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Monday, March 31, 2014

Edge of Night Feb-April 1979

Margo got a copy of Wade's videotape of Nicole and hoped to destroy Miles and Nicole's relationship with it.  Miles saw the tape but suspected that Nicole had been drugged.  Later, Nicole happily accepted Miles' marriage proposal.  April had another vision of her late mother, who said
she's coming to see April.  Tank declared his love for Winter. Logan broke off his relationship with Raven, who tried to discover what Wade is  holding over Logan's head. Margo arrived at the Scott apartment, while April insisted that her mother is coming. Margo confessed that she's actually April's mother.  Margo had given April to the Cavanaughs after their own daughter (also named April)
had died, which explained the tombstone.  Draper was furious with Margo for not confessing the truth sooner and allowing everyone to think that April was mentally unbalanced.  Eliot was arrested for being drunk and disorderly, but Diana convinced Mike to bail him out.  The police
informed Wade that the theater fire was arson.  Wade realized that Tank was the arsonist and threatened to send Tank back to prison.  Winter promised Tank that she'd stop Wade.  Miles and Nicole learned that Wade had drugged Nicole in Chicago.  Wade blackmailed Margo with a
maunscript detailing their partnership in his pornography business. Raven paid Wade for the tape of  Logan's bribe, but later Raven learned that Wade had a duplicate and threatened to kill him. Logan swore that nothing short of death would stop Wade. Margo loaded her gun and headed
to confront Wade.

MARCH 1979:
Steve and Deborah returned to Wade's hotel suite and discovered him shot to death. Miles and Nicole were married.  Margo burned Wade's incriminating manuscript, which she stole from his suite the night of the murder.  Draper discouraged April from pursuing a relationship with Margo. 
Tank confessed to Raven that he burned down Wade's porn theater.  Wade's blackmail videotapes were missing from his suite. Witnesses claimed that they saw Winter leaving Wade's apartment the night of the murder.  Winter admitted arguing with Wade, but she insisted
that he was alive when she left.  Eliot found new employment as Margo's "paid companion".  Mike caught Diana lying about maneuvering his office secretary.  Calvin comforted Star when she feared that she'd soon be unemployed. Snooping around Margo's, Eliot saw that she has a gun
and suspected it might be the weapon used to murder Wade. Winter was arrested for Wade's murder.  Draper was suspicious when Margo insisted on posting Winter's bail.  Eliot convinced Margo to  "keep" him, but when she was gone, he seduced her English maid Sara.  Steve and Deborah found one of Wade's videotapes.  Logan saw the tape, which showed Winter and Wade together in bed.  Tank disappeared while being sought for questioning in the Cobble Hill porn theater
fire.  Logan and Raven suspected that they'd each been at Wade's the night of the murder.  Mike told Diana that he was fed up with her constant lying. Afterward, Diana declared that Mike doesn't deserve her father's eyes, and she bought a bottle of acid. Diana attempted to blind Mike with acid, but he was saved, and Diana was taken away by the police.  Assistant D.A. Cliff  Nelson was
assigned to prosecute Winter's case after Logan disqualified himself.  Cliff was smitten with Raven.  Draper disapproved of Margo's relationship with Eliot and her lavish attempts to make up for lost time with April. 

APRIL 1979:
Eliot convinced a willing Margo to marry him.  Later, Eliot shared Sara's bed, convincing her that they'll all make a lovely family.  Raven refused to tell Logan her whereabouts the night of the Wade's murder.  Cliff received an anonymous copy of Wade's financial activities, which
implicated Margo's involvement in his pornographic business ventures. A hotel guest identified Margo as being seen at Wade's hotel suite the night he was murdered. Margo announced her marriage to Eliot at a welcome home party for Miles and Nicole.  Nancy learned that the Berry sisters, the chief witnesses against Winter, have a history of being involved in court cases.  Logan told Raven that he'll marry her after Winter's trial ends. Eliot
conned Margo into financing his new supper club. Tank surfaced, insisted that he didn't kill Wade, then fled again when Logan called the police. One of the Berry sisters, Wade's neighbors, identified Raven as being at the murder scene.  Raven testified that she bought Wade's tape of Logan and claimed that she overheard Wade blackmailing Margo.  Margo was a suspect because she was Wade's financial backer.  Eliot learned that Margo's gun is the same caliber of the one used to murder Wade.  After Sara taunted him about being Margo's errand boy, Eliot faked a robbery in the penthouse and anonymously sent Margo's gun to Draper.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

March 1977


Anne went off the deep end when she discovered Beth died while Paul baby-sat. Joe suspected it was a crib death, and Clay suggested it might have been negligent murder. After catching Benny fooling around with the upstairs maid, Brooke agreed to go on a weekend trip with Danny. Phil bristled at Chuck's idea that Donna be hired as little Phil's nursemaid. But the kid decided to live with Tara after fearing he'd die like Beth. Joe's autopsy confirmed that Beth died of natural causes, but Anne blamed Paul. Phoebe got strung out on booze. Chuck begged Donna to cancel a date with Benny for one with him. Dr. Polk concluded that Kitty's blind spells are physical, not psychological, possibly caused by a brain tumor. Anne considered suicide after Beth's funeral. Clay warned Phil to beware of keeping his gun within little Phil's reach. Brooke was delighted when she and Danny arrived at their vacation ski lodge and had to share a room. Phil and Tara had a tiff about punishing little Phil for playing with Phil's gun. Chuck gave Donna his mother's necklace for her birthday but their date was ruined when a former client confronted her. Kitty was diagnosed as having a rare neurological disease which may be terminal. Frank warned Chuck to take it slow with Donna since she's falling in love.


Matt turned to Dorian when Joe fired him after Matt tried to tempt Joe with a bottle of booze. Karen told Lana that she thinks she's pregnant. Cathy assured Will that Pat won't be able to use Brian to take Tony away from her. Dorian received a tip about Kevin's whereabouts, but kept her mouth shut until she could use it to her advantage. Matt forced Dorian to talk Joe into rehiring him, but it was no go. Larry and Karen argued about her extravagant wedding plans. Vicki learned that Cathy's on the verge of total recall.Joe and Vicki separated. Karen was alarmed when Marco Dane, her ex-boyfriend and an ex-convict, arrived in town. Matt rushed to California to find Kevin and bring him back to Joe -- a ploy to get his job back. Dorian put Brad in touch with her rich friend, Peggy Filmore, as a possible tennis club investor, but Peggy had more intimate plans for Brad. Dorian's detective traced Mrs. MacGruder and Kevin to Minneapolis. Karen agreed to pay Marco his hush money not to reveal that they'd once been arrested (she got off with a light sentence after informing against Marco). Peggy gave Brad a $5,000 check and a lot of loving. Karen tried everything, including a futile seduction, to get Marco to leave town. She married Larry despite Marco's threats. Cathy remembered she had left Kevin with the MacGruders, who were followed by the police to Minneapolis. Dorian told Joe that her investigator was responsible for locating the baby.


Steve begged Mark to defend his own past to the board of directors. Heather took an overdose of pills. After returning with Laura, Lesley asked for time to consider Rick's marriage proposal. Mary Ellen caught Mark and Terri in an embrace, then bribed her chauffeur to tamper with the brakes on Terri's car. Everyone thought Heather took an overdose of sleeping pills but she had faked it with vitamins to get sympathy from Jeff. She also plotted to get money from the Taylors, who offered to raise her baby. Monica learned of Rick's marriage proposal to Lesley. Mark was chief of neurosurgery. Mary Ellen was in a frenzy until Terri's car was found at the bottom of a cliff in flames. An unconcious Terri later was found near the wreckage. Jill decided to befriend Gina to find the best way to discredit her to Adam. Mike insisted that his parents aren't dead. Terri developed cerebral hematoma. Mark grew suspicious of what happened between her and Mary Ellen the day of Terri's accident. Steve was frustrated because he couldn't comfort Jeff as a father. Peter learned that Mike blamed himself for the fire that killed his parents. Dr. Mariner was called to operate on Terri, but Mary Ellen plotted with Lenny to force the doctor's car off the road to delay his arrival, and Mark operated instead. Heather rejected Jeff's offer to adopt her baby, but accepted his money. Monica grew suspicious but Heather insisted the father of her baby is a schoolmate.


A disguised Darcy came to town intent on finishing off Nicole, who was told she needs complete bedrest until the baby is born. Johnny and Laurie returned from San Francisco to learn Nancy and Mike are considering divorce. Adam and Luke caught Darcy before he could kill Nicole. Darcy had tried to smother Abby, who later confessed she's been one of Darcy's contacts. Adam decided to defend her after she pleaded that she had no intention of harming Nicole. On the eve of Saxon's trial, Draper suspected hanky-panky between Raven and Ansel. Kevin told Geraldine to stop trying to match him with Raven. Josephine arranged a telephone call between Timmy and Laurie, which didn't satisfy Laurie's suspicions. Spurred by Beau's intimations, Danny warned Chris not to mess around with Tracy. Adam hired a new housekeeper, Mrs. Zern, to care for Nicole during her pregnancy. Nancy confessed everything to MIke, who didn't believe she did it because of Timmy, who he believed had never been threatened. Tony convinced Deborah that Steve is a crook. Nicole was advised to stay in a nursing home until the baby is born. Nicole went to a nursing home, under the care of Dr. Miles Cavanaugh. Beau was punched by Mike after making a suggestive remark about Nancy, was rebuffed by Deborah, was put on the carpet for firing Danny, was threatened by Nancy after she realized she'd been tricked, and was found dead. Draper asked Raven to marry him. Danny was distressed when he assumed Tracy had taken up with Chris.

Monday, March 10, 2014

March 1978

ALL MY CHILDREN: Billy Clyde learned that Donna was at Maggie’s. Phoebe offered him hush money if he wouldn’t tell Chuck. Erica learned Nick was offered a restaurant chain job in Europe and had visions of a jet-set life. Nick told Claudette and Phil he won’t marry Erica. Ellen admitted to Paul that she must break with Mark but then she was overwhelmed when Mark serenaded her. Edna told Chris she’s having morning sickness. Brooke discovered that Phoebe’s been faking paralysis. Ruth returned home. Nick accepted the European job. Erica refused to believe he didn’t plan to take her along and had nixed the wedding. Billy Clyde failed to con Phoebe or Chuck out of money. Donna allowed Maggie to tell Estelle of Donna's whereabouts. Edna isn’t pregnant and David has been slipping her some sort of pills on the sly. Nancy made plans for her wedding, but Carl's plane crashed. Ruth told Kate she's going to prosecute Ray. Tara learned little Phil’s friend stole money.

ONE LIFE TO LIVE: Brad couldn’t function with Jenny, so he turned to hooker Rita and admitted he hates children but enjoys sex. Marco learned that Becky’s using the name of a retired singer, so who is Llanview's Becky Lee? Karen tried to get pregnant to spite Cathy. Tony ordered Samantha not to date older men. Lynn nixed Dorian’s scheme to get her out of town and away from Peter with a music school offer.

GENERAL HOSPITAL: Lesley rebuffed David’s sexual advances and he sought revenge by getting Laura to model for him on the sly. Jessie hid the fact that something’s medically wrong with her. Gary’s brother Howard arrived for next week’s wedding. David schemed to use Katie's money contacts to buy land that the hospital needs for expansion. Lamont pumped more money into donations as a future lever against Mark. Dan was on Katie and Mark’s tails. Diana and Peter planned an adoption party. Jeff stopped Heather from leaving town and reaffirmed his love. But Heather’s newly arrived cousin, Susan, set her eye on Jeff. Mrs. Grant realized that P.J is really Stephen Lars. Gail resisted Lee’s demonstrations of affection by saying she’ll never love again after what she learned about Greg and Monica

THE EDGE OF NIGHT: April was suspicious of Denise when Charlie died suddenly of a drug overdose. Denise informed Nicole that Miles has a mistress named Winter Austen. Ben Everett, Nicole's boss at WMON, is interested in more than her news reading abilities. Jackson, one of Saxon's cronies, either fell or was pushed from a window after Chip and Raney threatened him. Winter denied being Miles' mistress. Miles convinced Nicole that he loves only her, then he asked Denise for a divorce. Kevin brooded about his impotency. April was released from the hospital. Ben asked Nicole for a date. Deborah was accepted by the police academy despite Saxon's objections. It was revealed that Chip and Winter have a past association. Winter has a police record a mile long and is apparently a hooker. Denise vowed that she'd never grant Miles a divorce. Fearful that Denise will harm Nicole, April warned Denise that she'd expose Denise's involvement in the deaths of Charlie Richmond and Kathryn Dane if anything happens to Nicole. Denise remembered giving Charlie a drug overdose, then she slipped a pill into Nicole's wine. Miles admitted that he feels responsible for Winter's downfall, since his drunken father caused the deaths of Winter's mother and father. After learning that Serena Faraday died of pnuemonia in Greenhaven sanitarium, Mike and Nancy began formal adoption proceedings for Timmy. Nancy became a crime reporter for father Joe's newspaper. Chip knifed Logan outside Winter's apartment to scare him away from investigating Saxon's connections with the crime commission. Logan survived
the attack. Denise's poison plan for Nicole was foiled. Miles agreed to a three-month separation from Denise, at which time he'll file for a divorce. Draper gave April an engagement ring.