crisis when, after the safe return of their kidnapped son, Kevin, Joe began experiencing searing pain in his head. Suspecting a brain tumor, Joe listened to Dorian's advice and kept the news secret from Viki. Dorian had an ulterior motive -- she wanted to break up Joe and Viki and thus did anything she could to turn their problems to her own advantage. Joe began turning to alcohol to alleviate his problems and one night wound up spending the night at Dorian's home. Viki was mortified. But eventually, the couple worked through their problems and began raising their son Kevin. Finally coming to his senses, Joe underwent surgery for the tumor which turned out to be benign.

Becky Lee Hunt arrived in Llanview, hoping to make it big as a country western singer. It was not long before she fell in love with Viki’s cousin Richard Abbott, who was working as a reporter for the BANNER.

Pat was shocked to learn that her ex-husband Paul Kendall was in actuality alive, causing problems for her relationship with Tony. In the end, she told Tony that she was going to remarry Paul, for Brian’s sake. But Pat and Tony eventually found they could not resist their attraction and began carrying on an affair behind Paul’s back.

Friday, January 2, 2015

1/16/78 --GH & OLTL expand to an hour!

RH 11:30am wst
AMC  12noon to 1pm wst
Eyewitness News 1-1:30pm
OLTL  1:30-2:15pm wst
GH 2:15-3pm wst
EON 3-3:30pm wst
3:30 Movie till 5pm

RH 11:30am wst
AMC 12 noon
OLTL  1-2pm wst
GH 2-3pm wst
EON  3-3:30pm wst
3:30 movie till 5pm
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January 1978

Ryan's Hope

Bucky suspects Pat is on pills. After confronting Rae with tapes proving she and Roger are having an affair. Bill suffers another heart attack and dies. Pat secretly wishes he could leave Dee and marry Faith. Liam, an Irishman from Tom’s past, discovers his whereabouts from Mary and Jack, just before they return from honeymoon.

Jill and Seneca are engaged. Blaming herself for Bill’s death, Rae tells Roger the fling is over and turns to Frank for comfort. Trying to get off pills, Pat is upset when Dee comes looking for him and he accidentally pushes her down the hospital stairs. As she is recovering, Dee begins to babble about her baby she lost before she married Pat. Johnny agrees to try and get along with Jack.

Discovering Dee had a miscarriage before she married Pat, Roger plans to use the information to win her back. Alicia becomes Rae’s secretary / companion. Able to walk without crutches, Angel is released from the hospital. Liam stalks Tom in New York. Seneca plans to tell Jill he is not Edmund’s father.

Jill almost hates Seneca for telling her Frank, not he, is Edmund’s father. Returning Seneca’s friendship ring, Jill orders him to move out. A gun-totting Liam cornered Faith and Tom. Jill discovers Frank embracing Rae. Dee fears she is going crazy.

All My Children

Nick frets when he finds a note from Erica which implies she’s contemplating suicide, although she’s actually on a vacation designed to make him pop the question. Wanting to find out if Donna can have children, Chuck persuades her to take a test which she thinks is being given only to verify her existing pregnancy. Billy Clyde beats Estelle after she visits an elderly lady who befriended her in church. Claudette makes a play for Linc. Phoebe continues to feign paralysis. Trying to keep Devon away from Dan, Brooke warns her Dan will expect her to go to bed with him. Jeff reveals to Christina that Ray spent several nights at Edna’s cabin. Flattered when Jeff says he loves her, Christina tells him she’ll always consider him a good friend.

Ray continues to up his adoption price to Ruth and Joe. David plans to use the fact that Ray spent several nights at Edna’s to win divorce from her. After Nancy tells Carl she’s expecting Frank’s child, he asks her to marry him. Tests having revealed Donna’s tubal ligation, Dr. Clayder tells Chuck she’s having a hysterical pregnancy. Phil fumes to hear Tara blaming Chuck’s woes on the fact that she divorced him. Chuck dreams of remarrying Tara. Mona and Nick continue to worry over Erica’s whereabouts. Dan tells Brooke he’s through with her.

Trying to renew a modeling career in New York, Erica contracts viral pneumonia. Flying to her hospital bedside, Nick admits he loves her. Nancy turns down Carl’s marriage proposal. Hoping to win Charles back, Phoebe claims if they went on a religious pilgrimage, she would be able to walk; he calls the idea nonsense. When David pushes her, Edna tells everyone he is a wife-beater. After Ray threatens Tad, Ruth withdraws all offers of money and says she will see him in court. Learning she cannot have children and is not pregnant, Donna considers running away. Nancy’s positive pregnancy test is accidentally sent to Caroline.

Nick proposes marriage to a critically ill Erica. Although everyone thinks he has taken a powder, Ray Gardner is still in Pine Valley and plans to take the Martins for a financial ride. Nancy tells Caroline she is expecting Carl’s child. Christina is growing tired of David’s demands and jealousy. With Erica ill in New York, Tom hires Brooke to be the Goalpost’s hostess. Linc is finding Claudette’s company very comforting. Benny tells Charles he will help Phoebe stay on the wagon. Not wanting to lose Dan to Devon, Brooke is out to get him. During session with Dr. Polk, Donna recalls her father had wanted to molest her. Poor Ruth ends up being raped by Ray.

One Life To Live

Paul bursts into Tony’s place just as Brian is about to reveal why he is so angry at Pat. Wanda considers doing a commercial. Vinnie feels the grand jury was wrong to label Lana’s death as accidental. A lonely Dorian has Karen move in with her as her social secretary. Becky breaks in on Richard and Edwina at a romantic moment.

Learning that Pat and Tony made love after he came to Llanview, Paul moves out of Pat's house and agrees to a quickie divorce. Dorian’s sister, Melinda returns home. After receiving call from a mysterious stranger with a southern accent, Becky Lee is haunted by the memory of a man she injured. Dorian is irritated when Karen comes on with Peter. Becky plans to quit her job at the newspaper. Samantha admits to Will she loves Tony but feels it’s futile.

After Pat blurts out to Brian that Tony is his real father, Brian runs out of his house and is struck and killed by a car driven by Talbot Huddelston, with Karen in passenger seat. Brushing aside Karen’s pleas to let the authorities know, Talbot leaves the scene of the accident. Prior to the accident, Karen – who had been upset to see Larry and Cathy together – asks Larry to come over share her bed; but Larry refused. Edwina pays Marco to trace Becky Lee’s secret past. Dorian considers Marco’s request to lend him money so he can become private detective.

Having told Pat he didn’t get Caribbean divorce, Paul is numb after Pat reveals she let slip to Brian that Tony was his father just before the accident. Unaware that Pat told Brian, Tony resents her for not having informed Brian of his parentage. Angry when Karen lies about her whereabouts, Dorian fires her. Melinda comes to Llanview. Wanda lands a commercial. On his honeymoon, Brad flirts with the waitresses. Marco rents a room at Mrs. Ina Hopkins’ boarding house. Back from his honeymoon, Brad worries about the ring he gave Lana on the night she died. Brian’s funeral is held. Samantha is startled to see Cathy wearing the ring Brad gave to Lana. Edwina informs Richard she came from a background of poverty.

General Hospital

When the helicopter makes emergency landing, Rick and Monica are forced to spend the night together in an isolated ranger outpost. Concern for Rick’s safety drives Lesley and David together. Laura informs Lesley her sex life is no one’s business but her own. Heather talks Diana into letting her babysit Peter Jr. on New Year’s Eve. Lana, making a prank call to Heather, is upset when Jeff picks up the phone. Gina asks Gary to wait for an answer on his marriage proposal. Mark feels lonesome when Katie goes to Boston.

Lesley moves out of the house. Rick asks David to find a place of his own and persuades Lesley to return. Gina agrees to marry Gary. Heather feels guilty because she knows Steven Lars is alive while Jeff does not. Lana pretends she is going to visit an aunt but Jeff discovers her suitcase is empty and also realizes there is no aunt. Monica learns Alan wants to leave town. Katie admits to her sister she loves both Mark and Lamont. Rick is angry when he finds out Monica was supposed to cancel the helicopter trip they took.

While Mark is out of town conferring about surgery for Lamont, Lamont suffers a stroke. Diana plans to return to work and have Heather watch P.J.. Laura is apprehensive because a new student nurse has eye for Scotty. Heather moves into the apartment Jeff found for her. Lana tells Peter her parents were killed by lightning. Rick informs Lesley that David took blame for getting co-ed pregnant and was expelled from college.

While in bed with Alan, Monica fantasizes that she is with Rick. With Lee out of town, Scotty and Laura spend night at his apartment. Lesley learns of trust when Laura leaves her wallet behind despite being covered by young nurse in training, Bobbie Spencer. Gail travels with Lee to St. Louis, where her in-laws are contesting her late husband’s will. David decides to make easy money by informing stockholders about Lamont’s health. Unaware of Lamont’s declining condition, Mark agreed to perform surgery. Lana learns about Mrs. Hadley and pretends to be Heather’s friend. In Canton, Jeff finds no trace that Lana or her family ever lived there.

Edge of Night

Draper and April announce their engagement. Owen Crimmins decides to give money to Dan Roper’s clininc instead of the Claremont. Angry when Denise’s father suggests that Miles be a full-time fund raiser, Miles quits post as chief of staff at Claremont. Logan suggests all is not proper with the crime commission and holds reservations about Kevin’s position in it. Mike gives his new law partner Draper a criminal case.

Hospitalized, April tells Draper he doesn’t have to marry her out of pity. Denise informs Miles she will not release any joint funds for him to start a new practice. Four beautiful red-haired girls have been strangled in Monticello. Geraldine assures Raven that she and Kevin can live with her after Geraldine  marries Tony. Geraldine and Tony plan a simple ceremony.

Deborah agrees to serve as an undercover agent in order to track the killer of red-haired girls. Geraldine and Tony wed. Discovering Raven really wants Draper, Logan tells her to get lost. A former employee of the Claremont Clinic is an orderly at the hospital where April is confined. He reveals that the night Catherine Damon (a patient in Claremont) died, Denise lied about the call system being out of order.

April undergoes heart surgery. Opening a policeman’s locker by mistake, Steve discovers pictures of red-haired girls and wonders if the cop might be the killer. Leaving town for a while, Miles writes Denise assuring her their marriage will continue but reaffirms his intention to work at Dan Roper’s clinic.