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Wednesday, September 17, 2014

General Hospital, Sept 1979

Sept 1979

Laura warned Amy not to get interested in Luke. Joe, Jeff and Steve headed for Mexico where Cal is hospitalized. Mitch told Tracy he couldn't live with her since the mob might hound him about Ted's death. Tracy spotted Mitch coming on to Susan. Amy blabbed to Scotty that Laura got a job at the disco. Alan found Amy admiring his house, then consoled her after learning her father had died. Monica and her unborn baby's condition improved. Dorrie told Howard it is over between them and packed her bags. Lesley investigated whether Mrs. Kakorian had a history of heart trouble.

Cal died but not before he told Jeff that Heather knows the truth about Steven Lars. Mrs. Grant realized the game was up and beat around the bush to Peter about knowing of an illegal adoption. It finally dawned on him that she was trying to explain that P.J. is actually Steven Lars. Anne won temporary custody of Jeremy who suggested she marry Jeff. She vetoed the idea although she's been drawn closer to Jeff. Luke comforted Laura about her stepfather's death. Laura and Scotty argued about her job schedule. Bobbie avoided one of her ex-johns who's a patient. Monica returned to Alan, although the baby may have heart problems.

Peter had a coronary after Mrs. Grant revealed the P.J. / Steven Lars story. Bobbie and Roy were upset when Barry Johnson recognized her in the hospital. Lesley’s reports on Mrs. Kirkorian’s previous ailment couldn’t be proved. Rick and Monica were forced to confide to Howard about their night together after Mrs. Kirkorian’s surgery. Luke and Roy worried they’d have to eliminate Mitch to prove their mob loyalty. Joe admitted his love for Anne, who asked they remained friends. Joe is jealous of Anne’s attentions to Jeff. Mitch and Tracy set their wedding date after the election. Peter called Jeff to Peter’s deathbed for the big confession.

Dorrie returned to England. Bobbie told Jessie she had once been a hooker. Peter died before he could tell Jeff about P.J / Steven Lars but he left Diana a mysterious letter. Kirkorian refused the hospital’s settlement so Rick and Monica prepared for a court battle. Monica returned to Alan upon her hospital release and accepted Amy’s offer to move in and help out during her recuperation. Mitch seduces Susan before she could give Joe any information on him. Laura bought Scotty a set of law books with the help of a charge card and Luke. Laura’s new friend, Claudia Johnson, warned Laura that Luke’s hung up on her while Luke fantasized that Laura loved him.

Alice blamed herself for Peter's death because she told him about P.J.-Stephen Lars. Diana made quick plans to take P.J. to visit her mother in Florida, keeping Peter’s note a secret. Bobbie is sure that Roy wouldn’t marry her if he knew she’d been a prostitute. Luke lent Laura money to pay for Scotty’s law books so Scotty wouldn’t know she used a credit card. Zelda Bernstein tried to get Monica to admit spending time with Rick after Mrs. Kirkorian’s first surgery. Amy decided some day she’d be rich like the Quartermaines.

Monday, September 8, 2014

Edge of Night: April--Sept 1977

April 1977

Nicole went to the Clairmont nursing home under the care of Dr. Miles Cavanaugh. Draper proposed marriage to Raven. Danny was distressed when he assumed that Tracy had taken up with Chris Neely. Mike punched Beau after he made a suggestive remark about Nancy. Beau fired Danny, which enraged Tony Saxon. Later, Beau made a sexual play for Deborah, who rebuffed his advances. After Nancy threatened to kill him, an unseen assailant shot Beau, who was alone at the Ace of Clubs. The police raided the Ace of Clubs and discovered Beau's dead body. Draper's assistant Logan Swift was attracted to Raven. Mike remembered having gone to the Ace of Clubs to confront Beau. Johnny offered Danny his old job back at the New Moon, but Danny rebuffed him. Following the murder, Deborah had difficulty sleeping and showed no remorse over Beau's death. Saxon decided to rehire Danny and offered him Beau's vacated job. Nadine informed a shocked Ansel that Raven is contemplating marriage to Draper. A specialist was called for an electronic sounding examination of Nicole's fetus. Nicole learned that Miles is estranged from his wife Denise. Josephine panicked when Nancy arrived to visit Timmy, and Nancy admitted that she knows Timmy was never actually kidnaped. Saxon warned Josephine to keep her mouth shut about how Timmy's faked plea tapes had been recorded. As the police began the Richardson murder investigation, Mike became a suspect. Draper caught Ansel and Raven kissing and realized that his father has been the "other man" all along. Danny assumed management at the Ace of Clubs. Josephine offered to let Nancy adopt Timmy if Nancy keeps quiet about Josie's involvement with Saxon. Nicole discovered that April, a fellow patient, is Miles' sister. Saxon leaked a story to the press suggesting that the police are covering up the identity of Beau's killer. Nancy raced back to Monticello after learning that Mike has been implicated in Beau's murder. Distracted by thoughts of his father and Raven's relationship, Draper blew Saxon's prosecution by introducing inadmissible evidence in court. The judge threw out the case, and Ansel was paid handsomely for winning's Saxon's exoneration. Chris confessed to Tracy that she's more than just a patient to him. An embittered Deborah admitted to Danny that she's glad Beau is dead. The tests on Nicole's fetus showed a normal pregnancy, but Miles warned her that she could experience problems in the future. Call girl Inez Johnson gave a statement to the police professing that she saw Mike standing over Beau's body with a smoking gun in his hand the night of the murder. Mike and Nancy reconciled. Tracy and Johnny learned that Danny is the new owner of the Ace of Clubs. Nadine recognized the hostility between Raven
and Draper.

MAY 1977

Mike was arrested for Beau's murder, but Nancy confessed that she was with Beau that night, too. Danny was questioned about Harold Nevin's death. Nicole refused to consider an abortion until all of the tests are in. April bad mouthed Miles' wife Denise to Nicole. Nadine confronted Raven about her affair with Ansel. Ira Paulson decided to present Mike's prosecution to the grand jury rather than allow Draper to do it. Tracy learned that she and Inez Johnson have a mutual friend in "the business". Draper visited Nicole at the Clairmont, where he and April were smitten with each other. Laurie went into a deep depression after the grand jury indicted Mike for Beau's murder. Adam left Monticello to follow a hot lead in the Richardson murder. Timmy returned to the Karrs. Tracy was frantic when she learned that Inez's madam Mrs. Yost tried to arrange a meeting with Tracy. Saxon used Danny to convince Deborah that Steve is bad news. To force the truth out of Inez, Laurie threatened her with a gun, but Inez stuck to her story about seeing Mike kill Beau. Nicole and Draper helped Miles convince April to undergo heart surgery. Danny refused to help Tracy, who's having financial problems. Deborah and Steve were reunited.

JUNE 1977

Tracy moved in with Johnny and Laurie after being evicted from her place. Nicole was depressed that Adam is spending all of his time working to prove Mike's innocence. Steve felt guilty about spying on Saxon while dating Deborah. Laurie continued to sulk and ignore John Victor. Miffed that Miles has no interest in her, Nurse Carol Barclay wrote to Miles' wife Denise, intimating that Miles is becoming involved romantically with Nicole. Mrs. Yost offered to take a penniless Tracy back into her prostitution ring. While playing up to Kevin, Raven was jealous of Draper's interest in April. Tracy moved in with Mrs. Yost but was assured she won't have to prostitute herself. Bill was conned into publicly stating that Mike's arrest was a mistake. As their relationship became closer, Deborah grew paranoid when she thought about sleeping with Steve. Denise arrived in Mayfield and accused Miles of carrying on with Nicole. Adam returned to Monticello and phoned Bill with news that he has information about Beau's murder, but before he could reveal the killer's identity, an unseen gunman shot him in the chest! Chief Bill Marceau and Mike discovered Adam's body and suspected he was killed because he uncovered Beau's killer. Miles broke the news of Adam's death to Nicole, who ran away from the Clairmont. Luke tried to convince Kevin not to print a story that would be damaging to Bill's police career. Denise brooded over Miles, who worried about Nicole's safety. Draper considered resigning as assistant district attorney rather than having to prosecute Mike. Deborah worried that Steve knows what really happened to her the night of Beau's murder. Raven attempted to seduce Kevin. Nicole stayed with the Karrs and befriended Timmy, who admitted that he was angry that Adam died.

JULY 1977

Steve learned that both Saxon and Deborah had a motive for killing Beau, since Beau raped Deborah the night he was murdered. Mike asked Draper to be his defense attorney, after Draper resigned from the district attorney's office. April insisted on following Nicole to the Karr's house to convince Nicole to return to the Clairmont. Laurie spaced out and left John Victor alone. April persuaded Draper to handle Mike's defense. Raven turned her attention to Mike's prosecutor Logan Swift. Steve and his new police partner Calvin Stoner were ordered to work on Adam's murder instead of Beau's. Steve reconciled with Deborah. Geraldine was attracted to Tony Saxon. Bill was suspended from the chief of police position. Johnny learned that Tracy is living with her former madam Mrs. Yost. During another bout of dementia, Laurie told Tracy she can have John Victor to raise as her own son. Nicole decided to go back to the Clairmont. Steve found a book of matches in Adam's belongings with the word "Packy" written on the cover. Danny learned that Tracy is staying with Mrs. Yost. Denise needled Miles about Nicole's return and told Carol she has plans for Nicole. Deborah helped Steve learn that Packy is the nickname of a man named Eddie Packard. Danny was convinced that Tracy has returned to the prostitution ring and started divorce proceedings. Draper helped April find an apartment in Monticello near his.


Bill told Danny that Tracy isn't a prostitute but has been working undercover to nail Inez. Tracy's cover was blown when Mrs. Yost overheard a conversation between Tracy and Laurie. Packard turned out to be a false lead, but Deborah found the real Packy. April had a relapse in her heart condition. Raven reassured Kevin that she loves him, but she secretly dated Logan. Draper learned about April's heart condition but insisted he wants to marry her anyway. Denise accused Miles of using April's illness to stay apart from their bed. Danny and Tracy were reunited. Deborah continued to pump Packy for information. Mrs. Yost tried to warn Saxon after learning that Tracy is working undercover. Laurie refused to see a psychiatrist about her periods of dementia. Denise predicted for Nicole that her unborn baby will be a boy. Inez admitted that it was Saxon who forced her to go to the police and make a statement about seeing Mike kill Beau. Packy's friend Raney Cooper lured Deborah after suspecting that she isn't who she pretends to be. Kevin asked Raven to marry him. Johnny considered divorcing Laurie. After Danny realized that Tracy was working undercover to bust the prostitution ring, he and Tracy reconciled. Inez agreed to take a lie-detector test, and Logan publicized the results which proved that Inez was being truthful when she said she saw Mike kill Beau. To spite Miles and Nicole, Denise returned as a nurse at the Clairmont. Laurie had another mental spell and left baby John Victor on Tracy and Danny's doorstep. Saxon insisted his money to Inez was a coax, not a bribe.


Upset that Laurie dumped the baby on Danny's doorstep, Johnny took John Victor and left Monticello in disgust. Deborah was nearly raped by Raney, but Packy interrupted him. Denise informed Carol that she's going to be Nicole's nurse. Kevin was upset that Raven hasn't answered his marriage proposal. Raven continued to see Logan on the sly. April agreed to have the pacemaker operation. Raven finally accepted Kevin's marriage proposal but continued to lead Logan on. Deborah learned that Raney and Packy are involved with a vicious crimelord known as Colonel Tom Blood. Denise and Carol came to blows over who would be Nicole's nurse, and Denise won. As Mike's trial began, Timmy revealed that his uncle Raymond Harper resembles Mike. Colonel Blood was revealed to be Ray Harper. April learned that she must make a decision about her open heart surgery. Saxon confessed to Steve about knowing of Beau's scheme to kidnap Timmy and contact Ray, but he denied having anything to do with it. Deborah accused Steve of trying to nail her father.

September 1976


Tara and Phil argued over Ruth and Joe. Kate and Ruth had a tiff. Ty threatened Frank. Chuck tended Donna in Phoebe's house, much to the chagrin of Phoebe, Tara, and Erica. Mrs. Carpenter's "doctor" plan was stalled. Tara met Donna; sparks flew. Tara's concern for Chuck caused a split with Phil. Ty discovered Donna was in the hospital under an assumed name. Nancy and Caroline came to grips over Frank. Mrs. Carpenter foiled Linc's camera plan. Dr. Christina Karras, Anne's new pediatrician, recognized David from San Francisco. Brooke spent a romantic night with Benny. Phoebe threatened, but Benny blackmailed her. Frank told Nancy he wouldn't leave Pine Valley for the Chicago job offer. Ty plotted to get even with Donna. Chuck forbade Donna to meet Ty and went in her place. Ty stabbed Chuck, but Frank saved the day and the police were called. Erica suspected David's secret past as a doctor. Mrs. Carpenter got the guilts. Anne went into labor. Phoebe told Mona she would never give Charles a divorce. Anne's baby, Elizabeth, was born, but further tests are required. Mona grew suspicious of Mrs. Carpenter. Chuck refused to remarry Tara. Phil refused to accept her on the rebound.


Although Cathy never received a doctor's confirmation, everyone believes she's pregnant. Matt and Dorian suspected something between Pat and Tony. Vinnie and Anna grew wary of Karen, who seduced Larry and rented a rendezvous apartment. Jenny gravitated toward Brad, who got a job at Tony's Place. Jim learned that Cathy never had a pregnancy test. Tony hit the roof. Sister Samantha's arrival caused an uproar in the Vernon household. Larry warned Karen not to expect a life of riches. Cathy refused to accept the fact that she's not pregnant. Vicki went into premature labor. Jim and Joe worried about the baby's irregular heartbeat. Brad turned to waitress, Lana McClain on the sly when Jenny chastised him for insincerity. Vicki and Joe named their healthy son Kevin Lord Riley. Dorian gave a party for Joe and his associates. Cathy learned about the Riley birth from Dorian and went bananas. Tony convinced her to see Dr. Vernon. Karen found out Brad spent the night with a waitress, Lana. Brad's waitress-girlfiend, Lana, became jealous and possessive. Larry and Karen made plans to holiday in Las Vegas; Larry's cousin, Vinny, didn't approve. Cathy hallucinated that her baby Megan's still alive. Will insisted that Naomi stop her jealous fantasies. Matt played up to Dorian, who found it both amusing and repulsive.


Rick moved into Lesley's new apartment building. Cam's estate amounted to zilch for Lesley. Mark accepted Steve's job offer and grew attracted to Terri. Heather set her sights on Jeff. Peter agreed with Diana to adopt a baby. Jeff uncovered evidence to help Monica in the malpractice suit. Heather told her ex-husband she'd set her sights on bigger game -- Rick. Mark's concern for his sanitarium-committed wife stymied Terri's enthusiasm. Steve regained movement in his legs. Mark brought Mary Ellen to Port Charles. Tom Baldwin, presumed dead, turned up alive in a Mexican jail. Monica put Jeff off about having children and turned to Rick. Larry Joe, Heather's ex, threatened blackmail unless she steals hospital drugs. Peter and Diana went to Switzerland to adopt a baby. Heather found Rick's love letter to Monica and mailed it to Jeff. Monica consulted a divorce attorney. In Mexico, Tom Baldwin learned he can have a new trial. Jeff found Rick's letter, was convinced Monica sent it, and began popping pep pills. Rex blackmailed Monica. Mark urged that Mary Ellen and Terri meet. Lesley returned from a cruise and thinks she's pregnant. Jeff and Monica's anniversary was a fiasco.


Adam recovered from the shooting. Ansel became Tony Saxon's new attorney, while Saxon's henchmen threatened Johnny.
Van, disguised as a cop, knocked Steve unconscious and prepared to kill Nicole. Chris Neely found an apartment for Phoebe and Kevin in his building, but Kevin wasn't thrilled at having Neely for a neighnor. Nancy was spotted with a strange man. Van was shot before he could kill Nicole. At the hospital, Van whispered the word "Starkweather" to Steve. Later, Clay entered Van's room and shot him to death in cold blood. Adam was suspicious of Clay's claim that he did it in self-defense because Van tried to escape. Tracy confessed to Danny that she's unable to ever have children. Draper learned that he'll be working on the Saxon case against father Ansel. Nancy lashed out at Mike for playing the crusader and constantly putting their lives in danger, then she met with the mysterious Beau Richardson. Nicole began to remember pieces of the missing 40 days. Adam suggested that Nicole undergo another narcosynthesis session to regain her memory. Neely told Phoebe that he'd treat Nicole's memory loss. With Phoebe's assistance, Neely administered sodium pentathol to Nicole. Under sedation, Nicole remembered that she had been held prisoner on a secret Caribbean island by embezzler Claude Revenant and his manservant Billy. Nancy informed Kevin that the man he saw her kissing was an informant for a story she's writing. Van's deathbed clue was a false lead. Mike warned Tony Saxon to stop making threats against his family. Danny was repulsed to learn that Tracy can't have children because of too many past abortions. Nancy pleaded with Mike to resign from the Crime Commission. Draper asked Brandy to marry him. Nadine and Geraldine arranged a dinner party including the Scotts and the Jamisons.

Monday, September 1, 2014

September 1978

All My Children

Sept 78

Moments before her marriage to Tom, Erica gets a phone call from Nick but is disappointed to realize he's not proposing to her, only explaining why he's unable to attend her wedding to Tom. After receiving a last-minute dispensation, Tom and Erica are married, and plan to honeymoon in St. Croix. Frank is pleased that Nancy has given birth to a healthy baby boy. Getting a phone call from Phil, Tara wonders if she should try to reconcile with him even though she loves Chuck. When Christina and Jeff's deal for a house falls through, Christina blames Paul and decides to get another lawyer. While riding with Estelle, Donna's car stalls on the train tracks, right in front of an oncoming train!!!!! Donna gets into a major car-train collision and is seriously injured.

Just before Donna is to undergo surgery for critical injuries suffered in car/train crash, a distraught Chuck realizes she knows that he and Tara are lovers. Following surgery Donna remains in a coma. Jeff and Christina fight again when she, too, suggests his sister Tara and Chuck are more than friends. Devon tells Wally she's pregnant with his child. Eddie flares when Kelly asks Linc to manage her money, and at the Chateau gets drunk and heckles her show. On their St. Croix honeymoon, Tom admits to Erica he's jealous because of her frequent references to Nick. Relieved that Estelle only received minor injuries in car crash, Benny rushes to hospital and tries to persuade her to get a divorce from Billy Clyde. But when Billy Clyde arrives at the hospital and tells Estelle how much he loves and needs her, Benny realizes there's little hope of her ever leaving Billy Clyde.

After Devon tells Wally she's carrying his child, he insists that, even though she slept with him only to get even with Dan, they must still tell everyone they eloped weeks ago and get married as soon as possible. Chuck realizes that when Donna regains consciousness, he must continue to deceive her about his feelings for Tara. Chuck and Tara are unaware that Charlie saw them embracing. Charlie and Phoebe both play matchmaker for Chuck and Tara. Linc is hurt when Kelly changes her mind about having him escort her to Edna's for dinner. Mark and Ellen set a wedding date. Phoebe promises Billy Clyde she will keep Benny and Estelle apart. When Phoebe spreads rumors that Mark is Mona's illegitimate son, he tells her to watch her step.

Regaining consciousness Donna thinks she is still a hooker. Estelle is all set to leave Billy Clyde until Edna tells her that it's her Benny has a thing for. Ellen learns Devon is carrying Wally's child. Not wanting to meddle in Linc's life, Myrtle decides to move out of his home. Talking to Jeff on the phone, Nancy points out the resemblance of baby Carl to Frank. Overhearing Kate compare her to Mary, Christina flares up, lashes out at Kate, then refuses to apologize. Linc learns Eddie's strong hold over Kelly is connected to the pills he keeps plying her with.


When Ed goes into cardiac arrest, Jack saves his life by using an external pacemaker. Carla fears the four minutes Ed was without oxygen may have cause brain damage. Brad asks Dr. Pamela Shepherd to be his therapist. Tina thinks Viki must have known her boyfriend in California was dating her best friend but was hiding facts from her. Marco plans to get even with Viki through Tina, seeks Tina out at the pizza parlor. Pat fends off Talbot Huddelston's advances, tells Roger she will quit the show if Huddleston ever comes near her. Viki warns Richard to keep away from the story about Marco's massage parlor unless he has proof — otherwise he's asking for trouble as well as a libel suit for the Banner. Paul is delighted by the way Dorian refurnished his apartment.

Paul is put off by seeing an understanding Dorian change into a "dragon lady." Richard and Becky Lee refuse Dorian's offer to have their wedding at her home, which upsets Dorian because she had made the offer only at the request of Richard's mother Gwen who had hoped Dorian might do something to stop the nuptials. Marco tells Tina that Viki once suffered from multiple personality and asks her not to let Joe and Viki know he is seeing her. Jenny is upset because church tribunal puts hold on her annulment from Brad. Rejected by Jenny, Brad considers robbing a bank. Karen is upset by seeing Larry and Cathy together, takes an overdose of pills. Will and Pam are engaged.

Richard squirms when his mother Gwendolyn Abbott arrives in Llanview. Gwen pretends to adore Becky Lee but is working to make sure they never get married. Finding a semiconscious Karen in a hotel room, Larry saves her life. After Paul accuses her of being selfish and manipulative, Dorian decides to drop out of the competition for chief of hospital staff. Pat and Paul become friends. Adam Brewster, head of a multi-billion-dollar corporation, is interested in Pat and Edwina. Ed is made police captain.

Samantha wants to move out of Will's and into Tony's, but when Tony rejects her, she runs out into the rain and gets in a car accident. Brad and Jenny are brought closer together by Samantha's accident. Larry, about to be named chief of hospital staff, wonders if his future position will be too much for Karen. Edwina is surprised when Adam Brewster asks to meet her. Melinda scares Karen with her stories of a lonely doctor's wife. Ed fears he cannot hold Carla's interest the way a more sophisticated person like Jack Scott can.

General Hospital Sept 78

In New York looking for Laura, Bryan and Scotty infiltrate an unsavory East Village group and fear that Laura may have turned to prostitution! Rick is also in New York looking for Laura so he can clear Lesley of murder charges. Lesley feels her marriage to Rick is over because she lied to him about killing David when it was Laura who pushed him. Collapsing at home, Diana regains consciousness only to discover she is blind. Heather takes a leave from hospital in order to take care of P.J.. Steve fears Jeff will flunk his medical boards because of the pressure of his marriage and Les’s trial.

In New York, Scotty and Bryan get Laura away from an East Village pimp, and help police catch the men who run a prostitution ring comprised of teenage runaways. Although Rick really thinks Laura cannot remember what happened the night David was killed, she thinks he's only trying to trick her into confessing. Diana decides to undergo risky exploratory surgery which may answer question as to why she is blind. Fearful of dying, Diana tells Peter she wants to write a will that would make Jeff and Heather the legal guardians of P.J. if anything happens to her and Peter. Gary wants out of pediatrics so he can make money.

Admitting to Lesley she remembers everything, Laura fears what the police will do. Hearing the true story of David's death, the Judge agrees to find Lesley innocent and promises to go easy on Laura. Diana undergoes neurosurgery, and two benign tumors are found and removed. Doctors say it will be days before they know if she can see. Cal Jamison arrives in town and Jeff goes to see him. With Gina away, Tracy shows interest in Gary. Alan admits to Monica he is unable to curb his jealousy of Rick.

Jeff thinks Jamison has evidence proving Steven Lars didn't die; also thinks that Mrs. Hadley lied to Heather. Telling everything that happened the night David died, Laura awaits sentencing. With D.A. Richardson out of town, the assistant D.A. feels Laura's trial will be important to his career. Believing the trial will be bad publicity for the hospital, Monica fears Rick may not be named as head of the cardiac unit, and implores Alan to talk to his boss Larry Forsythe. Alan agrees to go talk to Forsythe when he realizes she will go herself if he doesn't. Scotty tells an angry Bobbie that if she can't understand his caring for Laura, they should end their relationship.

Edge of Night Sept 78

When Tony Saxon dies from wounds inflicted by Raney, Geraldine and Deborah go into mourning. D.A. Ira tells Logan he realizes that prosecuting April for Denise's murder is going to be unpopular and wonders what they should do about it. Raven goes to Logan's office, tosses out a picture of him and Winter kissing. When Winter discovers the discarded photo, Raven says that Logan threw it out. Disbelieving her, Winter lets her know she and Logan are an item again. Deborah is suspended from police force.

April tells Draper that Raven claims to be carrying his baby. Swearing it isn't true, Draper goes to Raven and warns her to keep away from April, but Raven pretends to April that Draper promised to do anything to help his baby. Distraught because she believes Raven and upset over being charged with first-degree murder, April disappears. While Deborah, on her own, is questioning a suspected wifebeater, he falls off the roof and is killed.

Mike attends Tony Saxon's funeral. Representing April for Denise's murder, Mike tells Draper that April's running away makes her look guilty. Mike plans to prove that Denise committed suicide. A large conglomerate buys the TV station where Nicole is newscaster. A distraught Kevin, thinking Logan is the father of Raven's unborn child, considers doing away with himself. Deborah is disgruntled by two weeks' suspension from police force.

Wealthy Margo Huntington arrives in town. Her shady financial adviser, Wade Meecham remembers Winter as a star of porno flicks he used to produce! Kevin is hoping the scandal about Tony Saxon will end his own political career, and lets Raven know he plans to divorce her after the baby is born. Miles fears Margo will print something about April's disappearance in her magazine. Margo is obviously interested in Miles romantically. A tattoo on the shoulder of the dead girl floating in the river proves she is not April. Having had a vision of Draper in a car accident, April returns to Monticello and discovers the accident was minor. She goes on trial for Denise's murder. Deborah feels Steve's proposal of marriage may be out of sympathy, not love.

All My Children: March--August 1980

March 1980

Paul and Ellen cancelled wedding plans when they learned that Anne will be released from the sanitarium. Chuck told Charlie that Phil's plane went down and Donna fears the end of her marriage since Tara and Charlie will once again need Chuck. Devon went to a New York play with Sean, letting Ellen think she's with a theater group. Sybil refused Palmer's request that she seduce Cliff. Anne told Paul that she knows he wasn't responsible for Beth's death and he agreed, reluctantly, to continue their marriage. Linc planned a party for the suspects in Eddie's death.

Daisy got chummy with Nina and Edna by using an assumed name: Monique Jonville. Ellen promised not to tell Wally that Devon snuck out with Sean. Linc winnowed down Eddie's murder suspects at a dinner with Phoebe, Langley, Claudette and Brooke. Benny dreamed of Estelle while Edna met secretly with Hank. There was a closed-casket funeral for Phil after his body was identified. Cliff confronted Palmer about Palmer's attempt to bribe Sybil but couldn't prove that Palmer tried to arrange a Honolulu job for Cliff. Mark's hopes were high for a rematch with him and Ellen after Anne moved home with Paul. Nancy started proceedings for Russ to adopt Carl.

Linc fingered Claudette as Eddie's killer after the dinner party. She died in a car crash trying to escape. Before dying she explained the truth: Eddie, being blackmailed by Claudette for skimming the Chateau books, decides to kill her and blame it on Kelly but when Eddie dropped his gun, Claudette went for it and shot him. Sean went ape over Sybil, and Devon tried to hide her jealousy. Frank told Paul he wants to fight for Carl's custody. Brooke confessed to Tom that Eddie had raped her and she had an abortion. Donna warned Edna to cool it with Hank or Edna would ruin her marriage. Paul had visions of Ellen while sleeping with Ann. Ellen leaned on Mark to get over her feelings for Paul. Nina assured Palmer that she and Cliff still want him to be a part of their lives. Carl told Frank about Russ's adoption plan.

Ellen realized that Devon slept with Sean, while telling Wally she was rehearsing. Wally was amazed by Devon’s acting talent – especially her love scene with Sean. Monique (Daisy) became chummy with Nina, who invited her to meet Cliff. Kelly was set free after Claudette's deathbed confession. Kelly and Linc talked about marriage. Phoebe forced Langley to agree to a wedding after learning that Charles and Mona plan a June marriage, as soon as Phoebe and Charles’ divorce is final. Hank offered to take Edna to his boudoir. Palmer, who hasn't met Monique, thinks she has evil plans for befriending Nina. To keep Palmer off the scent, Daisy pretended she's living in Europe where his checks are sent.

April 1980

Frank collapsed from head trouble after kidnapping Carl. Nina developed vision problems. Devon denied to Ellen that she's carrying on with Sean, then was almost caught in the sack with him by Tom. Edna told Kelly about Hank and considered a Caribbean love trip with him. Anne remembered and accepted her baby's death, while Ellen got nervous thinking Anne would remember spotting Ellen and Paul kissing. Daisy decided she'll attend Nina's wedding no matter what, while Myra suspected that Daisy's back in town. Chuck set Donna on another jealousy trip over Tara. Edna lied to Benny about a bracelet which she received from Hank.

Edna lied to Benny about visiting a sick aunt, while planning a rendezvous with Hank in Baton Rouge. Joe was alarmed that Ruth is over-protective of Joey and won't return to work. Nancy postponed Russ’ adoption of Carl when Frank was partially blinded by a stroke. Frank apologized to Nancy for kidnapping Carl. Sean grew weary of Devon's attentions, but they were caught cuddling by Tom. Donna convinced Chuck to bid on a new house. Monique (Daisy) entertained Nina and Cliff and helped him plan their wedding.

Phoebe caused a drunken ruckus at Linc and Kelly's wedding. Tom found proof of Sean and Devon's liaison and ordered Sean to break it off or Sean would be kicked out on the street. Dottie blew Edna's cover about a sick aunt in front of Benny. Edna nixed a Caribbean love trip with Hank, but he implied he had marital intentions. Charles convinced Nancy to make amends with Frank while Frank's recovering. Frank wants another chance with her. Tom and Brooke realize they're getting close romantically. Chuck flared out at Donna for confiding to Palmer about their problems concerning Tara. Sean dated Sybil. Palmer became suspicious about Monique's background, even though he hasn't met her yet.

Myra learned that Monique is Daisy, but will keep mum until after Nina's wedding. Ellen tried to avoid Paul (who professed undying love), but Anne insisted she and Ellen resume their schoolgirl friendship. Devon's Pa survived a heart attack. Wally invited Sean to surprise anniversary party for Wally and Devon. Sean invited Sybil despite Tom’s objections. Kelly went into a funk about not living down her past when she was ridiculed while on her honeymoon cruise with Linc. Edna gave in to her desires and went to Bermuda with Hank. Frank worried that Carl is growing closer to Russ. Langley realized he has to marry Phoebe in order to get her money. Chuck agreed with Tara to spend time with Charlie.

Phoebe failed to halt Charles and Mona’s wedding. Erica couldn’t make it because she’s in Hollywood waiting for a word on a fat, juicy movie role. Hank lavished gifts on Edna to soften her guilt over betraying Benny. Devon got drunk at her and Wally’s anniversary party and mooned over Sean, who was there flaunting Sybil. Linc and Kelly returned from their honeymoon. Linc threw Phoebe out when she ranted about his marriage to a drug addict. Phoebe’s outrage at Charles’ marriage stemmed from his payoff of Erica’s loan, which Langley finagled. Ellen told Paul they can’t see each other and she dated Mark. Anne told Paul she’d be patient waiting for him to become a husband in every sense of the word.

May 1980

Ellen warned Devon to drop her affair with Sean before Wally found out. Anne was hurt that Ellen wouldn't be her friend. Palmer became concerned when Nina had vision problems. Phoebe blabbed to Benny that she'd seen Edna kissing Hank. Her movie career down the tubes, Erica returned to Pine Valley to find Brooke in Tom's embrace. Anne offered to stay in the background while Paul campaigns for public office. Kelly was refused a job at The Chateau. Russ boasted to Nancy that he is succeeding in taking Carl’s affections away from Frank.

Daisy accepted an invitation to attend Brooke’s engagement party for Nina after learning Palmer would be out of town. Erica tried to convince Tom to hire her as his restaurant hostess. Langley agreed to sign Phoebe's premarital agreement after learning he'd get a sizable inheritance should she die. Benny walked out on Edna who insisted she loved him. Betsy took Frank home from the hospital and arranged for Nancy to bring Caroline to visit Frank. Sean made a date with Sybil while Devon reluctantly left on a belated honeymoon with Wally. Tom assured Brooke he wouldn't reconcile with Erica.

Devon had pregnancy symptoms and told Sean he's the father. Estelle hit the skids in Center City and has a viral infection. Edna failed to woo Benny back. Anne finally suspected that Paul was intimate with Ellen while Anne was institutionalized. Monique told Nina she can't meet Palmer since he'd once kicked her and her former husband out because of a business mess. Tom told Erica she could have her old job but he's continuing with divorce action. Donna and Chuck moved into their new home. Tom blew up at Sean for using Devon to get a job at Harlan's bank. Daisy cried when Cliff thanked her for filling a void in Nina's life.

Edna called Hank to her side after Benny rushed to hold Estelle's hand in the hospital. Charlie was jealous that Tad is goo-goo eyed over Suzanne. Erica tried every trick in the book to win back Tom. Myrtle remembered that Langley is a conman who once tried to steal her purse in her carnival days. Nancy was upset that Betsy visits Frank in Carl's presence. Monique (Daisy) skipped out on Nina's party when she was almost spotted by Phoebe. Chuck and Donna considered adoption. Benny had forgiven Edna's first transgression with Hank, but he mooned over an ailing Estelle and called Chuck to doctor her.

June 1980

Myrtle confronted Langley with her revelation after he and Phoebe said their marriage vows. Langley pleaded with Myrtle to keep silent about his past. Paul felt left out when Ellen wouldn't share her problems with him like she does with Mark. Sean bedded Devon after Mark told Sean to break off with her. Nina experienced more vision trouble. Frank told Nancy, who is confused about her feelings for him, that he's planning to leave town. Edna decided to run off with Hank after finding Benny praying that Estelle's life be spared. Anne told Charles that she suspects Paul cares a lot about Ellen. Paul and Anne made love for the first time since her return. Estelle began to make a little improvement.

Palmer dallied making an appointment for Nina's' eye operation. Palmer urged Nina to break off her wedding plans with Cliff because of her possible blindness. Linc kept mum apout Langley's past but warned that he'd blow the whistle if Langley ever did anything to hurt Phoebe. Tara got a volunteer job at the hospital, putting her close to Chuck. Nancy admitted to Russ that she's confused about her feelings for Frank. Erica lied to Mona that Tom drooled over her, when he'd actually told her to scram.

Erica plied Tom with booze and got him in the sack. Nina broke off with Cliff but didn't reveal her eye problem. Donna consulted a black market baby-selling agent. Estelle learned Billy Clyde's been jailed. Russ laid into Frank for busting up Russ and Nancy. Palmer made a London appointment with a doctor for Nina, but if he hesitates she may go blind. Sean threatened to tell Brooke about Tom and Erica bedding down unless Tom lays off about Sean and Devon. Ruth went bezerk when Tara brought a sick girl into the same room as Joey. Ann questioned why Paul isn't more "active" with her. Sean told Devon he's just using Sybil as a "front".

Palmer spotted Sybil with Cliff after Cliff fell into her arms with grief over Nina. Tom fired Erica for blabbing to Brooke about sleeping with Tom. Linc advised Chuck and Donna to beware of babyseller Scott Garrett. Sybil swore she'd never give up Cliff again. Russ asked Nancy to join him in Boston. Nina insisted on another medical option before going to London. Sean abandoned Devon in a motel room and postponed telling her he's tired of her. Brooke told Tom there's no hope for them if he can't resist Erica.

Erica socked it to Tom by joining the Chateau staff. Russ left town without Nancy. Leora and Kurt Sanders arrived on the scene when she was hospitalized. Ruth was so obsessed with Joey's welfare that she moved into the child's room. Phoebe threw a fit when Linc announced he's moving to another town because of Kelly's career. Billy Clyde called Estelle from jail. Kate "chucked" when Tad and Suzanne shared their first kiss. Palmer told Nina that Cliff’s a gigolo and has been sleeping with Sybil. Donna decided to give Black market baby-seller Garrett money without telling Chuck.

July 1980

Nina underwent treatment at a Baltimore clinic to correct her eye problem. Joe was suspicious when Leora and Kurt told different stories of how she was injured at home. Billy Clyde returned but Benny threatened him about taking Estelle away. Tom rehired Erica. Linc, again, warned Langley that he has the goods on Langley’s past if anything happened to Phoebe. Garrett demanded more loot from Donna on the baby deal. Devon got desperate that Sean isn’t paying attention to her. Paul hired Brooke to write his campaign releases. Nina couldn’t believe that Cliff has been shacking up with Sybil.

Palmer loaned Donna money for her baby-buying scheme. Anne overheard Paul and Ellen admit their love. Paul insisted he won’t leave Anne, who pushed him into the spare bedroom. Devon was hysterical when Sean called it quits. Brooke forced Cliff and Nina to patch up their misunderstandings while Palmer was frantic that his deception in delaying Nina’s treatment will be uncovered. Myrtle blackmailed Langley to convince Phoebe not to interfere with Kelly and Linc’s moving decision. Tom began falling for Erica’s seductions.

Nina moved in with Monique after learning that Palmer lied about her eye ailment. Chuck ranted about Donna giving money to Garrett for a baby, and Estelle cautioned that Donna may be a victim of a scam. Phoebe blew a fuse when Anne moved out on Paul and moved in with Charles and Mona. Leora's stepdaughter Carrie arrived, but Kurt doesn't want her around since he thinks Carrie's a tramp like her mother was. Tom admitted to Brooke that he's making another go of it with Erica. Sean told Devon he loved another woman, and she figured it was Sybil.

Palmer learned that Daisy has been posing as Monique. He was stymied in his attempt to shoot her and later shot himself since he's lost Nina. Cliff must perform the surgery to save Palmer. Carrie told Leora that Kurt was responsible for the death of Carrie's mother, but wouldn't explain. Kurt broke down after he stopped himself from beating Carrie with a belt. Ruth reluctantly agreed that Tad could steady-date Suzanne. Estelle can't get a quickie divorce unless Billy Clyde is jailed for two years and Grover didn't want to testify against Billy. Meanwhile, Billy Clyde baffled prison guards by asking for shoe-polish. Anne decided to move back with Paul and declined to seek a divorce at this time, since it could ruin Paul’s political chances.

August 1980

Billy Clyde escaped from the slammer after knocking his lawyer unconscious and disguising himself. Nancy wouldn't date Frank, so he took Betsy to Joe's birthday bash. Cliff performed successful surgery on Palmer, but suspected Palmer of planning a "non-fatal" suicide for Nina's benefit. Suzanne's father, Dave, forced her to break off with Tad because Tad's real father was homicidal. Benny received his divorce from Edna, but Estelle lived in fear of Billy Clyde. Carrie stole school test answers from Mark. Devon was cold in her love-making with Wally, although Ellen urged her to give it a try for Bonnie's sake. Phoebe blew up because Langley refused a teaching job which Myrtle had engineered, knowing that Langley is no more a qualified professor than the mam on the moon.

Kurt beat Leora to a pulp for cooking lobster instead of rump roast for his boss who's allergic to shellfish. Billy Clyde drugged and abducted Estelle. Ann campaigned for Paul. Monique and Palmer agreed to reconcile for Nina's benefit. Donna turned to Palmer for a final baby-buying payment. Frank told Nancy it's none of her business that he dated Betsy. Carrie failed to get stolen test answers, to her boyfriend Jerry, who she’s seeing on the sly without Kurt’s knowledge.

Palmer comforted Donna after Chuck walked out on her and her baby buying scheme. Monique dated Sean, believe it or not. Billy Clyde put Estelle in an air-tight casket (but was nice enough to drill holes in it), kept her hidden in a mausoleum, and ordered Benny to raise ransom money. Erica lied to Tom about seeing a decorator when she was actually making plans for a modeling career with Brandon Kingsley. Leora suffered a broken arm from Kurt's beating. Kurt arranged for Carrie to date his boss' son, Thurston Turner, even though Carrie's unwilling. Anne told Phoebe that she wants to stick by Paul's unloving side until he's elected.

Palmer developed a fever on the eve of Nina and Cliff’s wedding. Devon turned green when she spotted Sean and Monique modeling again but had lied to Tom. Billy Clyde threatened Langley, when he forbade Phoebe to pay Billy's ransom for Estelle. Donna moved into Palmer's mansion after Chuck retrieved and returned Palmer's loan for her baby-buying plan. Nancy refused to allow Frank to take Carl on a picnic with Betsy. Kurt hoped that Carrie's date with Thurston would insure a job promotion Donna worried that, Chuck ran to Tara, who insisted to Donna that she doesn't love Chuck.