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Tuesday, December 29, 2015

December 1976

Ryan's Hope
December 1976

Jack moved in with the Ryans while he recuperates, but proved to be a pain, especially when he discovered Mary had gone on a trip with Alex. Dee agreed to divorce Frank after Jill has her illegitimate child. Dee confessed to Bobby she's using Roger to win Pat. Dee and Roger made plans to sail for Europe. Bucky encouraged Faith to pursue Pat. Jill's having complications in her pregnancy. Bobby insisted Frank's first concern should be Dee's welfare. Maeve smoothed things out between an irritated Jack and John. Seneca added up the months and realized that Frank can't possibly be the father of Jill's baby. Despite her promise to Maeve, Dee ran off with Roger and left a note asking that no one try to stop her. Jack, suspicious of Dee's motives, found the letter. He grew sour when Ryan sister Kathleen arrived with her brood for the holidays. At the last minute, Pat convinced Dee not to sail to Europe with Roger. Jill and Seneca made a pact not to reveal the paternity of her child until after it is born. Johnny let the cat out of the bag and told Jack that Mary is carrying the only child Jack may be capable of fathering. Pat returned with Dee from Boston but felt guilty for being intimate with her. New Year's Eve at Ryan's Bar was a singing and boozing affair.

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Part 4

All My Children
December 1976

Christina was haunted by the ghost of someone she "didn't mean to kill." Donna was refused a job because of her reputation. Believing that Nick is attracted to Christina, Erica resumed her modeling career. Kitty postponed her remarriage to Linc. Ruth moved back with Kate and Joe. Frank confessed his love for Caroline. Phoebe went overboard when she learned Kitty is showing her "mother's" picture to everyone and that Kate mght see it and would blow the whistle. Chuck convinced Donna to get a legitimate job rather than return to the streets. Erica decided not to resume modeling but discovered that Nick planned to replace her at the restaurant. Paul got testy with Ann for overcompensating for Beth. Little Phillip isn't adjusting to Tara and Phil's upcoming wedding.  Mona asked Nick to rehire Erica. Phoebe stole Kitty's picture of "mama." David suggested that Christina seek professional help after he heard her talking to herself. Little Phil was distraught when he found Tara and Phil kissing. Frank told Caroline that it's all over between him and Nancy.  Kate cooked up a Christmas storm as the Martins welcomed the return of Jeff who has been away from Pine Valley for over a year. Not too much to cheer about in Pine Valley as David left town. Phil and Tara were married despite a temporary setback while everyone searched for little Phil who had trouble adjusting. Erica perked up when she learned ex-husband Jeff had returned. Benny and Brooke resolved to continue seeing each other despite Phoebe's threats.

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Part 4

One Life to Live
December 1976

Pat's plans to leave town were delayed when Brian became ill. Brad got to first base with Jenny. Tony told Lana to shape up or ship out. Brian was rushed to the hospital in serious condition. Jenny caught Brad in the act with Lana and later threw him out when he tried to explain. Will finished his book, but Naomi kept harping about Will neglecting his family. Pat became hysterical when she learned Brian has bacterial meningitis and is in a coma. Brad told Lana to ship out, then for the first time admitted his love for Jenny.  Christmas in Llanview, but Pat didn't have anything to celebrate as Brian's condition worsened. She was forced to consider telling Tony that he is Brian's father -- before it's too late for father and son to know each other.  Will grew jealous of Brad and Jenny. Dorian invested in Brad's proposed tennis club.

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Part 4

General Hospital
December 1976

Steve and Audrey's honeymoon was interrupted when they learned Tom was alive and back in Port Charles making claim to Tommy. Turned out by Jeff, Heather conned Larry Joe into spying on Monica to prove she's living with Rick. Mike agreed to spend Christmas with the Taylors.  Adam is worried about Lesley's condition. Mary Ellen was released for a weekend, determined to encounter Terri on her home grounds. Jeff confronted Rick after receiving an anonymous tip about Rick and Monica. Lesley and Rick made a truce and worked together on a new patient, Amy.  Jeff went off the deep end when he learned about Rick and Monica and stole a gun -- intent on killing them. He locked himself in a back room of a bar. Heather thinks she's pregnant. Mike joined the Taylors for the holidays.  Christmas for the Webbers was a bummer. Jeff lay near death after he shot himself in the head. But little Mike added cheer to the Taylor household.  Everyone chastised Monica as Jeff made slow progress to recovery. Mary Ellen resolved that the coming year would be the best for her and Mark. Tom told Audrey that he asked brother Lee Baldwin, his lawyer, to arrange for a divorce, and that he's not yet ready to tell Tommy the truth. Mike and Martha planned a New Year's Eve party just like the grownups.

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Part 4

Edge of Night
December 1976

It was discovered that Molly, who had saved Nicole's life, had been hired as a bodyguard by Adam. Ansel and Nadine set a wedding date. Mike told Adam he suspects Nancy is seeing another man. Tony warned Deborah that the club and Beau are off limits. Raven denied she was still interested in Ansel.  Adam told Brandy he loved his wife. She told him she's going to marry Draper. But Draper was seduced by Raven. Beau and Saxon suspected that Nancy moved out on Mike so that she wouldn't have to spy for them. Nicole is living on tenterhooks. Laurie planned a San Francisco vacation to check up on Timmy Farraday. Deborah made a heavy play for Steve.  It was revealed that Beau and Saxon are coercing Nancy to work for them by threatening Timmy's life. Beau told her to move back with Mike and, if she squealed, Timmy would die. When Draper was underwhelmed by Brandy's marriage proposal she decided to leave town. Geraldine invited Kevin to move back with her. Tracy played it cool with Steve. Adam asked Nicole to give up her job, but she refused. Laurie and Johnny arranged a Christmas reunion for Mike and Nancy, even though Nancy was under pressure to cooperate with Beau and Saxon. Tracy and Danny decided to share Christmas dinner together. And as usual, Nicole's life was threatened. Mike found Beau in Nancy's room and assumed the worst, so Laurie's reunion dinner went down the drain. Danny accused Tracy of finding another guy, Steve, who had his hands full with Deborah. On New Year's Eve, Nicole was reported to have been shot and killed.

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Part 4

December 1977

All My Children
December 1977

Part 1
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Part 4
Part 5

General  Hospital
December 1977

Part 1
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Part 3
Part 4

Edge of Night
December 1977

Part 1
Part 2
Part 4
Part 5

December 1978


All My Children
December 1978

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5

One Life to Live
December 1978

Part 1
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Part 3
Part 4
Part 5

General Hospital
December 1978

Part 1
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Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7

Edge of Night
December 1978

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Part 3
Part 4

December 1979


All My Children  December 1979

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5

One Life to Live  December 1979

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5

Sunday, November 8, 2015

November 1976

Ryan's Hope

Dee rendezvoused with Roger at his house, while Pat and Faith were having fun in the kitchen. Dee threw a fit when she discovered Jill taking care of little John. Jill tripped over a tricycle during an argument with Dee and was rushed to the hospital. Mary was dismayed when Jack was not enthusiastic upon learning of her pregnancy. Pat, Frank, and Roger learned that Jill is pregnant and assumed Frank is the father.  The custody hearing proceeded in Franks' favor, then Dee discovered Jill's pregnant. Assuming the baby is Frank's, Seneca told Bucky he has given up. Dee's disclosure to the judge about Frank's infidelity led to a surprise decision with neither Dee nor Frank the complete victor in Little John's custody battle. Jill was released from the hospital but was stymied in her attempts to tell all to Seneca and Frank.

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All My Children

Dr. Jones informed Kitty that "mama" died in her sleep. Linc and Kitty insisted on attending the funeral. Anne freaked out and took drastic action when she realized the extent of Elizabeth's retardation. Kate was wary of Ruth's reconciliation with Joe. Phoebe decided to investigate Mrs. Lum's "death" by attending the funeral. Erica was suspicious, too. Little Phillip was distraught to learn Tara and Uncle Phil plan to wed.  Phoebe was stunned to encounter Myrtle's "ghost," who warned Phoebe that her number would be up if Linc ever discovered the truth. Myrtle then ran off to Hollywood with Fargate. Christina advised Ann not to overcompensate for her retarded daughter, Elizabeth, since it might affect her marriage.  Christina was haunted by the ghost of someone she "didn't mean to kill." Donna was refused a job because of her reputation. Believing that Nick is attracted to Christina, Erica resumed her modeling career. Kitty postponed her remarriage to Linc. Ruth moved back with Kate and Joe. Frank confessed his love for Caroline.

All My Children, Nov 1976 Part 1
All My Children, Nov 1976 Part 4

One Life to Live

Naomi caught Brad cuddling Lana in his hospital bed. Dorian fantasized about Joe.  Karen hesitated marrying Larry immediately but schemed for him to buy an expensive diamond ring.  Pat felt guilty after making love to Tony. Jenny confessed to Karen her feelings for Brad, but admitted she's still a virgin.  Naomi insinuated that Will and Jenny were getting too close for Naomi's comfort. Pat rebuffed Tony and insisted she was leaving town.  Pat's plans to leave town were delayed when Brian became ill. Brad got to first base with Jenny. Tony told Lana to shape up or ship out.

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General Hospital

Rick flew to New York to be with Lesley, who changed her mind about the abortion at the last minute. Mark warned Monica to stop conning Rick. Terri told Mark she'd wait for him until Mary Ellen was well. Heather told her mother she plans to win Jeff.  Terri was put in the middle by befriending Mary Ellen, who swore to herself she wouldn't lose Mark. Prompted by premonitions about Tom, Audrey investigated Florence, the woman who has been spying on little Tommy. Rick was turned off from Monica and turned on to Lesley, while Jeff tried to escape Heather's clutches. Florence informed Tom about Steve and Audrey. The Taylors considered adopting a rebellious orphan, Mike. Monica told Lesley to lay off her man Rick.

General Hospital, Nov 1976 Part 1
General Hospital, Nov 1976 Part 2
General Hospital, Nov 1976 Part 3
General Hospital, Nov 1976 Part 4

Edge of Night

Nancy gave Beau a list of Saxon's connections that she'd stolen from Mike. Ansel told Raven he intends to marry her mother, then embraced Raven passionately. Phoebe and Bill began investigating Clay's connection to Quentin's death. Clay poisoned Phoebe, then made it look like she was involved in a car accident while drinking. Nancy insisted she still loved Mike, even though she packed her bags. Raven objected when Geraldine suggested that Nadine and Ansel marry immediately. Ansel insulted Brandy about her stange bedfellow relationship with Draper.  On the run for suspicion of Phoebe's murder, Clay turned to Saxon for help. Deborah insisted that Danny be fired. Steve grew suspicious of Molly.

Edge of Night, Nov 1976 Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4

November 1977

All My Children, Nov 1977 Part 1


Saturday, October 31, 2015

October 1976

Ryan's Hope

Dee and Sister Mary Joel consoled Mary, who suspected Alex wasn't telling the whole truth about Jack's condition. Seneca warned Frank not to make empty promises to Jill. Dee made Pat jealous by meeting Roger. Jill learned she's pregnant with Seneca's child. Alex told Mary that Jack would not be able to function sexually. Dee told Bob she's determined to have Pat. Roger sent Dee a string of pearls.  Dee tried to halt Pat's date with Faith by sexually tempting him, but failed. Mary grew frantic when she learned Jack has no health insurance. Jill wavered about having an abortion but decided Seneca has the right to know he's the father.  Jill decided not to have an abortion and not to tell Seneca until Frank and Dee's custody hearing is over. Maeve told Dee she would testify in Frank's favor. Alex told Mary about his wife who accidentally drowned 12 years ago.

All My Children

David pressured Ruth to ask Joe for a divorce. She chickened out when baby Elizabeth's test results came in. Anne's baby appears to have reflex retardation and may be blind. Erica and Nick got it on again. Mona left for Minneapolis to check out Kitty's "mother." Danny grew more attracted to Brooke. Mona discovered that Mrs. Carpenter is Myrtle Lum, but she promised not to tell Kitty. Myrtle agreed to get out of Kitty's life within a month. Ann refused to accept Elizabeth's retardation. Benny moved in to the Tyler pool house. Joe learned David and Ruth may leave town. Mona lied and identified Mrs. Carpenter as the real McCoy -- for Kitty's sake. Ruth was ready to leave with David when Joe was admitted to the hospital for acute appendicitis. Chuck became Donna's legal guardian. Caroline advised Frank to reconcile with Nancy. David operated on Joe, then realized Ruth still loves Joe. Phoebe received her divorce papers. Tara told Phil she was ready to marry him. Erica protested, but Nick carried her off to bed.

All My Children, Oct 1976 Part 1
All My Children, Oct 1976 Part 2
All My Children, Oct 1976 Part 3
All My Children, Oct 1976 Part 4

One Life to Live

Brad sweet-talked Jenny after shacking up with Lana. Tony turned to Pat.  Naomi's accusation forced Will's nurse to resign. Naomi suggested Jenny as a replacement.  Brad underwent surgery for a bum knee.  Pat admitted to Anna that Tony is Brian's father.  Recuperating Brad told Lana that Jenny means nothing to him.

General Hospital 

Monica faked illness to get out of a trip with Jeff to Florida, then connived to seduce Rick in a motel. Terri's meeting with Ellen ended in the latter's hysterical outburst. Lucille called Audrey to tell her Al had a heart attack. Terri and Mark reconciled after arguing about his past with Mary Ellen, but then learned she had run away and been hit by a car. Jeff accused Monica of seducing Rick in her motel room. Lesley learned she is pregnant. Peter and Diana's adoption plans were stymied when the mother decided to keep the baby. Rick fell for Monica's sob story -- right into her arms. Lesley considered abortion when she learned the details of Cam's liaison with his secretary. Jeff was performing with Heather when he should have been performing surgery. Rick told Monica it was all over because Jeff still was in love with her. Steve and Audrey plan to wed within a month, but jail-bound Tom Baldwin asked a mysterious woman to spy on them and little Tommy. Lesley insisted on having an abortion after recurring nightmares.

GH Oct 1976 Part 1
GH Oct 1976 Part 2
GH Oct 1976 Part 3
GH Oct 1976 Part 4

The Edge of Night 

Danny quit his job and packed his bags to get away from Tracy. Saxon suggested to Ansel that Draper might come in handy as a pipeline to the district attorney. Beau, who's working for Saxon, played up to Nancy to make look bad, Nicole and Steve decided to return to work. Danny accepted a manager's job at one of Saxon's clubs. Trudy found Ansel and Raven necking. Clay admitted to Nicole he's trying to locate Gil Darcy (alias Revenant). Nancy decided she and Mike should separate. Johnny hired a new waitress, Molly O'Connor. Clay begged Brandy to use her charms to split Adam and Nicole's marriage. Draper suggested that Brandy prosecute the Saxon case.  Danny threw out a drunk lady at the Ace of Clubs who turned out to be Saxon's daughter, Deborah. Nancy told Mike she would move into an apartment rather than leave town. Clay bought a bottle of poison intended for Adam. Ansel admitted to Draper that he'll earn $1 million if he wins the Saxon case.

Edge of Night, Oct 1976 Part 1
Edge of Night, Oct 1976 Part 2
Edge of Night, Oct 1976 Part 3
Edge of Night, Oct 1976 Part 4

October 1977

October 1977

Ryan's Hope, Part 1
Ryan's Hope, Part 2
Ryan's Hope, Oct 1977 Part 3
Ryan's Hope, Oct 1977 Part 4

One Life to Live, Oct 1977

General Hospital, Oct 1977 Part 1
General Hospital, Oct 1977 Part 2
General Hospital, Oct 1977 Part 3
General Hospital, Oct 1977 Part 4

Edge of Night, Oct 1977 Part 1
Edge of Night, Oct 1977 Part 2
Edge of Night, Oct 1977 Part 3
Edge of Night, Oct 1977 Part 4

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

September 1976

All My Children

Tara met Donna; sparks flew. Tara's concern for Chuck caused a split with Phil. Ty discovered Donna was in the hospital under an assumed name. Nancy and Caroline came to grips over Frank. Mrs. Carpenter foiled Linc's camera plan.  Dr. Christina Karras, Anne's new pediatrician, recognized David from San Francisco. Brooke got it on with Benny. Phoebe threatened, but Benny blackmailed her. Chuck forbade Donna to meet Ty and went in her place. Ty stabbed Chuck, but Frank saved the day and the police were called. Erica suspected David's secret past as a doctor. Mrs. Carpenter got the guilts. Anne went into labor.
 Frank told Nancy he wouldn't leave Pine Valley for the Chicago job offer. Ty plotted to get even with Donna.
Phoebe told Mona she would never give Charles a divorce. Anne's baby, Elizabeth, was born, but further tests are required. Mona grew suspicious of Mrs. Carpenter. Chuck refused to remarry Tara. Phil refused to accept her on the rebound.

One Life to Live

Jim learned that Cathy never had a pregnancy test. Tony hit the roof. Sister Samantha's arrival caused an uproar in the Vernon household. Larry warned Karen not to expect a life of riches.  Cathy refused to accept the fact that she's not pregnant. Vicki went into premature labor. Jim and Joe worried about the baby's irregular heartbeat. Brad turned to a waitress on the sly when Jenny chastised him for insincerity.  Vicky and Joe named their healthy son Kevin Lord Riley. Dorian gave a party for Joe and his associates. Cathy learned about the Riley birth from Dorian and went bananas. Tony convinced her to see Dr. Vernon. Karen found out Brad spent the night with a waitress. Brad's waitress-girlfiend, Lana, became jealous and possessive. Larry and Karen made plans to holiday in Las Vegas; Vinny didn't approve. Cathy hallucinated that Megan's still alive. Will insisted that Naomi stop her jealous fantasies. Matt played up to Dorian, who found it amusing and repulsive.

General Hospital Part 1

General Hospital Part 2

General Hospital Part 3

General Hospital Part 4

September 1977

All My Children Part 1

All My Children Part 2

All My Children Part 3

All My Children Part 4

All My Children Part 5

General Hospital Part 1

General Hospital Part 2

General Hospital Part 3

General Hospital Part 4

General Hospital Part 5

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

September 1978

All My Children

Moments before her marriage to Tom, Erica gets a phone call from Nick but is disappointed to realize he's not proposing to her, only explaining why he's unable to attend the wedding. After receiving a last-minute dispensation, Tom and Erica are married, and planning to honeymoon in the Bahamas. Frank is pleased that Nancy has given birth to a healthy baby boy. Getting a phone call from Phil, Tara wonders if she should try to reconcile with him even though she loves Chuck. When Christina and Jeff's deal for a house falls through, Chris blames Paul and decides to get another lawyer. While riding with Estelle, Donna gets in a car-train collision and is seriously injured.

Just before Donna is to undergo surgery for injury suffered in car/train crash, a distraught Chuck realizes she knows that he and Tara are lovers. Following surgery Donna remains in a coma. Jeff and Chris fight when she suggests Tara and Chuck are more than friends. Devon tells Wally she's pregnant with his child. Eddie flares when Kelly asks Linc to manage her money, and at the Chateau gets drunk and heckles her show. On their Bermuda honeymoon, Tom admits to Erica he's jealous because of her frequent references to Nick. Relieved that Estelle only received minor injuries in the car crash, Benny rushes to hospital and tries to persuade her to get divorce from Billy Clyde. But when Billy Clyde arrives at the hospital and tells Estelle how much he loves and needs her, Benny realizes there's little hope of her ever leaving Billy Clyde.

Devon tells Wally she's carrying his child. Even though she slept with him only to get even with Dan, Wally says they must tell everyone they eloped weeks ago and get married as soon as possible. Chuck realizes that when Donna regains consciousness, he must continue to deceive her about his feelings for Tara. Chuck and Tara are unaware that Charlie saw them embracing. Charlie and Phoebe both play matchmaker for Chuck and Tara. Linc is hurt when Kelly changes her mind about having him escort her to Edna's for dinner. Mark and Ellen set a wedding date. Phoebe promises Billy Clyde she will keep Benny and Estelle apart. When Phoebe spreads a rumor that Mark is Mona's illegitimate son, he tells her to watch her step.

Regaining consciousness, Donna thinks she is still a hooker!  Estelle is all set to leave Billy Clyde until Edna tells her that it's her Benny she has a thing for. Ellen learns Devon is carrying Wally's child. Not wanting to meddle in Linc's life, Myrtle decides to move out of his home. Talking to Jeff on the phone, Nancy points up the resemblance of baby Carl to Frank. Overhearing Kate compare her to Mary, Christina flares up, then refuses to apologize. Linc learns Eddie's strong hold on Kelly is connected to the pills he gives her.

Sept 1978

One Life to Live 

When Ed goes into cardiac arrest, Jack saves his life by using an external pacemaker. Carla fears the four minutes Ed was without oxygen may have caused brain damage. Brad asks Dr. Pamela Shepherd to be his therapist. Tina thinks Viki must have known her boyfriend in California was dating her best friend but was hiding those facts from her. Marco plans to get even with Viki through Tina, seeks Tina out at the pizza parlor. Pat fends off Talbot Huddelston's advances, then tells Roger she will quit the show if Huddleston ever comes near her. Viki warns Richard to keep away from the story about Marco's massage parlor unless he has proof, — otherwise he's asking for trouble as well as a libel suit for the Banner. Paul is delighted by the way Dorian refurnished his apartment.

Paul is put off by seeing an understanding Dorian change into a "dragon lady." Richard and Becky Lee refuse Dorian's offer to have their wedding at her home, which upsets Dorian because she had made the offer only at the request of Richard's mother Gwen who had hoped Dorian might do something to stop the nuptials. Marco tells Tina that Viki once suffered from multiple personality disorder and asks her not to let Joe and Viki know he is seeing her. Jenny is upset because the church tribunal put a hold on her annulment from Brad. Rejected by Jenny, Brad considers robbing a bank. Karen, upset by seeing Larry and Cathy together, takes an overdose of pills. Will and Pam are engaged.

Richard squirms when his mother Gwen arrives in Llanview. Gwen pretends to adore Becky Lee but is working to make sure they never get married. Finding a semiconscious Karen in a hotel room, Larry saves her life. After Paul accuses her of being selfish and manipulative, Dorian decides to drop out of the competition for chief of hospital staff. Pat and Paul become friends. Adam Brewster, head of a multi-billion-dollar corporation, is interested in both Pat and Edwina. Ed is made police captain.

Samantha wants to move out of Will's and into Tony's, but when Tony rejects her, she runs out into the rain and gets in a car accident. Brad and Jenny are brought closer together by Samantha's accident. Larry, about to be named chief of hospital staff, wonders if his future position will be too much for Karen. Edwina is surprised when Adam Brewster asks to meet her. Melinda scares Karen with her stories of a lonely doctor's wife. Ed fears he cannot hold Carla's interest the way a more sophisticated person like Jack Scott can.

General Hospital 

In New York looking for Laura, Bryan and Scotty infiltrate an unsavory East Village group and fear that Laura may have turned to prostitution. Rick is also in New York looking for Laura so he can clear Lesley of murder charges. Lesley feels her marriage to Rick is over because she lied to him about killing David when it was Laura who pushed him. Collapsing at home, Diana regains consciousness only to discover she is blind. Heather takes a leave from hospital in order to take care of P.J.. Steve fears Jeff will flunk his medical boards because of the pressure of his marriage and Les’ley's trial.

In New York, Scotty and Bryan get Laura away from an East Village pimp, and help police catch the men who run the prostitution ring comprised of teenage runaways. Although Rick really thinks Laura cannot remember what happened the night David was killed, she thinks he's only trying to trick her into confessing. Diana decides to undergo risky exploratory surgery which may answer question as to why she is blind. Fearful of dying, Diana tells Peter she wants to write a will that would make Jeff and Heather the legal guardians of P.J. if anything happens to her and Peter. Gary wants out of pediatrics so he can make money.

Admitting to Lesley she suddenly remembers everything, Laura fears what the police will do. Hearing the true story of David's death, the judge agrees to find Lesley innocent and promises to go easy on Laura. Diana undergoes neurosurgery, and two benign tumors are found and removed. Doctors say it will be days before they know if she can see. Cal Jamison arrives in town and Jeff goes to see him. With Gina away, Tracy shows interest in Gary. Alan admits to Monica he is unable to curb his jealousy of Rick.

Jeff thinks Jamison has evidence proving Steven Lars didn't die; also thinks that Mrs. Hadley lied to Heather. Telling everything that happened the night David died, a terrified Laura awaits sentencing. With D.A. Richardson out of town, assistant D.A. Mitch Williams feels Laura's trial will be important to his career. Believing the trial will be bad publicity for the hospital, Monica fears Rick may not be named as head of the cardiac unit, and implores Alan to talk to his boss Larry Forsythe. Alan agrees to go when he realizes she will go herself if he doesn't. Scotty tells Bobbie that if she can't understand his caring for Laura, they should end their relationship.

The Edge of Night

When Tony dies from wounds inflicted by Raney, Geraldine and Deborah go into mourning. D.A. Ira tells Logan he realizes that prosecuting April for Denise's murder is going to be unpopular and wonders what they should do about it. Raven goes to Logan's office, tosses out a picture of him and Winter kissing. Discovering the discarded photo, Raven says that Logan threw it out. Disbelieving her, Winter lets her know she and Logan are an item again. Deborah is suspended from police force.

April tells Draper that Raven claims to be carrying his baby. Swearing it isn't true Draper goes to Raven and warns her to keep away from April. But Raven pretends to April that Draper promised to do anything to help his baby. Distraught because she believes Raven and upset over being charged with first-degree murder, April disappears. While Deborah, on her own, is questioning a suspected wife beater, he falls off the roof and is killed.
Mike attends Tony Saxon's funeral. Representing April for Denise's murder, Mike tells Draper that April's running away makes her look guilty. He plans to prove that Denise committed suicide. A large conglomerate buys TV station where Nicole is newscaster. Kevin, thinking Logan is the father of Raven's unborn child, considers doing away with himself. Deborah is disgruntled by two weeks' suspension from the police force.

Wade Meacham, rich Margo Huntington's financial adviser, remembers Winter as star of porno flicks. Kevin is hoping the scandal about Tony Saxon will end his own political career, and lets Raven know he plans to divorce her after the baby is born. Miles fears Margo will print something about April's disappearance in her magazine. Margo is obviously interested in Miles. A tattoo on the shoulder of the dead girl floating in the river proves she is not April. Having had a vision of Draper in a car accident, April returns to Monticello and discovers the accident was minor. She goes on trial for Denise's murder. Deborah feels Steve's proposal of marriage may be out of sympathy, not love.

September 1979

All My Children

Frank invited Betsy to Donna's party after Nancy turned him down. Eddie took sexual advange of a drunken Brooke, but she later told him to scram. Charles and Mona laughed that Phoebe’s been acting the saint while she's secretly playing around with Langley. Phoebe had a fit when Paul announced he's divorcing Ann, who had flashing memories of him in the sanitarium while plotting an escape. Myra cried after overhearing Nina talking to her mother's portrait and Palmer warned Myra never to mention his wife to Nina. Kelly claimed she's suffering from narcolepsy but Myrtle and Joe knew better. Tom's surgery was successful. Brooke told Mark she's pregnant. Kelly had nightmares that Linc ditched her after Eddie squealed that she’s a speed freak.

Ann escaped from the sanitarium and arrived on Phoebe's doorstep. Nina put her foot down about Cliff to Palmer. Chuck leveled with Charlie that there's no hope for Chuck and Tara, and Charlie returned to Washington. Kelly struggled to resist her pill habit while dating Linc at a posh social function where he ran into an old girlfriend. Phoebe agreed to invest in Langley’s oil deals. Phoebe kept Ann hidden although she realized Ann's still living in the past. Brooke admitted she's not absolutely sure she's pregnant, but wishes like all get-out that she were. Nancy and Frank argued about his abuse of visitation rights with Carl.

Brooke’s pregnancy test was negative. Erica was miffed to find Betsy giving Tom a hospital back rub. Benny and Edna returned from a honeymoon in the Poconos. Claudette laughed at Eddie’s notion that he can catch Brooke romantically. Langley's marriage proposal to Phoebe was prompted by his plans to get her money. Phoebe swore him to secrecy about keeping Ann hidden. Edna called Estelle a tramp when she spotted Benny and Estelle during an innocent meeting. Wally and Betsy warned Erica to tell Tom about her disco. Myra refused to do Palmer’s dirty work in keeping Cliff and Nina apart.

Ann disappeared after searching for Paul and overhearing him and Ellen discussing their romantic ties. Myrtle told Linc that Kelly was having a breakdown after Kelly went bananas in front of Linc. Kelly had a bad drug reaction. Eddie was put out that Brooke is only interested in sex, not his love. Myra suggested Nina see Cliff when she's at school to avoid Palmer’s wrath. Palmer told Myra that their past personal relationship is over forever. Devon told Paul that Anne threatened Ellen. Chuck and Charles warned Phoebe she’d be to blame if anything happens to Ann.

Palmer hired detective Bernard Raab, who found Cliff's former girlfriend Janice Rollins in Chicago, then tempted her with money to help break up Nina and Cliff. Erica accused Betsy of having more than a clinical interest in Tom. Anne stalked Ellen with a knife but Paul came along before Anne harmed Ellen. Nina told Brooke that Cliff asked her to marry him. Palmer swore that Nina wouldn’t turn out like her mother. Tom warned Erica that the disco is her responsibility whether it succeeds or fails. Langley unsucessfully tried to get money from Phoebe. Kelly told Linc she’d see a psychiatrist.

Early Sept 1979    Late Sept 1979

One Life to Live

Brad went after Karen but she didn't report the rape because of Jenny. Samantha and Mick got along famously, but Tina decided she wants a piece of Mick's action. Karen drowned her sorrows at the River Rat, then injured a stranger’s lecherous paws. Katrina guessed that Karen was raped and Brad hustled to keep Katrina quiet. Dorian had Gretel take over Pat's TV show since Pat's ill. Maggie teased Adam that she had a scheme to reunite him and Pat, but Maggie intended to snatch Adam for herself. Ed convinced Edwina not to write a yellow story on Karen, who refused to confide in anyone, especially Will.

Joe learned he's deathly ill after asking Becky and Richard to return from Paris. Maggie acted nicey-nice to Pat but fantasized stealing Adam. Joe rehired Edwina who realized that Gretel is her competition for Herb's affections. Dorian hired Ellen, Mario's former fiancee, who noticed that Mario didn't remember where they planned to spend their honeymoon. Fran was upset that Mick is breaking training because of Samantha. Mick reluctantly agreed to do a health spa commercial for Dorian. Mario questioned Brad about Karen who retreated from everyone.

Joe tried to tell Viki that he’s terminally ill but was stymied because of their anniversary. Tina complained to Joe that she lost Mick to Samantha. Matt realized the game Maggie was playing with Adam. Tina made a date with Jamie, who’s in cahoots with Judd who is vengeful since Tina once jilted him. Ivan comforted Faith that he'd never allow “them” to take her away. Brad laid into Peter for getting too close to Jenny. Karen slipped that she had reason to despise Brad. Brad’s pawnbroker informed Brad that Jenny’s ring and pearls have been sold.
Mario beat up Brad after realizing that Brad raped Karen. Adam caught onto Maggie’s schemes to win his affections and moved back to New York after bidding Pat farewell. Becky Lee arrived in town but Richard’s still in Europe. After Kevin’s third birthday party, Joe told Viki that he had but a few months to live. Mario denied Karen’s accusation that he’s really Marco. Jenny returned home but is upset that Brad isn’t interested in her sexually. Herb warned Edwina that her attempts at blackmail wouldn’t keep him from seeing Gretel. Tony offered to sell his nightclub to Vinnie.

Dorian returned from a cruise. Joe lost his vision. Clint Buchanan agreed to take over Joe's editorship at the Banner. Ed rescued Tina form Judd’s clutches just as it seemed she might be raped. Mario admitted he was Marco and told Karen he’d taken Mario’s identity in order to being a new life. Karen isn’t sure she should keep Marco’s identity a secret. Herb dated Gretel, telling her that he and Edwina were finished romantically. Ivan went to a hotel where he met a prostitute. Maggie lunched with Clint.

Early Sept 1979   Late Sept 1979

General Hospital

Laura warned Amy not to get interested in Luke. Joe, Jeff and Steve headed for Mexico where Cal is hospitalized. Mitch told Tracy he couldn't live with her since the mob might hound him about Ted's death. Tracy spotted Mitch coming on to Susan. Amy blabbed to Scotty that Laura got a job at the disco. Alan found Amy admiring his house, then consoled her after learning her father had died. Monica and her unborn baby's condition improved. Dorrie told Howard it is over between them and packed her bags. Lesley investigated whether Mrs. Kakorian had a history of heart trouble.

Cal died but not before he told Jeff that Heather knows the truth about Steven Lars. Mrs. Grant realized the game was up and beat around the bush to Peter about knowing of an illegal adoption. It finally dawned on him that she was trying to explain that P.J. is actually Steven Lars. Anne won temporary custody of Jeremy who suggested she marry Jeff. She vetoed the idea although she's been drawn closer to Jeff. Luke comforted Laura about her stepfather's death. Laura and Scotty argued about her job schedule. Bobbie avoided one of her ex-johns who's a patient. Monica returned to Alan, although the baby may have heart problems.

Peter had a coronary after Mrs. Grant revealed the P.J. / Steven Lars story. Bobbie and Roy were upset when Barry Johnson recognized her in the hospital. Lesley’s reports on Mrs. Kirkorian’s previous ailment couldn’t be proved. Rick and Monica were forced to confide to Howard about their night together after Mrs. Kirkorian’s surgery. Luke and Roy worried they’d have to eliminate Mitch to prove their mob royalty. Joe admitted his love for Anne, who asked they remained friends. Joe is jealous of Anne’s attentions to Jeff. Mitch and Tracy set their wedding date after the election. Peter called Jeff to Peter’s deathbed for the big confession.

Dorrie returned to England. Bobbie told Jessie she had once been a hooker. Peter died before he could tell Jeff about P.J / Steven Lars but he left Diana a mysterious letter. Kirkorian refused the hospital’s settlement so Rick and Monica prepared for a court battle. Monica returned to Alan upon her hospital release and accepted Amy’s offer to move in and help out during her recuperation. Mitch seduced Susan before she could give Joe any information on him. Laura bought Scotty a set of law books with the help of a charge card and Luke. Laura’s new friend, Claudia Johnson, warned Laura that Luke’s hung up on her while Luke fantasized that Laura loved him.
Alice blamed herself for Peter's death because she told him about P.J.-Stephen Lars. Diana made quick plans to take P.J. to visit her mother in Florida, keeping Peter’s note a secret. Bobbie is sure that Roy wouldn’t marry her if he knew she’d been a prostitute. Luke lent Laura money to pay for Scotty’s law books so Scotty wouldn’t know she used a credit card. Zelda Bernstein tried to get Monica to admit spending time with Rick after Mrs. Kirkorian’s first surgery. Amy decided some day she’d be rich like the Quartermaines.

Early Sept 1979    Late Late Late Sept 79

Thursday, August 27, 2015

August 1977

Ryan's Hope

Frank and Jill were put on opposite sides of the legal fence when she represented the hospital and he represented Pat in a hearing over Alicia's malpractice suit. Mary tended Tom during bum-knee spell, then blew up at him for getting in a tiff with Jack over her. Johnny gave his deposition in the annulment case. Dee warned Faith to keep her mitts off Pat or else. Frank's disruptive behavior at Pat's medical board hearing didn't help Pat's chances, but Faith presented test results that prove Angel could recover. Dee caused Pat to be late for work. Mary realized she shouldn't be defensive about Jack and made up with Tom.  Roger put the screws to Pat after the medical board issued an official reprimand against Pat, who was allowed to stay on staff but only under Roger's supervision. Jack and Mary's divorce went through, even though Jack had second thoughts after learning he'd lost all rights to Ryan. Mary learned that Tom won't ever return to Ireland because he feels responsible for someone's death. Roger played up to Dee, who fretted that Pat's getting too chummy with Faith again. Pat decided not to pamper Dee any longer. After witnessing a kiss between Faith and Pat, Dee began concocting a staged nervous breakdown, with Roger's guidance. Jack was jealous that Mary agreed to a date with Tom, then had a twinge of regret when he encountered Ryan in the park with her nurse.    

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All My Children

Kitty died in Linc's arms. Nick accused Erica of setting it up when Mona found them together in bed. Erica drooled over ex-football hero Tom and was impressed that he saved little Phil, who insisted on staying with Chuck. Phil and Tara worried that if Donna married Chuck, she would raise little Phil. Phoebe had Benny secretly photograph Charles and Mona in innocent but suggestive situations. Brooke and Danny met at the beach. Nick agreed to help Tom open a restaurant. Donna agreed to marry Chuck. Phil decided to get legal custody of little Phillip. Erica quit working for Nick to work at Tom's new restaurant, the Goal Post. Nancy admitted to Caroline that she still loves Frank. Phoebe warned Dan not to see Brooke again, after trapping them into admitting they spent the weekend together. Brooke said she'd blow the whistle to Charles about her scheming if Phoebe didn't stop interfering. Mark took a shine to Ellen, rather than Devon. Erica teamed up with Phoebe to discredit Donna, who was upset that Chuck won't get custody of little Phil because of her past. Frank told Nancy that their night together was only a fling, but their divorce was then stalled in the courts. Paul suggested that Ellen manage Kitty's boutique after Myrtle insisted she's leaving town. Paul and Ruth learned that Anne is making progress in the sanitarium. Donna and Chuck decided to rush to the altar to halt any interference from Phoebe or the custody controversy. Tom sweet-talked Erica, and vice versa. She insisted to Nick that she won't be Nick's backstreet mistress. Ellen failed to stifle her increasing attraction toward Mark. Devon was disappointed to learn that Danny is bananas over Brooke.

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General Hospital 

Tom agreed to an uncontested divorce. Tommy was rushed to the hospital and is being treated by Gary. Mary Ellen admitted she tried to kill Terri, but insisted she is completely sane now. Larry Joe recovered and warned Heather that he's going to make her squirm over whether he'll tell Jeff the truth. Adam returned and fumed at Gina for not telling him that Gary's now living in town. Gail left for New York on a lecture tour. With Gina's help, Gary learned what was ailing Tommy -- a poisonous wood tick. Tom agreed to move to Salt Lake City and allow Tommy to live with Steve and Audrey, who set their wedding date. Diana and Peter learned that Mike was taken away from them because of her involvement in the Brewer murder case. Terri received a subpoena to testify in Mary Ellen's sanity hearing. Peter and Jessie worried that Diana had retreated into a shell. Adam was wary that Gina might be falling for Gary's charms again. Adam fumed after learning Gary tricked Gina into a date. Larry Joe admitted the whole story to Monica about Heather's tricking Jeff into a marriage proposal. Terri's testimony made her look like the other woman, and court adjourned for the judge's decision.

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